40 Quotes on New Beginnings: Embrace Change Positively

Today I am exploring some quotes on new beginnings and the importance of embracing change positively.

If you’re embarking on a new chapter, dear reader, dive deep into the wisdom of the ages.

Whether you’re turning a fresh page in your personal story or seeking inspiration as you reshape your destiny, these timeless quotes on new beginnings can be your guiding light.

These are handpicked by your author from some of the great minds and thinkers from the modern era to antiquity.

Each quote provides a dose of encouragement that might just be the catalyst for your next big leap. So, read them all and arm yourself with the motivation you need to embrace change and seize the power of starting anew.

Enjoy them all and, please, feel free to pass them on.


Quotes on New Beginnings (1-10):

  1. It is always good to make new friends. ~Jose Feliciano
  2. The thrill of life lies beyond your comfort zone. ~Joseph Crosby
  3. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. ~Seneca
  4. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
  5. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein
  6. If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. ~John D. Rockefeller
  7. There’s a lot to be said for new beginnings. Going boldly in the direction of new adventures and taking that tiger for a ride. ~Lucius B. Wack
  8. We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. ~Walt Disney
  9. Don’t let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don’t like them. ~Stacy London
  10. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. ~Christopher McCandless

Quotes on New Beginnings (11-20):

  1. Think not the new beginning but the chance to re-energise your life. ~Philomena Mangan
  2. You’ll never get to second base if you’re afraid to take your foot off first. ~Albert Moreton
  3. The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones. ~John Maynard Keynes
  4. It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure. ~Ernie Harwell
  5. When hardships come into your life it breaks you for a while, but when it is done with you evolve into a new person. ~Madalsa Sharma
  6. Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. ~Brian Tracy
  7. I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. ~J.B. Priestley
  8. There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. ~Niccolo Machiavelli
  9. We’re shaped by the challenges we face and our experiences good and bad. Every new experience is a chance to build our character and become the person we were always destined to be. ~Tom Irwell
  10. Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is. ~Bob Feller

Quotes on New Beginnings (21-30):

  1. I shall create a new world for myself. ~Frederic Chopin
  2. Every team you play for, you meet new friends. ~Jonas Valanciunas
  3. There’s always a new challenge to keep you motivated. ~Sean Connery
  4. Each new day has a different shape to it. You just roll with it. ~Ben Zobrist
  5. Every day is a new day, and you’ll never be able to find happiness if you don’t move on. ~Carrie Underwood
  6. Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful. ~Prince
  7. True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  8. The hallmark of successful people is that they are always stretching themselves to learn new things. ~Carol S. Dweck
  9. The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘That’s funny!’ ~Isaac Asimov
  10. Change can be frightening, and the temptation is often to resist it. But change almost always provides opportunities – to learn new things, to rethink tired processes, and to improve the way we work. ~Klaus Schwab

Quotes on New Beginnings (31-40):

  1. Every moment is a fresh beginning. ~T.S. Eliot
  2. The beginning is the most important part of the work. ~Plato
  3. There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind. ~C.S. Lewis
  4. Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. ~Guy Finley
  5. Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. ~Alan Cohen
  6. The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. ~J.P. Morgan
  7. Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you’ll get to where God wants you to be. ~Joel Osteen
  8. Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach
  9. It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald
  10. Starting over can be the scariest thing in the entire world, whether it’s leaving a lover, a school, a team, a friend or anything else that feels like a core part of our identity but when your gut tells you to do it, you listen. ~Jennifer DeLucy

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The Guy in the Glass and why he really matters

If you’re unfamiliar with the poem “The Guy in the Glass,” dear reader, I recommend you spend a few moments reflecting on it now.

I’m sure you’ll know that life’s not a rehearsal. Whether we like it or not, we’ll live it only once.

It seems obvious to me that we must make the most of our time and try to enjoy every moment. That’s a healthy personal philosophy by which I certainly try to live, most of the time, at least.

Enjoying every single moment is not possible, of course.

There will always be good times, but, inevitably, there will be bad times too.

Let’s face it, you couldn’t appreciate the good times without experiencing a few bad times along the way, could you?

Now, I am a firm believer in the notion that you only get out of life what you put in.

If you drift along with little effort and a lot of unwise choices, then your future is likely to be unexciting at best, unless you get very, very lucky.

Whereas making some effort to realise your full potential; deciding what you want and pursuing your dreams with hard work and determination; this approach is more likely to lead to better life experiences.

Ask yourself this question:

The problem with time is that once it’s gone, it’s gone. You can’t get it back. So, surely time is our most precious resource?

The answers to the above questions matter only to you.

You’re the one who must look at yourself in the mirror each day. You’re the one who must look yourself in the eye.

You may fool other people with tales of what might have been, but you can’t fool yourself.

Deep down, you’ll know whether you tried or not. You’ll know whether you made a lot of choices you wish you hadn’t made. You’ll know whether you cheated yourself. And let’s face it, regret lies at the heart of cheating yourself.

So my advice would be, don’t do it.

When you look in the mirror each day, ask yourself some searching questions:

If you’re getting too many negative answers, then perhaps it’s time for some changes in your life, don’t you think?

Reflecting on today’s idea is what got me thinking about the poem The Guy in the Glass, mentioned above.

This poem is included as part of the process Alcoholics Anonymous uses to help its client base.

However, I think it’s relevant to us all, regardless of whether we’re alcoholics or not. The underlying message is that your behaviour should be consistent with the need we all have to be able to look ourselves in the eye.

It is a thought-provoking verse, and, despite its title, the message applies equally to men and women. The glass is, of course, the mirror on your wall. The poem was written by the late Dale Wimbrow in 1934 for publication in The American Magazine:

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33 life lessons learned that are best learned early

Life lessons learned for most of us are learned the hard way. Here are 33 of those lessons that are best learned as early as possible, ideally in your teens or early 20s.

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Life lessons learned:

1. On experiencing life:

Wherever you are, be there. Be present and experience the moment. You’ll remember moments with friends and family all your life, whereas you’re unlikely to remember social media posts moments after you’ve read them. No experience beats having a good laugh with your friends and family.

2. On making choices:

As an adult, you’re free to make your own choices but you must accept any consequences that follow. A wise adult learns to make good choices because the choices you make will dictate the quality of the life you lead. Your choices matter. Make too many bad ones and your life experiences won’t be very good at all.

3. On the future (1):

Where you’re going is more important than where you’ve been. The past was a series of lessons to be learned. The future is where you’ll spend the rest of your life. You can’t change the past but your future has yet to be written, and you’ve got the pen.

4. On the future (2):

The future is an endless stream of opportunities that you can choose to seize, or not. However poor your past may have been, that doesn’t mean you can’t seize new opportunities and exploit them to your own advantage. You can, with determination and hard work. And, never let anyone discourage you from having a go. Better to try and fail than to spend your life wondering what might have been

5. On asking questions:

Intelligent people ask questions. So, never be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand something, or when you need clarification. Better to appear a fool momentarily than remain a fool permanently.

