33 Quotes by Robin Williams: No 12 really made me smile

He was such an exceptional talent that I thought it would be interesting to take a look back at some quotes by Robin Williams.

The late Robin McLaurin Williams was an American actor and comedian, as I’m sure you’ll know, dear reader.

He was probably best known for his improvisational skills and the wide variety of characters he created on the spur of the moment and portrayed on film, in dramas and comedies alike.

For me, Robin Williams is probably one of the best comic talents of all time, and his passing was the most tremendous loss to the entertainment industry.

So here are 33 great quotes by Robin Williams, and number 12 made me smile.

Enjoy them all, and then please feel free to pass them on.

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Quotes by Robin Williams (1-15)

Quotes by Robin Williams (16-25)

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Quotes by Robin Williams (26-30)

Quotes by Robin Williams (31-33)

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3You did? I hope so.

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101 Proverbs that everyone should know

There are thousands of proverbs from all over the world. These simple sayings express essential truths and exist in every language.

Most have become clichés, but they’re based on common sense and centuries of experience, and they’re no less valid for their overuse.

Here are 101 proverbs that I think everyone should know.

These proverbs can be very useful when you aim to emphasize a point. So, see how many of them you can work into your conversations today.

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101 Proverbs (1-25)

101 Proverbs (26-50)

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101 Proverbs (51-75)

101 Proverbs (76-101)

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25 thought-provoking quotes about anxiety

Today I offer you some interesting quotes about anxiety.

As human beings, we struggle to deal with uncertainty because it makes us feel insecure, and one of the most fundamental human needs is the need to feel secure.

If we feel insecure, we cannot relax because we are on ‘high alert’ all the time to guard against any perceived dangers or undesirable outcomes.

This can seriously drain our energy and leave us feeling a little nervous and low.

Anxiety is a consequence of dealing with uncertainty.

It’s the resulting stress on our central nervous system. It’s a deep sense of unease that sufferers experience about something that, for whatever reason, really bothers them.

Feeling anxious in times of uncertainty is quite natural.

Yet it can be difficult to cope with for the sufferer because, in the extreme, they can experience panic attacks, a heightened sense of nervousness, and excessive unease.

These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a fast heart rate and shakiness. So it can be an altogether unpleasant experience for the sufferer and not one to be underestimated in terms of the impact it can have on the individual.

When people are suffering from anxiety, they need our sympathy and support rather than our judgement and insensitive demands that they ‘snap out of it‘. If only it was that easy for them.

One technique you can use to contain your anxiety is known as Square Breathing. It’s a simple process.

Here are 25 thought-provoking quotes about anxiety to help readers better understand how the sufferer is affected.

Quotes about anxiety (1-6)

Quotes about anxiety (7-12)

Quotes about anxiety (13-18)

Quotes about anxiety (19-25)

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33 funny quotes about age sure to amuse you

Today I’m exploring some funny quotes about age.

If you’re like me, age might bother you a little bit.

The years go by so quickly, don’t they? Life goes by in the blink of an eye, or so it seems.

We all want to make the most of our time, of course. However, life usually gets in the way, doesn’t it? As John Lennon once said, “Life’s what happens while you’re busy making other plans.”

When we’re young, we have time and energy but no money and few skills.

As we get older, we have the demands of work and family eating up the time we have. And while we have some money, it mostly goes into paying bills.

Then in old age, we have some money, if we’ve been lucky, and we have fewer demands on our time, but we have no energy, and our bodies start to let us down.

Life can be like a cruel joke at times. However done right, life can be fun too. Well, I think so anyway.

Live life while you can, and don’t put anything off until someday because someday never comes. There are seven days in every week, and someday isn’t one of them. If you want to do it, then do it now.

But not before you enjoy these 33 funny quotes about age. I am confident they will amuse you, and they’ll get you thinking about life too.

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Funny quotes about age (1-11)

Funny quotes about age (12-22)

Funny quotes about age (13-33)

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23 quotes by Taylor Swift to inspire you

Today I thought it would be interesting to explore some quotes by Taylor Swift, currently one of the biggest names in music.

