If you’re looking for facts about life, dear reader, this post is for you. Here are some facts that rarely, if ever, get a mention.
Some people will argue that this list is subjective. However, in my experience, the facts I offer you today are all true.
Take a look at them all and see what you think. And please feel free to pass them on.
Facts about life (1-20):
- There’s no such thing as easy money.
- If you don’t go for it, you won’t get it.
- You cannot debate with those who despise you.
- Your opinion is just as valid as the next person’s.
- In wanting to appeal to everyone, you’ll appeal to no one.
- Sometimes, the road less travelled is less travelled for a reason.
- You’ll be remembered not for what you got but for what you gave.
- Create your own job, and you’ll never be threatened by layoffs again.
- Life’s tough for everyone, and for many people, it’s very tough indeed.
- Free speech is the right to express opinions to which others may object.
- Rarely do people appreciate what they have until they no longer have it.
- If a lie is repeated often enough, eventually it becomes accepted as the truth.
- Just because it matters to you, it doesn’t mean it must matter to me, too.
- People should be judged by their character and the contribution they make.
- The public will get what it tolerates. An easy life comes at a significant price.
- We live on in the hearts we touched and within the people for whom we mattered.
- You don’t decide your future. You make choices, and your choices decide your future.
- By definition, a fact is a fact, and ignoring a fact doesn’t mean it ceases to exist.
- You won’t find true happiness in material things. Happiness lies in love and laughter.
- Blessed are the young, and those not born yet, for they shall inherit the national debt.
Facts about life (21-35):
- The unquestioning acceptance of fashionable dogma is not the mark of great intellect.
- To believe is to accept unquestionably as fact that which cannot be demonstrated to be fact.
- People will believe what they want to believe, regardless of whether they can be sure it’s true.
- People who demand tolerance from others are frequently the most intolerant themselves.
- You’ll be judged not on what you say but on what you do. Talk is cheap, but only results matter.
- We’re not defined by the circumstances into which we were born. Life can be better if we make it so.
- Your years on this earth will teach you far more than you could learn in any university or college.
- All good ideas are eventually infiltrated and ruined by the attention-seeking few with their own agenda.
- In the po-faced, new-puritanical era in which we now live, we’re losing the ability to laugh at ourselves.
- With gambling, there’s only one winner consistently, and that’s the casino. That’s why they’re in business.
- It doesn’t matter what you do or how well you do it, there’ll always be someone who will criticise you.
- Success is enjoying what you do while having sufficient money to live your preferred lifestyle comfortably.
- Being too nice is not virtuous; it’s naive, bordering on foolishness, and it creates more problems than it solves.
- As long as we’re not hurting anyone else, then how we choose to live our lives is no one’s business but our own.
- If something cannot be subjected to scrutiny and criticism, then it’s probably not a good idea in the first place.
Facts about life (36-45):
- People will always have problems in need of solutions. If you can be that solution, you can make a good living.
- When your opinions run counter to the fashionable dogma of the day, you’re unlikely to get a fair hearing in the media.
- Past wrongs cannot be righted. All we can do is learn from any mistakes made and endeavour to do better next time.
- No job is more important than being a good parent because parents nurture the next generation, and children are the future.
- A promotion at work is not a reward for what you’ve done in the past; it’s an opportunity to show what you can do in the future.
- When everything’s going well and you’re feeling like you can do no wrong, think twice. You’re more vulnerable than you realise.
- We live in a world of Orwellian ‘newspeak’ where we’re expected to accept as fact that which everyone knows is complete nonsense.
- The world is full of Charlatans and con artists, all claiming to know what’s best for the rest of us. They should all be challenged constantly.
- Having a fancy job title doesn’t mean you’re more important than someone else. A job is just a job, and we all add value in our own way.
- We have to deal with reality as it is and not how we like it to be. So, we must protect ourselves and our interests because no one will do it for us.
Facts about life (46-54):
- Extreme political movements are usually a lot of useful idiots led by a few sinister people with an agenda that’s in no one’s interests but theirs.
- We’ll keep making the same mistake until we learn the lesson the mistake was intended to teach us. Life is a classroom, and the lessons never stop.
- A question asked comes with no obligation to provide anything other than a polite response. Remember that should you ever be grilled by the media.
- Remaining loyal to the circumstances into which you were born is not a noble act. Just because you were born poor doesn’t mean you have to remain poor.
- We live in an age when a lack of knowledge or expertise doesn’t mean people will not have an opinion on a given issue that they expect to be taken seriously.
- It’s for us to give our lives meaning. To leave a legacy by doing something that’ll add a little value to the lives of others and make the world a slightly better place.
- If you don’t tend to your own garden regularly, it will be quickly attacked by noxious weeds. Life’s like that too. We must all take good care of that which is precious to us.
- An employer will replace you in a heartbeat, should you pass away, but to your loved ones you can never be replaced. That should tell you where your priority should be.
- History serves as a series of lessons to us all. We cannot be selective about what we include in our history, otherwise, we risk forgetting the lessons and making the same mistakes again.
Facts about life (55-60):
- Drawing attention to injustices, wherever they are, really can make a difference. So don’t be afraid to call out those who seek to harm others for doing nothing other than expressing an opinion.
- To remain silent is to be irrelevant. A quiet life will come at a cost to you. The cost is people with louder voices moving the world in a direction you may not like. Speak up or live with the consequences.
- In a totalitarian world dissenting voices must be crushed ruthlessly or they might influence others to express dissent too. Political ideologues demand subservience and dogma accepted without question.
- If your job can be done from anywhere, then someone anywhere can do your job? So, if a company is looking to reduce costs, in order to increase their profits, jobs will be moved to wherever in the world labour is cheapest.
- Extreme ideology can pass into the mainstream and take hold if we’re all too complacent to stay on top of what’s going on. If we’re asleep at the wheel, life can quickly become a car crash and we’ll only have ourselves to blame.
- If we judge previous generations through the prism of modern sensibilities, they’ll always look bad. They lived in their time and we live in ours. We cannot know what their lives were really like, so we cannot judge them fairly, nor should we try.
Facts about life (61-65):
- It doesn’t matter how good a job you do, others will take credit for your contribution long after you’ve gone, but you’ll be the person responsible for any problems, regardless of whether you actually had anything to do with any of them or not.
- Celebrities are nothing more than skilled media manipulators who profit from the public’s gullibility by constantly maintaining an image with the aim of creating the illusion that they’re something special when in fact they’re nothing special at all.
- The problem with social media today is that far too many people feel the need to express opinions consistent with the latest fashionable dogma currently trending regardless of whether they actually have any significant knowledge of the subject at all.
- Unless your ambition is to secure a job for which having a degree is mandatory, then you’re probably wasting three years of your life and $75,000 of debt by going to university nowadays. You’re unlikely to get a return on the debt you incur, so consider your options carefully.
- They say that those with the gold make the rules. Well, if you’re not being served in the way you feel you should be, then whoever’s providing you with that service can be reminded of the purchasing power you hold in your hands by a simple boycott. You don’t have to accept the unacceptable.
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