6. On attitude:

The greatest disability in life is a bad attitude. If you’ve got one you’d better change it, if you want your life to improve. Attitude matters. An average person with a positive attitude makes a much better employee than a genius with a chip on his or her shoulder.

7. On fairness:

Life isn’t fair. It never has been and it never will be. We’re all dealt a set of cards in life, and all we can do is play that hand as best as we can. We could get angry about the unfairness of it all or we can just get on and make the best of what we have. The latter approach is much easier on our nerves, in my experience.

8. On bullying:

When you’re having fun at someone else’s expense, remember it may be fun to you, and you may not mean any harm, but for the other person the impact of such an experience can be humiliating, upsetting, and it can cause significant, lasting and often permanent psychological damage to that person. So remember, it isn’t fun at all if it isn’t fun for the other person. If it isn’t fun for them, it’s just bullying. And if you’re bullying, you’re not being cool, you’re being nasty.

9. On judging others (1):

You’re free to judge others if you’re sure that you’re perfect in every way. If you conclude that you’re not quite perfect then why would you expect others to be?

10. On judging others (2):

For everyone, life is a struggle. No one is without problems, despite any external signs to the contrary. We just have to keep going for it’s the only way. Life goes on and we must too. If you’ve not walked two miles in someone else’s shoes, you’re not in a position to judge them. So, don’t.

11. On authenticity:

Authenticity is simply being who you are and not trying to be who you think you should be or who you think you’re expected to be. People will respect you for being who you are. An original is always better than a fake.

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12. On trust:

Trust takes years to build and seconds to break. And once broken the way you’re seen by others will never be quite the same again. Trust is a valuable commodity. Protect it.

13. On reputation:

Never underestimate the importance of your reputation. And if you wouldn’t be happy to read something about yourself on the front pages, don’t do it.

14. On communication:

If you want to tell anyone anything, speak softly and you’ll find that they’re much more likely to listen to you.

15. On success:

No one can ever be a failure but everyone can be a success. Failure is not a person it’s just an outcome you didn’t want. It’s also an opportunity to try again with greater knowledge and experience. Everyone can achieve some degree of success if they believe in themselves, they’re determined and they’re willing to work hard.

16. On priorities:

We all have the same amount of time. 168 hours a week. It’s how we choose to use it that dictates whether we achieve anything significant or not. Time is a resource, pure and simple. So, decide on your priorities and allocate your time accordingly. And just because someone wants a piece of your time, doesn’t mean you’re obliged to give it to them. If it’s not a priority, nor an obligation, just say NO.

17. On watching television:

Few people seem to recognise this but there’s a significant cost to watching television. Not the cost of purchasing the television set or any cable or satellite subscriptions you may have. The real cost is the opportunity cost of your time. That is the time you spend watching television. Time is money and you could be doing something more profitable with your time. Learning something new perhaps or running your own little income-generating side hustle.

18. On qualifications (1):

Most of the work done by most people in life doesn’t require a college degree at all. If you have one that’s great but stay humble. A motivated individual with common sense and decent reading, writing and arithmetic skills can succeed in life without one.

19. On qualifications (2):

You may need a college degree to work for an employer but you don’t need one to work for yourself. If it’s your business, you make the rules.

20. On qualifications (3):

Plenty of people graduating from Harvard will end up working for people who didn’t. So, stay humble. Studying at a top university is no guarantee for career success, nor does it guarantee wealth. A Harvard, Oxford, or Cambridge degree may look good on your CV but five years after graduation the only thing that will matter is what you’ve achieved in the workplace since.

21. On experience:

Doing is by far the best way to learn. The classroom is useful, of course, but nothing beats doing and learning from your mistakes. Making mistakes will teach you lessons that you’ll never forget. And learning from your mistakes will give you that valuable commodity known as experience. Knowing the theory is useful, whereas having experience is essential.

22. On employability:

You don’t sell who you are. You sell what you can do and the value you can add. Every job is about doing stuff for other people and delivering results. What is it you can do and what can you confidently deliver? Before you go for any job interview, make sure you have answers to these questions and make sure you can give examples of stuff you’ve delivered on previous occasions.

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23. On work (1):

Employers can quickly replace you with someone just like you and you’ll be forgotten quickly. So be professional in carrying out your duties, of course, but not at the expense of your interests or those of your loved ones.

24. On work (2):

Make sure you take good care of yourself. Employers will take everything you give and a bit more besides but if you died tomorrow your job would be posted online before your obituary. You’ll be replaced within days and the memory of your presence won’t last long.

25. On making money:

To make money you have to be doing stuff for other people. To make a serious amount of money you have to be doing stuff for multiple people simultaneously, even when you’re asleep. Sounds impossible but it can be done. For instance, serving the many with your digital products, sold online, can lead to great wealth.

26. On sales:

Successful selling is not about tricking people into buying something they don’t need. The art of selling is in proactively finding customers who’ve got problems for which your products can provide the ideal solution. If you can offer solutions to problems, you’ll find customers in need of what you have to sell. Find the right customers and a good product will sell itself.

27. On change (1):

It’s easier to remain as you are than it is to change but unless you change your life will not improve. Embracing change is hard but it is well worth the effort.

28. On change (2):

For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better. You can become more than you are but it won’t happen by accident. It all starts with you saying, I can; I will; and I won’t stop until I get there. And you must make any changes necessary.

29. On finding a life partner:

You’ll find, as you go through life, that Mr or Miss Perfect doesn’t exist. If you’re looking for a life partner, find someone whose faults you can live with. Yes, you’ll need to enjoy each other’s company. And yes, you’ll need to have things in common. However, everyone you meet will have faults of their own, even if they’re not immediately apparent.

30. On children (1):

When you have young children they need your attention much more than your mobile phone does. Your children should be your priority, particularly in the early years. You’re their role model. Be a positive role model and give them all the attention they deserve. The years pass quickly and your children, good or bad, are your legacy to the world.  Social media can wait. Anything less is simply a disservice to your child.

31. On children (2):

Children need continuity and they need boundaries. They need to be brought up with a set of values too. Fail to give them those things and you fail as a parent. Materialism is no substitute for the things that matter most.

32. On your social life:

You’ll never fit into every social group, nor should you try. Just focus on finding a group of people that are right for you. In other words, find your tribe. People that are welcoming to you, with interests like yours and personalities that appeal to you. It’s better to be in the company of people that appreciate your company, rather than trying to fit into groups that don’t want you there at all.

33. On experts:

There are plenty of people referred to as experts whose ideas and recommendations can prove to be stupid beyond belief. Listen to experts by all means but then use your own judgement. Don’t be fooled by people, just because they’ve got an impressive job title. If your instinct says they’re wrong, have the courage of your convictions and act accordingly. Just because an ‘expert’ said it, doesn’t mean you have to accept it.

