46 Bad jokes that are funny and will make you smile

If you’re looking for some bad jokes that are funny and will make you smile, then here are 46 original jokes, written just for you, and which I hope you will enjoy.

Please feel free to pass them on.

Bad jokes that are funny (1–10):

Bad jokes that are funny (11–20):

Bad jokes that are funny (21-30):

Bad jokes that are funny (30–40):

I started work on a construction site, and the foreman asked me whether I was familiar with boring. “Sure,” I said. “I can be as boring as the best of them.

Bad jokes that are funny (40–46):

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So, dear reader, did any of these bad jokes that are funny prove to be as funny as you’d hoped?

I hope so.

However, there are plenty more laughs for you if you click on the links below. You’ll find plenty of smiles to amuse you.

And if you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read today, please share it with your friends on social media. When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

If you could share it now, then I would be ever so grateful. You’d be helping a keen blogger reach a wider audience.

Thank you for your support, dear reader.

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30 one-line jokes corny enough to make you smile

Here are 30 one-line jokes that are corny enough to make you smile. They’re all full groan but I’m confident you’ll like them. Well, just a little, at least.

Enjoy them all and please feel free to pass them on.

One-line Jokes (1-10):

  1. If an octopus wins the war, does that mean it was well-armed?
  2. If a cow doesn’t produce milk, does that mean it’s an udder failure?
  3. If a book about failures doesn’t sell, does that mean it’s a success?
  4. If you steal a calendar, does that mean you get twelve months?
  5. If a turtle loses its shell, does that mean it’s homeless or just naked?
  6. If a ghost gets lost in the fog, does that mean it’s mist?
  7. If you eat a meal in space, does that mean your food is out of this world?
  8. If a snowman gets angry, does that mean he has a meltdown?
  9. If you eat clownfish, does that mean you find things funnier?
  10. If a mime artist is arrested, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?

One-line Jokes (11-20):

  1. If you try to fail and succeed, does that mean you’ve done both or neither?
  2. If a clock is still hungry, does that mean it goes back four seconds?
  3. If a cemetery raises its prices, does that get reflected in the cost of living?
  4. If you’re addicted to brake fluid, does that mean you can stop at any time?
  5. If a synchronized swimmer drowns, does that mean the rest follow?
  6. If you buy a bigger bed, do you have more bedroom or less?
  7. If an electric car runs out of power, does that mean it’s exhausted?
  8. If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still listen to his iPhone?
  9. If a psychic knows the future, does that mean they can always pick the winner in the Grand National?
  10. If a cloud has a silver lining, does that mean it pays taxes?

One-line Jokes (21-30):

  1. If a pair of binoculars wins the lottery, do they see double the money?
  2. If a mime artist wins an award, does he get a standing ovation?
  3. If a book about paranoia falls off a shelf, does that mean someone’s watching?
  4. If a conspiracy theorist wins the state lottery, does that prove the government is fixing things?
  5. If a chameleon walks into a bar, does the bartender say, “Hey, I’ve not seen you around!”
  6. If a diary loses a page, does that mean it has a short month?
  7. If a vacuum cleaner sucks at its job, does that mean it gets fired?
  8. If a pair of headphones gets tangled, does it mean they’re in a complicated relationship?
  9. If a cloud is crying, does that mean it will rain cats and dogs?
  10. If a lightbulb gets an idea, does it suddenly shine brighter?

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If you enjoyed these corny one-line jokes, please share this post with your friends on social media.

When you share, everyone wins.

So go on, please share it now. If you can do that for me, I’d be forever grateful.

Then, if you fancy some more laughs, click the links below. You’ll find plenty to make you smile.

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39 funny Disney jokes to raise a smile

Funny Disney JokesIf it’s funny Disney jokes you’re looking for, dear reader, then here are some light-hearted funnies just for you.

I hope they make you smile and brighten your day.

If you do enjoy them, please feel free to pass them on.

Funny Disney Jokes (1-10):

  1. What did Mickey Mouse have for dessert? Mice cream!
  2. How does Ariel stay in touch with her friends? Sea-mail!
  3. Why did Mickey Mouse become an astronaut? To visit Pluto!
  4. How did the Genie fit everything into his lamp? With difficulty!
  5. Why was Tinkerbell feeling blue? She was having a fairy bad day!
  6. Why did Donald Duck watch the news? To get the feather forecast!
  7. What did Quasimodo say after winning the lottery? I’m ringing in the cash!
  8. Why did the Disney cat sit on the computer? To keep an eye on the mouse!
  9. Why did Goofy wear two pairs of pants to play golf? In case he got a hole in one!
  10. Why don’t Disney characters listen to the media anymore? They’ve heard enough fairy tales!