Taylor Alison Swift is best known as an American singer-songwriter. She is recognized for her songwriting, musical versatility, artistic reinventions, and her influence on the current music scene.

Arguably, she is one of the most prominent cultural figures of the 21st century so far.

You can’t argue with success. Talent helps, of course, but achieving great success requires much more than talent alone.

If you want to be successful, you’d be wise to listen to what successful people have to say.

That’s why I think it’s important to explore quotes by successful people.

So here are 23 quotes by Taylor Swift, and I hope at least some of them serve as an inspiration for you, dear reader.

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Quotes by Taylor Swift (1-12)

Quotes by Taylor Swift (13-23)

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21 thought-provoking one-liners you’ll love

Today I’m exploring thought-provoking one-liners.

I love a good one-line quote.

They can be powerful and useful when you need to reinforce a point during a presentation or when you’re trying to make your case in a debate or argument.

Here are 21 great, thought-provoking one-liners, all of which made me think.

Enjoy them all.

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If you enjoyed these thought-provoking one-liners, please share this post with your friends on social media. When you share, everyone wins.

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30 great sports quotes to inspire you today

Today I’m exploring great sports quotes.

If success is your goal, listen to successful people, as the saying goes. Sport is one area where success matters.

So listening to successful people in sports has to be a good idea, surely?

So, here are 30 great sports quotes that I hope you’ll love:


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31 sarcasm quotes that are the sharpest form of wit

Today I’m sharing some excellent sarcasm quotes.

They say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but I’m not so sure.

I admire a clever put-down or a few sharp words intended to put someone squarely in their place.

In today’s post, I offer you 31 sarcasm quotes that are sharp and funny, and they made me smile. So I hope they provide you with some ammunition next time you need it.

These are some of the sharpest sarcasm quotes I’ve seen recently, so enjoy them all and make a mental note of the best ones for future use: 

Sarcasm Quotes

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Then perhaps you’d like some more laughs? Then just click on the links below.

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George Carlin’s Top 10 Rules For Success

If you’re seeking some rules for success, today’s post is for you.

If success is your aim, look for successful people and copy what they do. If it worked for them, there’s a good chance it could work for you. This is a firmly held belief, and I refer to it frequently in my writing.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You don’t have to come up with a game plan all of your own. There are plenty of good role models out there. Just look and listen to the good and the bad; the reverent and the irreverent. And don’t forget role models can serve as a warning as well as exemplars of how something should be done. So look around and take it all in.

George Carlin would be someone who would be considered irreverent by those familiar with his work. He’s also very successful in his field. So if you’re looking for inspiration, then listening to George Carlin could be a good start. He will probably make you smile if nothing else. In this video, George highlights his Top 10 Rules for Success, and certainly, I found them inspirational.

This is an excellent series, and this episode featuring George Carlin is well worth a listen. I don’t necessarily agree with everything George says, but he’s irreverent, and he challenges your thinking, and that for me is a good thing.

So I recommend this YouTube video to you. Listen, and it’ll be time well spent, I think. George Carlin offers some great ideas here.

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George Carlin’s Top 10 Rules for Success

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50 wise and wonderful proverbs from around the world

Today I thought it would be interesting to look at some proverbs from around the world.

If you enjoy pithy sayings that express a general truth, then here are some wise and wonderful proverbs from around the world to inspire you, dear reader.

I love proverbs. The more memorable they are, the more inspired I feel by them. I think they’re great to use when you’re finishing off a presentation and you want to reinforce an underlying message.

Now people will often say that proverbs are little more than clichés, but I disagree. Proverbs are the wisdom of the ancients, and they do express general truths, regardless of how clichéd they seem to have become.

So take a few moments to review these proverbs and see whether there are any you can put to good use in your daily life.

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Proverbs from around the world: 1 – 20

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Proverbs from around the world: 21 – 40

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Proverbs from around the world: 41 – 50

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