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55 African proverbs and the wisdom of the ancients

A world of wisdom is reflected in all those common sayings we tend to take for granted. Look around the world, and it’s not hard to find wisdom wherever you go. So today I thought it would be interesting to look at some African proverbs.

I’ve curated 55 proverbs credited with originating from various parts of Africa, and I thought many of them were truly inspirational.

Take a look at them all and see what you think. See how many of them you can work into your conversations with people over the next few days.


African Proverbs (1-20):

  1. He who learns teaches.
  2. A tree is known for its fruit.
  3. A man’s ruin lies in his tongue.
  4. It’s not work that kills, but worry.
  5. A thief does not like to be robbed.
  6. Rising early makes the road short.
  7. Hold a true friend with both hands.
  8. Seeing is different from being told.
  9. He who forgives ends the argument.
  10. Don’t set sail on someone else’s star.
  11. A horse has four legs yet it often falls.
  12. The fool speaks. The wise man listens.
  13. A clear conscience makes a soft pillow.
  14. God is good but never dance with a lion.
  15. He who refuses to obey cannot command.
  16. Peace is costly, but it’s worth the expense.
  17. A lie has many variations; the truth has none.
  18. Examine what is said, not who is speaking.
  19. However long the night, the dawn will break.
  20. The teeth that laugh are also those that bite.

African Proverbs (21-40):

  1. When spiders’ webs unite, they can tie up a lion.
  2. Not knowing is bad. Not to wish to know is worse.
  3. If you’re not going to bite, don’t show your teeth.
  4. One who truly loves you loves you with your dirt.
  5. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
  6. It’s the calm and silent water that drowns a man.
  7. If you and a fool argue, he succeeds.
  8. Do not try to fight a lion if you’re not one yourself.
  9. If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.
  10. Ashes fly back into the face of he who throws them.
  11. When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.
  12. For the beauty of the rose, we also water the thorns.
  13. Never beat a snake when you haven’t seen its head.
  14. The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks.
  15. Character is like pregnancy; it cannot be hidden forever.
  16. A wise man never knows all; only fools know everything.
  17. A friend who frowns is better than an enemy who smiles.
  18. If you’re filled with pride, you’ll have no room for wisdom.
  19. When the mouse laughs at the cat, there’s a hole nearby.
  20. As you do for your ancestors, your children will do for you.

African Proverbs (41-55):

  1. A man does not wander far from where his corn is roasting.
  2. When the roots are deep, there’s no reason to fear the wind.
  3. The rain wets the leopard’s spots but does not wash them off.
  4. Those who pray for rain should be ready to deal with the mud.
  5. Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing.
  6. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
  7. When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.
  8. A child who is carried on the back will not know how far the journey is.
  9. In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges, and the foolish build dams.
  10. An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
  11. The man may be the head of the home, but his wife is the heart of the home.
  12. True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it’s an awakening of consciousness.
  13. People who drink to drown their sorrows should be told that sorrow knows how to swim.
  14. A family is like a forest. When you’re outside, it’s dense. When you’re inside, you see that each tree has its place.
  15. You can outdistance that which is running after you, but you cannot outdistance that which is running inside you.

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Why you should teach your children that failure doesn’t matter

1. What is success?

We all want our children to reach their full potential, don’t we?

We want our children to lead lives in which they’re happy and fulfilled. I’m sure you’ll agree, dear reader.

My definition of success is, “Continually doing the best I can to exploit my full potential while making sure that I enjoy every day as it comes along.”

I don’t want to live forever but I do want to live right now.

There are many things I want. Firstly, I want to enjoy the work I do. I want to be stretched, growing in character and strength all the time. And even as an increasingly mature adult, I remain keen to learn something new every day. If I keep learning, I won’t become old before my time.

My philosophy about life and success I gained from my parents and it’s something I try to pass on to the next generation.

Essentially, my philosophy is that it’s better to try and fail than it is to spend the rest of my life wondering what might have been.

If I try, either I’ll succeed or I’ll learn a valuable lesson. And if it proves to be a lesson, then it will be one I won’t forget. In other words, I can’t lose.

2. There’s no such thing as a failure:

There are two things you should always remember about what we refer to as failure:

  1. There’s no such thing as failure. There are just outcomes you didn’t want and opportunities to learn and try again.
  2. Failure is an outcome; it’s never a person. A person cannot be a failure, ever!

Unfortunately, we often label people as failures, and that label’s burden can become something hard to bear and even harder to shake off.

Parents and teachers can often be guilty of this, however unintentionally.

Teach children that it’s much more important to try and that they should never worry about failure.

If children can appreciate that failure is just an outcome other than what they wanted, they’ll be better placed to learn the lessons and do better next time.

And those lessons learned will be more valuable to children than anything an adult can tell them.

If you tell me the stove is hot, I may not remember. If I burn my hand on a hot stove, I’ll only do it once, and I’ll never forget it. That’s a valuable commodity known as experience.

If we keep trying, we’ll learn, and if we keep learning, eventually we can all be successful.

3. Teach your children well:

The best way to teach children about success is to teach them that failure is not a bad thing. It’s an essential ingredient for achieving success.

Teach children never to fear failure. As long as they learn the lessons, then failure doesn’t matter at all.

So teach your children to have a go and to make sure they enjoy the experience along the way too.

Let them know that either they’ll succeed or they’ll learn a lesson. Either way, they’ll gain, and of course, they’ll grow in character too.

Remember that we can only truly appreciate success if we’ve experienced a few failures along the way. And to fail occasionally helps keep us humble too, and that’s no bad thing, is it?

4. Force for good

If you think about it, failure is a force for good.

Failure is simply a natural part of life and learning. No one starts as a master of their craft. Every successful person starts as a complete beginner.

Everyone fails occasionally, and at any given time, we’re more likely to fail than we are to succeed.

Learning from failure makes us wiser, of course, and it makes us tougher too. It builds character.

Failure is never desirable as such, but it’s very useful. It’s also inevitable, at least sometimes.

The only way to avoid failure is to avoid risks and challenges, and then you cannot learn and you cannot grow as a person. If you never try anything, you can never be anything. And what would be the point of that?

5. Secret to success

The secret to success is to use all your unsuccessful experiences as stepping stones to achieving your goals.

Failure is never final and we should not allow an unsuccessful experience to discourage us or cause us to give up. All too often, people give up just as they’re on the verge of success.

Next time your child gets an outcome he or she didn’t want, reassure him or her that, though it might be disappointing, it’s not a problem, and they should never think otherwise.

Always reassure them that a failure is simply an opportunity to learn a lesson and try again. However, make sure they recognize the lesson to be learned.

Anyone experiencing failure should simply reflect on their actions and the outcome to discover the underlying lesson within.

Then we simply use the knowledge gained to guide future efforts.

Perseverance and persistence will get us there in the end.

Teach your children well, but never, ever allow them to believe they’re in any way a failure. Just encourage them to use the experience of undesirable outcomes to be a bit smarter next time.

Do that, and you’ll prepare them well for their life ahead.

