An article relating to philosophy sounds like it might prove to be a little heavy, doesn’t it dear reader? You might think I’ll be debating the merits of Plato, Socrates and other thought-leading philosophers. Not today, that’s for sure. My aim today is to consider the idea of your personal philosophy for life and why it matters.
Personal philosophy explained:
What do I mean by ‘your personal philosophy‘?
In this case, I’m not referring to the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence, and philosophical thinkers, past and present.
By philosophy, I’m referring to your mindset, whether it’s positive or negative, and how you choose to see the world around you.
I believe personal philosophy really does matter.
I think how you choose to look at life and the world around you will influence your life experiences to a greater degree than you might expect. It’ll also influence how happy you’ll be.
A simple philosophy:
My own personal philosophy for life is simple.
Firstly I accept the world around me is the world around me. It is what it is. Stuff happens and I have little or no control over most of what happens. That’s just life.
Politicians will come and politicians will go. They’ll promise much but deliver very little, usually.
Philosophically I accept that which I cannot influence directly. I see little point in worrying about any of it. Why worry about stuff you can’t change?
In my experience, people will always look after their own interests first.
That’s fair enough if you think about it because why would they do otherwise? If people don’t look after their own interests then no one else will that’s for sure.
The underlying point here is that most of what’s happening around us is all just noise really. All we can do is work around it.
And basically, that’s what I try to do.
Work on improving what you have to offer:
I focus on my own interests and those of my family and I always do my best to protect what’s mine.
My family will always come first and I will do anything for them. Well, anything that’s legal, at least.
To do the best for my family I recognise that I have to be the best that I can be. To have skills and knowledge that will allow me to add as much value to my work as I possibly can.
So I take personal development seriously. That way the more value I can add the greater will be my income.
I’m a reader and a keen learner and I’m constantly working to add to my skill set and knowledge. Learning for me is a lifelong process, it never stops, and I will keep learning until I no longer have the energy to pick up a book.
Learning is an investment in yourself.
I believe that the better-informed you are then the better prepared you’ll be to excel in your chosen field of work. You’ll also be better prepared to seize any opportunities that come your way too.
Income comes from serving other people:
Let’s face it, dear reader, work is just doing stuff for other people in exchange for money. Through our work, we serve other people.
We work in order to generate income. And we generate income to put bread on the table and a roof over ourselves and the heads of our loved ones.
Whilst work gives us a sense of purpose and adds value to our lives, we should not live just to work. The idea should be to work to live. Well, I think so anyway.
Become financially independent:
We must work hard when we’re at work of course but we must enjoy life with the family as much as possible too. As they say, where I come from, we’ll be a long time dead.
My aim in life is to be financially independent with multiple income streams.
With multiple income streams, there’s a reduced risk of not having any income at all. Not having all your eggs in one basket makes a lot of sense to me.
Master the game of life:
Essentially I see life as a game. And my aim is to become a master of the game of life.
We must look after our own interests because no one else will.
We must be prepared to be ruthless when necessary. By that, I don’t mean being nasty or mean to people. However, if you don’t push hard sometimes, chances are you’ll lose out to those who are willing to make good use of their elbows.
My point is that we can’t afford to be overly sentimental and on occasions, in making the right decisions for us it may prove to be less favourable for someone else.
If that happens, that’s life I’m afraid. We must make decisions that are right for us.
Never lose sight of your own interests:
Sometimes you really have got to be prepared to use your elbows if you’re going to grab your fair share of life’s pie. Don’t be too willing to let other people go first. You might find there’s nothing left for you.
As always there’s a balance to be struck of course but never lose sight of your own interests and never do anything which works against your own interests.
There is no utopian place where all’s well and the sun shines every day. Life’s life. Some of it’s good and some of it’s not quite so good.
However in the end it’s what we make of it that counts. We get out what we put in. There’s no free ride for anyone. On Spaceship Earth we’re all crew.
Don’t let life steal your joy:
All you can do with life is deal with it as best you can.
Enjoy the summers but make sure you’re prepared for the winters too. There will always be winters. Winters always follow summers, so be prepared.
Enjoy the good times and when life gets difficult all you can do is take it on the chin and move on.
Worrying about anything you cannot control just steals your joy and spoils your day.
Life’s too short.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are and most of all enjoy every minute because the years all go by in the blink of an eye. So don’t die before you’ve lived.
And always make time for friends and loved ones. Without them, you have nothing at all.
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