Funny Disney Jokes (11-20):

  1. What does Ariel use to call her friends? A shell phone!
  2. What kind of shoes does Mickey Mouse wear? Squeakers!
  3. Why does Peter Pan never get his feet dirty? He Neverlands!
  4. What did Nala tell Simba after he was walking too slowly? Mufasa!
  5. Why did Woody give Bullseye some water? Because he was a little horse!
  6. Why was Cinderella bad at basketball? Because she ran away from the ball!
  7. Why did Captain Hook become a chef? Because he’s great at hooking up a good meal!
  8. Why did Snow White treat each dwarf equally? Because she’s the fairest of them all.
  9. What did Cinderella say when her photos didn’t show up? Someday my prints will come!
  10. What did the postcard say to the stamp at the Disney post office? Stick with me, and we’ll go places!

Funny Disney Jokes (21-30):

  1. 39 FUNNY DISNEY JOKESHow does Ariel like her toast? With mermelade!
  2. Where does Olaf keep his money? In a snowbank!
  3. Why was the broom late in Fantasia? It overswept!
  4. How does the Little Mermaid wash her fins? With Tide!
  5. What do you call a fairy who never bathes? Stinkerbell!
  6. Why couldn’t Mickey surf the web? He didn’t have a mouse pad!
  7. What did Dumbo do before he went on holiday? He packed his trunk!
  8. Why did Goofy bring a ladder to the bar? He’d heard the drinks were on the house!
  9. Why did Daisy Duck say she was always calm? Because she’s never quacking under pressure!
  10. Why do the Seven Dwarfs dance while they play? Because the hills are alive with the sound of music!

Funny Disney Jokes (31-39):

  1. Why wouldn’t Piglet use the toilet? He saw Pooh on it!
  2. What is Tarzan’s favourite Christmas carol? Jungle Bells!
  3. Why did Dopey take a pencil to bed? To draw the curtains!
  4. How did Gaston get the baking job? By egg-saggerating his skills!
  5. What does a Disney princess use to unlock her room? A-riel key!
  6. What did the Jungle Book teach us about bananas? They’re apeeling!
  7. Why did Aladdin go to the bank? To check his balance on the flying carpet!
  8. Why was Eeyore always calm during tests? He knew how to stay relaxed under ass-essment!
  9. Why did Goofy stare at the computer screen? Because he wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!

Please share with your friends:

Funny Disney JokesSo dear reader, did any of these funny Disney jokes prove to be as funny as you’d hoped?

I hope so.

However, there are plenty more laughs for you if you click on the links below. You’ll find plenty of smiles to amuse you.

And if you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read today, please share it with your friends on social media. When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

If you could share it now, then I would be ever so grateful. You’d be helping a keen blogger reach a wider audience.

Thank you for your support, dear reader.

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15 Really Bad Jokes: So Bad They’re Funny

BAD JOKESHere are 15 really bad jokes that will make you cringe and make you smile simultaneously.

They really are so bad they’re funny. Certainly, they made me smile.

So take a few moments to enjoy them all.

And please, feel free to pass them on.

15 Bad Jokes:

  • Cashier in store: “Would you like the milk in a bag”?
  • Man: “No, just leave it in the carton”.
  • Man in a bookstore: Where is the Self-Help section, please?
  • Saleswoman: If I told that sir it would defeat the purpose.
  • Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
  • In case he gets a hole in one!
  • How do you make holy water?
  • You boil the hell out of it.
  • What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
  • Nothing, they just waved.
  • Who’s the king of the classroom?
  • The Ruler!
  • What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they were married?
  • Feyoncé!
  • Why can’t zoo animals take tests?
  • There are too many cheetahs!
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award?
  • Because he was outstanding in his field.
  • What did Snow White say when she came out of the photo booth?
  • Someday my prints will come.
  • Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?
  • Great food but no atmosphere!
  • How many apples grow on a tree?
  • All of them!
  • How do think the unthinkable?
  • With an itheberg!
  • What do you call a blind dinosaur?
  • Doyouthinkhesaurus
  • What does a clock do when it’s hungry?
  • It goes back four seconds!

Please share this post with your friends:

Bad JokesSo dear reader, was this post amusing and worth a few minutes of your time?

If any of these really bad jokes made you smile then please share this post with your friends on social media.

When you share, everyone wins.

It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

Put a smile on someone else’s face now and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, please share this post right away.

Then perhaps you’d like some more laughs? Then please just click on the links below.

Thank you for your support.

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