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Some simple advice for young people

Advice for Young PeopleIf you’re looking for some simple advice for young people, then here are some of the things I wish I had known when I was 18.

Learn these lessons as soon as you can. As you travel along life’s highway, I think you’ll find them all useful.

1. Be kind

It’s easy to make judgements about people, and we’re all guilty of doing it, at least occasionally.

The problem is that none of us knows what challenges other people are facing in their lives at any given time. Some people can have very tough lives, and they may be struggling. It’s not always obvious to the rest of us.

So be kind to everyone you meet. It costs you nothing, but it can mean the world to someone who’s facing a particularly difficult time in their life.

2. Value friendship

Our friends and loved ones are our most precious possessions.

Work is important, of course, but it’s not as important as people. If you were to drop dead tomorrow, an employer would replace you in a heartbeat. However, you can’t be replaced by the people to whom you matter most.

So value friendships and family, and make sure you make time for them. Never be too busy working to miss out on spending some quality time with your friends and family.

If you’re ever seriously ill, it will be your friends and loved ones who take care of you, not your employer.

3. Value your time

Now, you’ll often hear someone say, “Oh, I would love to do that if only I had the time.”

And yet we all have exactly the same amount of time, i.e. 168 hours each week.

It all comes down to what we choose to do with our time and how we prioritise those things that matter to us most.

Time is simply a resource like money, although it’s more important than money. You can get more money, but you can’t get more time, can you? None of us can do that, can we?

So you must learn to use your time wisely. Time is a precious resource, so you must develop effective time management skills.

You must recognise that you can’t do everything, but you can be selective about what you choose to do, within reason.

High-value tasks should always take precedence over low-value tasks.

Remember this: the most effective time management tool is the word NO.

Just because people ask you for a piece of your time, it doesn’t mean you’re obliged to give it to them. Be very selective about how you allocate your time.

Think of the word NO as a baseball bat.

Whenever someone makes a request that would not be the best use of your time, then NO is the means by which you can whack that request right out of the ballpark. Always be polite, of course, but be firm too.

Being busy is not the same as being productive. And your aim, always, should be to be productive.

Check out my Top 10 Tips for How to Manage Your Time.

4. Mindset matters

Whether you realize it or not, your mindset matters, and by that, I mean, it matters a lot. When I refer to mindset, I’m referring to how you think, your attitude, and whether you’re positive by nature or otherwise.

You’ll never experience a positive outcome with a negative attitude. And you’ll never, ever impress anyone with a negative attitude either. No one is impressed by negativity, trust me. And no one wants to spend much time around negative people either.

There’s an old saying, “Believe you can and you will!

This is true in my experience.

Succeeding at anything requires you to believe in yourself and believe you can achieve anything you set out to achieve.

Yes, you’ll have setbacks. Everyone does. It’s true; it won’t be easy. It never is. And it doesn’t matter what others think. There will always be negative people trying to rain on your parade.

As long as you believe you can and you’re determined and prepared to work hard, almost everything is possible. Other people succeed, and so can you.

So think positively and take every opportunity to reinforce your self-belief.

And take care of your mental well-being too, by avoiding negative people and all the exaggerated scare stories we see and hear constantly in the media.

5. Never fear making mistakes

The problem with classroom learning is that much of it depends on learning facts and figures and regurgitating everything you’ve memorized in an exam. At the end of it all, you get your certificate, diploma, or degree, but what have you learned? Probably not much, I would guess.

Remember this: memorizing is not the same as learning.

The other way we’re often misled when we‘re young is that we’re told that making mistakes is a bad thing. That’s rather sad because it’s not true.

What you will learn from the mistakes you make is far more important to you than anything anyone can tell you in a classroom. You’ll never forget those things you’ve had to learn the hard way.

Life isn’t called the ‘School of Hard Knocks’ for nothing.

If you believe in yourself and your ability to use your judgement and accept that you’ll make mistakes occasionally, then you can cope with just about everything life throws at you.

Just make decisions to the best of your ability and knowledge, and then, if they don’t work out, just look for the lesson and learn it well.

Despite anything people will tell you to the contrary, there’s nothing wrong with making mistakes because that’s how you gain experience, and that’s how you’ll grow in character. Just don’t make the same mistakes too often.

Making mistakes is how you gain that valuable commodity known as experience, so they’re essential to your personal development.

6. Read more

In the modern age, a good education is essential. That doesn’t mean you must have a formal education, necessarily. Classroom learning doesn’t suit everyone, and there are many ways to learn.

One of the best ways to learn in my experience is to read.

Read all the critically acclaimed novels by the most respected authors. And not just authors from your own country. Read novels from writers around the world. Translations for the best novels are always available in many languages.

Read non-fiction too. The reading of non-fiction is the basis for self-improvement.

If there are subjects that you find interesting, then by reading, you can become an authority on those subjects over time. And becoming an authority is a great way to increase your earning potential.

In my experience, the most successful people are all readers. So make sure you set aside at least 30 minutes each day to read.

Read one book a week, and over the course of a year, you’ll have consumed an enormous amount of knowledge.

And remember, learning is a lifelong process. You must keep learning for as long as you have the energy to pick up a book.

And if personal time pressures limit your ability to consume books, then here are two alternatives to make the process a little bit easier:

     (a) Blinkist:

If you haven’t got enough time to read non-fiction books, you could try Blinkist.

Blinkist is a great way to consume book summaries to get core insights on relevant topics without all the details. And you can read or listen.

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So in as little as 15 minutes, you can gain an understanding of the content of a best-selling book or a popular podcast.

Blinkist is self-improvement done the smart way. So, turn your smartphone into a classroom and your commute to work into a learning experience.

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     (b) Audible:

Audible is another great way of consuming books. With Audible, you get the full book, but in audiobook form.

Essentially, Audible is an online audiobook and podcast service that allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content.

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Audible is another great way to turn your smartphone into a learning tool and turn your dead time into productive time. In your car and when you’re commuting to work on the bus or train, you can build your knowledge or enjoy bestselling novels in audiobook form.

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7. Write more

As a younger man, I always had a problem with writing. I never quite knew what to say or how to say it.

It left me feeling slightly inadequate and believing that this was just something at which I was very bad.

As I progressed up the career ladder, I struggled with the written word for quite a while. I didn’t realise that my real problem was a lack of practice.

However, I’ve learned over the years that the more I practise writing, the better I get at it. I may not be perfect, but I’m a lot better at it now than I was, that’s for sure.

Being able to express yourself clearly and concisely in writing is an essential skill to develop, and the best way to develop it is to practise, practise and practice some more.

Writing is about communication, and communication is one of the most important skills for you to develop if you have any ambition for getting on in life.

Take every opportunity you have to write. Start a blog, write for a magazine, or write to a pen pal; just do whatever it takes.

The more you write, the better you’ll get, I promise you.

8. Practise public speaking

Speaking in front of a crowd, even a small one, can be daunting, especially for the first time.

However, this is another skill best developed with practice.

It’s also a skill that is essential the higher up the career ladder you progress.

So take every opportunity to practise. Read a lesson at your local church, join the Toastmasters, become an after-dinner speaker, or do whatever you can to get plenty of practice.

It’s another essential skill that is best developed early in life.

9. You’re not your job

advice-for-young-peopleWhenever we meet someone new, we’re often asked what we do for a living.

Our response to that question is that we’re a lawyer, an engineer, an accountant, or whatever. This can lead us to think that our identity is defined by what we do for a living at the present time.

And indeed, other people can often pigeonhole us in their perception of us based on what they think we actually do for a living.

However, we all have many dimensions to our personalities, and we’re not defined by our jobs alone.

I may be an engineer, but I’m also a businessman. Equally, I’m a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a cousin, a friend, a blogger, a Samaritan, et cetera.

And I’ve been many things in the past too, including a board director, a student, I’ve worked in retail, I’ve worked in the gaming industry, I was once a school caretaker, I’ve lived and worked in many countries, and so on.

I’m a multidimensional person, and so is everyone else.

We’re the sum of all the things we are, all the things we’ve done, and all the experiences we’ve had.

Our identities are not, and should not, be limited by the job we’re doing at any given time.

10. Learn to manage money

The problem with classroom learning is that very little of what you learn at school, college, or university is of much real use to you once you leave the formal education system.

They teach you about things you’ll never use, and yet they fail to teach you about things that will matter to you in the real world.

Things you’ll never learn at school include:

  • What constitutes a decent income?
  • How to earn a decent income?
  • How to budget to cover your outgoings
  • How to apply for a mortgage
  • What is insurance, what does it cost, and why do you need it?
  • The difference between saving and investing.
  • Asset classes and how to invest?
  • How to build wealth and financial independence.

You must learn how to manage money. And you must learn as much as you can about money as soon as you can.

Being young, it’s very easy for the money coming into your life to disappear as quickly as it arrives. However, I can tell you that mismanaging your money is the way to the poor house. Your primary aim should be learning to manage your money effectively and building wealth.

The building of wealth is the way to financial independence. And once you’re financially independent, you get to choose what you do and when you do it.

11. Know when to walk away

Sometimes things just don’t work out. You try hard to make them work, and you do your very best. However, at some point, you have to recognise that investing any more time and effort into a given activity is simply not the right thing to do.

If something just isn’t working for whatever reason, then it’s better for everyone if you just draw a line under it and move on.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a job or a bad relationship. If it’s making you unhappy, if you just can’t make it work, then you don’t need any other reason to decide that enough is enough.

Yes, your decision may cause some upset at the time, but everyone will be happier in the long term.

Never be afraid to move on when you think it’s necessary.

12. Find a mentor

When you’re young and starting your career, you don’t have to make all the mistakes yourself.

It’s a legitimate strategy to learn as much as you can from the experience of others. I wish I’d found myself a decent mentor early on.

An experienced, non-judgmental, friendly ear with whom problems and their potential solutions can be explored regularly.

Find yourself a decent mentor as quickly as possible.

Having a mentor is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and a sign that you’re willing and able to learn from others.

Learning is a lifelong process. No one starts as the finished article. And anything you can learn from a wiser, older head can only help you navigate the choppy waters of life and work.

And don’t be afraid to ask someone to be your mentor. If nothing else, they’ll be flattered you asked, and they’ll probably be keener to help you than you might imagine.

13. Trust your instincts

Your gut instinct is a better barometer than you might imagine, too.

If it feels wrong, it usually is wrong. Certainly, it’s likely to be wrong for you.

Then again, regardless of anything negative you’re getting from other people, if your instinct says you can do it, give it a go. Chances are you will succeed.

Your gut instinct is your friend.

14. Rise to the challenge

As we negotiate the stormy road that’s life, the challenges we face can often seem daunting. And we can often wish for something a little easier.

However, by rising to the challenges we face, we grow as people. We learn, and we build experience. And as suggested earlier, experience is a valuable commodity.

If we’re solving the hardest problems, we’ll be stretching ourselves as much as we can.

We add value to others and therefore increase our income by solving problems for them.

If you become the ‘go-to’ person for solving the hardest problems, then you can earn a very good living, I promise you.

Don’t be afraid to tackle the hardest problems. You can only gain from the experience.

15. Nurture your network

There’s an old saying that says, No man is an island. Human beings are social animals, and we need each other. Your network of friends and business contacts is important, and it can be beneficial to you.

However, it’s not about take, take, take.

A network must be nurtured, and you must give before you can reasonably expect to receive. By doing favours occasionally, you’ll always get help when you need it.

So value your network, help people when you can, socialise with people, and take the time to build lasting relationships.

16. Schedule some ‘me time’

Life can be all-consuming if you’re not careful. When you have a demanding job and a family, it can all be quite stressful at times.

You can burn out very quickly if you’re not careful.

Work and family are important, of course, but that shouldn’t mean you damage your health and well-being or your relationship with your family in the process.

So make sure you factor into your schedule a little ‘me time’ regularly. And make time for your loved ones, too.

It’s not just a good idea; it’s essential.

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How to declutter your home and improve your wellbeing

How to Declutter Your HomeHow to declutter your home? A common question dealing with a subject most of us struggle to deal with effectively.

Do you have a problem with clutter, dear reader?

Would you like some tips on how to declutter your life?

Clutter is perhaps the greatest curse of modern living. You keep buying and acquiring possessions, but rarely do you have a good clear-out, right?

It’s not easy, of course. We all develop an emotional attachment to our possessions. Certainly, I do.

However, gradually, our possessions are taking over our living space and our lives too, right? And our world keeps getting smaller, doesn’t it?

Clutter just adds stress to your life, and managing all your possessions can be a struggle.

It’s a problem, of course, but what’s the answer?

The answer is to develop the habit of ruthless decluttering.

Do this, and your life will be a lot easier. Keep your life as simple as possible, and you’ll find it a whole lot less stressful, I promise you.

Here are 8 tips for eliminating the clutter in your life:

How to declutter:

1. Personal inventory management

We all have possessions, and most of us have far more than we need. So the active management of your possessions is a continuous process.

Have a regular review of your possessions and be ruthless about getting rid of those things you no longer use or don’t need anymore.

It’s hard to get rid of everything all at once, of course, so just do a little decluttering regularly and as often as you can.

2. The ‘one-year’ rule

If an item hasn’t been used for a year, then you probably don’t need it at all. And if you don’t need it, get rid of it.

Perhaps you could sell it on eBay, at a garage sale, or at a boot sale. Alternatively, give it to a charity shop. However, don’t make the desire to sell it the reason why you hold on to an item.

If you can’t get rid of it quickly, get rid of it anyway.

The point is to minimize the clutter in your life and allow someone else to make use of an item if you no longer can. 

3. Buy only what you need

It is so easy to buy anything now that all too often we buy things without giving serious thought to whether we will use them or not.

For instance, we are browsing online and we see something that looks like an amazing bargain. So out comes our flexible friend, and we purchase the item.

The item arrives a day or two later and goes into our wardrobe, a drawer, or wherever, and it’s then largely forgotten.

The instant gratification we get from making the purchase has largely subsided by the time the item arrives.

We mean to use it, of course, but all too often it never gets used. And when that happens, it is not a bargain at all; it is simply a waste of money.

So before you buy anything, ask yourself a few questions:

        • Do I need it?
        • Will I use it?
        • Can I afford it?
        • If I didn’t have it, would it matter?

Unless you can be sure it meets a genuine need, then it’s better not to buy at all. 

4. Never impulse buy

All too often, impulse buys are mistakes.

So it’s better not to browse online stores or do any window shopping in real stores.

Decide exactly what you need to buy in advance, and then only go shopping for specific items.

Stick to buying only what you have planned to buy because it meets a genuine need in your life. 

5. The one-in, one-out rule

For clothing, especially, rather than having your wardrobe bursting at the seams, each time you purchase a new clothing item, it’s a good idea to see if there’s an old one you can throw out, sell, or give to charity.

Nowadays, you don’t have to throw things away literally. If it’s not too old and still in fair condition, then you might be able to sell it on eBay or at a garage or boot sale.

Alternatively, perhaps you could give it to a charity shop.

Whatever your chosen approach to the disposal of items, you have to be ruthless to avoid holding on to clothing you’ll never wear again.

8 tips for eliminating the clutter6. Don’t form an emotional bond with your possessions

If you throw out an item you no longer use, the world will not end.

You’re not tied to your possessions, and you’ll not experience physical pain should you get rid of them. Once you get rid of them, they’ll be quickly forgotten.

Individual items that you possess are simply a small and unimportant part of you. They don’t define you, and they don’t control you.

They were there only to serve a purpose, and if circumstances have changed and they no longer serve that purpose, then it’s time they no longer played any part in your life at all.

Parting with possessions is not a bereavement. You’ll get over it quicker than you might imagine. Probably within minutes. 

7. Enjoy the freedom

Unburdened by unnecessary possessions, you can enjoy a stress-free life without all that clutter weighing on your mind.

You’ll be able to find those things you need much quicker because they’ll no longer be buried beneath all that clutter. 

8. Enjoy your space clutter-free

Why live in a space dictated by clutter when you can live in a space dictated by you?

You should be the master of your own space. Never be a slave to clutter.

Get the declutter habit and get it now.

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How to Declutter Your HomeIf you found this blog post interesting and useful, then please share it on social media with your friends.

When you share, everyone wins.

Go on, please share it now, and I’ll be forever grateful.

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VOICE OF EXPERIENCE: 45 life lessons everyone should know

VOICE OF EXPERIENCEIf you’re looking for some lessons from the voice of experience, then I’ve been on this earth long enough to have learned quite a few.

Usually, I share these lessons on my microblog, otherwise known as my X feed.

However, today I thought readers might be interested to read some of my more recent observations about life and the human condition.

So here are 45 life lessons I’ve learned, many the hard way, and I hope you find them interesting and useful.

Please feel free to share them with your friends.

Lessons from the voice of experience (1-10):

  1. On Spaceship Earth, we’re all crew.
  2. People believe what they want to believe.
  3. Visibility matters. Personal PR is essential.
  4. We’re all products of the choices we make.
  5. Life is life, and we cope with it as best we can.
  6. You can listen to the wise or let adversity teach you.
  7. You’re not committed to anything until you start taking action.
  8. Don’t underestimate the power of your voice. Your voice matters.
  9. If you don’t go for it, then you won’t get it. Not unless you’re lucky.
  10. Create your own job, and you’ll never be threatened by layoffs again.

Lessons from the voice of experience (11-20):

  1. A question asked does not imply an obligation to provide an answer.
  2. Your future’s yet to be written, but the good news is that you’ve got the pen.
  3. Political power derives from a group of like-minded people acting as one.
  4. Income does not determine your wealth if you keep spending more than you earn.
  5. You won’t regret the things you didn’t buy, but you may regret the things you didn’t do.
  6. Focus on where you’re going, not where you’ve been. What’s ahead is what matters most.
  7. Differentiate yourself from the competition. You won’t stand out if you’re just the same as everyone else.
  8. Your years on this earth will teach you far more than you could possibly learn in any school, college, or university.
  9. What you get out of life will be in direct proportion to what you put in. You’ll get very little out if you’ve put nothing in.
  10. If you don’t use it, don’t let it go to waste. Sell it. Someone else can use it, and you have a little extra money in the bank.

Lessons from the voice of experience (21-30):

  1. A promotion at work is not a reward for what you’ve done in the past; it’s an opportunity to show what you can do in the future.
  2. Just because they seem nice doesn’t mean they are nice. Don’t be too trusting of people you barely know. Trust must be earned.
  3. Ridiculous notions take root because the silent majority don’t have the guts to say, “No! I’m not playing that game.”
  4. Happiness is a state of mind. It’s finding a little joy in everything you do. Life’s challenges are there for all of us. Don’t let them steal your joy.
  5. We’ll keep making the same mistake until we learn the lesson the mistake was intended to teach us. Life is a classroom, and the lessons never stop.
  6. No one is right all the time, and it would be unwise to assume otherwise. So listen carefully to others before deciding on what you think may be right.
  7. If you want to make money, be the solution to someone’s problem. There will always be people with problems willing to pay someone to provide a solution.
  8. Never use other people just so you can feel better about yourself. Help people by all means, but out of genuine benevolence rather than your own self-interest.
  9. When others do unspeakable things that hurt you, the best revenge is to move on and enjoy your own happy life. Show them you don’t need them; it’ll drive them nuts.
  10. Real friends are people you could call at 3 a.m. if you were in trouble, and know they’d be willing to help you. Internet friends are nothing more than digital acquaintances.

Lessons from the voice of experience (31-35):

  1. We all want to be someone or something else, but we can only be the people we are and deal as best we can with the cards life has dealt us. Frustrating as it may be, that’s life.
  2. If society’s direction of travel is not to your liking, then make your voice heard loudly, in collaboration with like-minded people. If enough people speak, things can change.
  3. It’s for us to give our lives meaning. Our aim should be to leave a legacy by doing something that will add value to the lives of others and make the world a slightly better place.
  4. You can eat well, sleep well, get regular exercise, and drink plenty of water, but you’re still going to die. So make sure you enjoy life while you can, and don’t be too obsessed with healthy living.
  5. Never let anyone tell you how you should think. Think for yourself and draw your own conclusions. No one has a monopoly on knowing what’s best. Your opinion is just as valid as the next person’s.

Lessons from the voice of experience (36-40):

  1. Remaining loyal to the circumstances into which you were born is not a noble act. It’s perfectly reasonable to want more out of life. Just because you were born poor doesn’t mean you must remain poor.
  2. Never, ever put anything in print that you wouldn’t want coming back to haunt you later. If there’s a record there’s always a chance that someone could use it against you when it suits them to do so.
  3. In a civilised world, physically attacking people is unacceptable, of course. So when we’re upset with others, we attack them with words. We lob ‘word bombs’ at them in the hope we’ll hurt them that way.
  4. To remain silent is to be irrelevant. A quiet life will come at a cost to you. The cost is that people with louder voices are moving the world in a direction you may not like. Speak up, or live with the consequences.
  5. Those with an unshakable belief in the virtue of their own opinions will never be swayed by contrary opinions expressed by others, regardless of how much evidence is offered in support of those opinions.

Lessons from the voice of experience (41-45):

  1. voice-of-experienceUnkind speech is not the same as hate speech. Much of what is often described as hate speech is just people saying things that are unkind and even deeply unpleasant, but they’re not necessarily rooted in hate.
  2. The game of Monopoly tells you all you need to know about getting rich. Use the money you have to buy assets that will generate income. Use that income to buy more assets to generate more income to buy more assets to generate even more income. Keep repeating the process, and you’ll get rich.
  3. Ideological positions don’t have to be accepted without question. They can and should be challenged. If they have sufficient merit they’ll withstand a challenge. If they don’t, they’ll fall, as they should. Don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by ideologues.
  4. The university system has become a racket. Unless your ambition is to secure a job for which a degree is mandatory, you’re wasting your time and money by going to university. You’re unlikely to get a return on the debt you’ll incur. Consider your options carefully.
  5. Successful relationships are underpinned by friendship, and friendship is a relationship of equals. Both parties must feel they’re getting what they need from the relationship. So before asking, what can a potential partner offer me? Ask yourself, what do I have to offer a potential partner? If the answer is nothing positive, don’t be surprised if you struggle to find a partner.

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40 quotes about life lessons and mistakes to inspire you

QUOTES ABOUT LIFE LESSONS AND MISTAKESToday, dear reader, I offer you a collection of quotes about life lessons and mistakes. Lessons and mistakes go together, and who amongst us has not had to learn a few lessons from the mistakes we’ve made?

Let me emphasise here, there’s nothing wrong with making mistakes if we learn from them, and we don’t make the same mistakes too frequently.

So, dive into this collection and see if any of the ideas expressed here resonate with you. Every quote tells a story. And every quote inspires.

Enjoy them all and, please, feel free to use them and/or pass them on.

Quotes about life lessons and mistakes (1-10):

  1. You may not be perfect, but neither is anyone else.
  1. Look after your own interests because no one else will.
  1. Just because it’s dismissed as a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean it’s not true.
  1. Just because it looks genuine doesn’t mean it’s not fake. That goes for people too.
  1. It’s what we learn from our mistakes that is the basis of that valuable commodity known as experience.
  1. In life, we don’t get to choose the cards we’re dealt. We can only play the hand we’re given as best we can.
  1. Giving is easy but if you need to take it back, that’s virtually impossible. So, be careful what you give, if there’s any chance that you might need to take it back.
  1. Prepare now and you’ll be ready when opportunity knocks. And opportunity will knock, it always does. Life is an endless stream of opportunities there for the taking by the enterprising and fleet-footed.
  1. Dissenting voices matter. Never be afraid to challenge the orthodoxy. You’ll be dismissed as being mad or a bigot but that just means that whatever is in your best interests is not in the best interests of your critics.
  1. You may be angry at the way you’ve been treated. You may feel you have every right to be angry but so what? A chippy attitude will never win over hearts and minds. You’ll catch more flies with sugar than you will with vinegar.

Quotes about life lessons and mistakes (11-20):

  1. You get out of life what you put in. Life’s what you make it.
  1. Together we are strong. If enough of us band together we are invincible. We don’t have to accept the unacceptable.
  1. Those who can only see the virtue of their own opinions will always be keen to silence people seeking to express an alternative opinion.
  1. You can’t train experience. Experience must be gained the hard way. Going out there, doing things, making mistakes, and learning from them.
  1. You can always earn more money, but you can’t get more time. With time, once it’s gone it’s gone. It’s your most precious resource, so use it wisely.
  1. Communication works best when we keep it simple. Complicate it and it can only lead to misunderstandings. Misunderstanding is at the heart of most problems between people. So complicating communication, however well-intentioned, can only end badly.
  1. We all make a living by selling something to someone. In exchange for adding value in some way to other people, we earn money. The more value we add the more we’ll earn.
  1. Just because people don’t share their troubles doesn’t mean they don’t have any. People can be fighting personal battles we know nothing about. So, be careful when judging others.
  1. You can choose to be whatever you want to be, but you must accept that there will be trade-offs. Nothing’s free. There’s always a price to be paid and that price must be paid first.
  1. Never agree to anything that would give a government too much control over your life. If there’s one thing of which you can be 100% certain is that you cannot trust any government.

Quotes about life lessons and mistakes (21-30):

  1. Keep life simple, whenever possible and it is usually possible.
  1. It matters not that you make mistakes, but only how you respond to them.
  1. If you want the best life for yourself, you’ll need to carve it out for yourself.
  1. quotes about life lessons and mistakesIf you don’t define who you are someone else will. Live life on your own terms.
  1. It’s ironic that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, yet wiser people are full of doubts.
  1. You can do a hundred things right, but the only thing others will notice is the one mistake you made. That’s life.
  1. If a politician doesn’t have the guts to challenge anything that is obviously complete nonsense, then that politician is unworthy of high office. Simple.
  1. If you read newspapers you’re going to be lied to, or at the very least deceived. No newspaper ever gives a balanced and unbiased account of anything. They’re all produced simply as echo chambers for their target audience.
  1. In big enough numbers, we all have political power. We don’t have to accept the unacceptable. We can always get like-minded folk together and push back. Never assume someone else will be looking after your interests. That won’t happen.
  1. Ordinary, decent people who think the law is there to protect them are likely to be disappointed. Say something that runs against powerful interests, and it won’t end well, not for you, at least. If you want to go up against powerful people, you’ll need large numbers of people on your side.

Quotes about life lessons and mistakes (31-40):

  1. Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  1. In life, we get the test first, followed by the lesson.
  1. If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not living a full life.
  1. Life is not about how many times you fall, but how many times you can get back up and try again.
  1. Wisdom comes not from never erring, but from learning and growing with every mistake we make.
  1. Don’t be so open-minded that your brain falls out. Sometimes you must accept the truth for what it is, regardless of how other people may feel about it.
  1. Just because people say you’re wrong doesn’t mean you are. Those who believe passionately in their opinions being superior to yours are frequently wrong themselves.
  1. The question is not whether you have the time but whether you’re willing to allocate the time. If it’s important to you, then assign time to it. Otherwise, forget about it and move on.
  1. If you want to know anything about where we’re going as a society then just follow the money. It’s always about the money and who profits. Big money dictates and someone always profits.
  1. Never assume anything is being done for the good of the people. Politicians only ever give serious thought to the concerns of the people when there’s an election on the horizon and they need your vote.

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11 wise sayings about life lessons and what they mean

WISE SAYINGS ABOUT LIFE LESSONSToday dear reader, I offer you 11 wise sayings about life lessons and some observations about what I think they really mean for your life.

I hope you find this useful and interesting.

Wise sayings about life lessons:

1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. ~English Proverb

If you visit a foreign country, with a different culture to that found in your own, then the best way to get along with local people is to respect their culture and their way of doing things.

Essentially it’s all about respecting and adhering to their way of life, as far as reasonably possible.

Respect people and they’ll appreciate it.

Learn a little bit of their language and you’ll really connect with them. They won’t mind if you don’t get all the words and pronunciation completely correct. It’ll probably make them smile a little and they’ll really appreciate you making the effort.

Treat people with respect and they’ll treat you with respect. It’s that simple.

2. Be contrary and be known. ~Arab Proverb

If you want to get yourself noticed then a ‘me too’ approach to life is unlikely to get you very far. When you’re just like everyone else then how can you stand out in the crowd?

If you really want to get noticed then you need to offer something a bit different, surely?

To stand out in the crowd you’ll need to dress differently, have an unusual hairstyle or offer something new.

Go against the accepted thinking of the day and you’ll get noticed.

Suggest something that goes against the received wisdom of the day and people might just listen if you back up your observation with a reasoned argument.

Be different, be contrary and you’ll get noticed.

Back it up with real substance and you will make a permanent impression on public consciousness.

Elvis Presley was like nothing that went before him; neither were The Beatles.

These were people who had a look, style and approach all of their own. They made a genuine impact and they changed peoples’ outlook on life permanently.

In other words, they made their mark and you can too.

3. A beautiful thing is never perfect. ~Egyptian Proverb

There’s no such thing as perfect; certainly not when we are talking about people.

We’re all imperfect in some way.

However, that’s what makes us interesting as individuals. It’s also what makes it easier for other people to live with us because no matter how good we are in some way, there are also ways in which we are not quite so good.

So accept your imperfections. Work to your strengths, minimise your weaknesses and do the best you can with whatever you have at your disposal. If you do that you can succeed.

4. There’s no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out. ~Russian Proverb

How often do people refrain from asking a question for fear that they might look a little stupid? Does that ring a bell with you, dear reader?

We’ve probably all done it at some point in our lives, wouldn’t you agree?

However, it’s rather silly if you think about it.

None of us can know everything, can we? There will always be gaps in our knowledge, that’s for sure.

So if you don’t know something, surely it’s better to find out? It’s better to ask a question, even if you appear foolish momentarily.

People might laugh but so what?

Intelligent people ask questions and it’s better to look like a fool momentarily than proceed in ignorance. You may look like a fool for not knowing but you’ll look like an even bigger fool if you screw up because you didn’t ask.

Never, ever be afraid to ask a question if you don’t know.

That way you’ll learn. Any other way and you’ll never learn.

5. Experience is not always the kindest of teachers but it’s surely the best. ~Spanish Proverb

Education is a wonderful thing, I’m sure you’ll agree.

However, the best teacher by a country mile is the School of Hard Knocks at the University of Life.

Making mistakes and getting your fingers burned teaches you lessons you’ll never forget. And those lessons are invaluable.

That’s what they call experience and experience is a valuable commodity indeed.

Experience is the basis of all wisdom.

It’s also an essential element in finding out what you’re good at and what you enjoy.

And if you can find that sweet spot where what you’re good at coincides with what you enjoy doing then you really will begin to shine. So shine on my friend.

6. Having two ears and one tongue, we should listen twice as much as we speak. ~Turkish Proverb

How often are we so keen to get our point across that we don’t really listen to what the other person has to say? That’s a mistake.

Listening is one of the most important skills you can develop.

To quote Stephen R. Covey, Seek first to understand and then to be understood.”

In order to understand someone else’s point, you must listen first.

Listening is not the same as hearing.

Hearing is simply being aware of sounds going on around you.

Listening is absorbing what is being said and considering it carefully.

Listening requires both your ears and your brain to be engaged in the process simultaneously.

Naturally, you want to feel that your point of view matters.

If you listen to people first not only will they appreciate it but they’ll also start listening to you. If you’re showing them respect then they’ll do the same to you.

By listening to each other we can begin to understand each other.

And if we understand each other we have the basis for getting along together.

So listen more and talk less.

In this way, the world might just become a better place. Let’s hope so anyway.

7. It’s better to die than to live on with a bad reputation. ~Vietnamese Proverb

Some time ago, a friend of mine was working for a retailer and foolishly did something dishonest. The result was that he lost his job and damaged his reputation in the process.

Only when he began to realise how much damage he’d done to his reputation did he begin to realise how foolish he’d been.

Damaging your reputation can have serious consequences and you can often feel the impact of that for many years after the original indiscretion.

So, protect and value your reputation.

It’s one of the most important commodities you have to offer.

Whether you’re in employment or self-employed you’ll always be judged on your reputation. Gain a bad reputation and you’ll be judged harshly.

8. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. ~Greek Proverb

Your legacy in life will be based on what you’ve done for other people, regardless of whether you’ve benefitted from it yourself.

That’s how you’ll be remembered.

A civilised society depends on each of us making a contribution toward the greater good. We cannot just leave it all to someone else.

If you want your grandchildren and their children to enjoy a well-ordered and civilised society then you must be prepared to do something the result of which you may never see. The payoff for you will simply be the knowledge that future generations will benefit from your altruism.

Leaving something that enriches the lives of future generations would be a real and genuine legacy, wouldn’t you agree?

9. God gives the nuts but he doesn’t crack them. ~German proverb

You can’t expect everything to be done for you.

At some point, you have to do something for yourself.

If everything is done for you, you’ll never learn; you’ll never develop new skills, and you’ll never be able to deal with life.

So don’t try to avoid the chore, embrace it with enthusiasm and recognise that it’s in your own best interests to act.

10. A wise man makes his own decisions; an ignorant man follows public opinion. ~Chinese Proverb

Criticism can be uncomfortable, so it’s easy to be swayed by the majority view. However, how can we be sure that the majority view is correct? Perhaps they’re all wrong.

Just because a lot of people think something is so, it doesn’t mean that they have a monopoly on knowledge and common sense.

Rather than simply following the herd, it’s much better to consider a situation carefully, weighing up the various possibilities, and then form your own opinion or make your own decision.

Think for yourself; don’t allow the herd to impose their thinking on you.

11. Every ass loves to hear himself bray. ~Proverb of Unknown Origin

As the old saying goes, empty vessels make the most sound.

However just because someone can talk a good game doesn’t mean they can play a good game.

People who are really good at something will demonstrate it by their actions, not by their words. They’ll leave the talking to other people.

You’ll never impress anyone by singing your own praises.

However, you’ll win them over if you can demonstrate how good you are through the results you deliver.

So go on, show people what you can do.

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