Funny Jokes

21 silly jokes guaranteed to make your kids smile

Kids love silly jokes, and quite a few adults do too, including me. Whenever I hear silly jokes, I always make a note of them in my journal. Well, they’re always useful for breaking the ice at dinner parties, if nothing else.

Anyway, today I thought I’d trawl through my journal and put together a collection of some of the best silly jokes just for you, dear reader. I hope you enjoy them all.

Certainly, I did, both the first time around and on reviewing them now.

Yes, they’re all very silly but they’re guaranteed to make your kids smile.

Silly Jokes:

  • Why did the ant elope?
  • Nobody gnu
  • Why do skunks argue?
  • They like to kick up a stink
  • How do you arrest a pig?
  • Put it in ham cuffs
  • Why do horses look sad?
  • They have long faces
  • Why do coyotes call at night?
  • The rates are cheaper
  • What animal never gets wet?
  • An umbrellephant
  • What makes a chicken blush?
  • Henbarrassment
  • In what key does a cow sing?
  • Beef flat
  • Why don’t anteaters get sick?
  • They’re full of antibodies
  • How do rodents keep their breath fresh?
  • Using mousewash
Silly Jokes
Silly Jokes
  • What did the parrot say to the spaniel?
  • I’m a cocker too
  • How do you eat an elephant?
  • One bite at a time
  • What sound does a space turkey make?
  • Hubble, Hubble, Hubble
  • Why are giraffes brave?
  • Because they’re always sticking their next out
  • How many skunks does it take to stink out a room?
  • A phew
  • How does a dolphin make a decision?
  • Flipper coin
  • How can you tell if a bee is on the phone?
  • You get a buzzy tone
  • What’s even better than the cat’s whiskers?
  • The bee’s knees
  • What happened when two American stoats got married?
  • They became the United Stoats of America
  • What do you get from a chicken who’s been drinking whisky?
  • Scotch eggs
  • What’s goes through a fly’s mind on impact with your windscreen?
  • Its ass

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So dear reader, was this post amusing and worth a few minutes of your time?

If any of these silly jokes made you smile then please share them with your friends on social media.

When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

Put a smile on someone else’s face and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, share now.

Then perhaps you’d like more laughs? Then just click on the links below.

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19 funny jokes to tell your friends

Today I thought you might appreciate some funny jokes to tell your friends.

You’ll always have friends if you can entertain people and tell a joke or two. We all love to laugh, and someone amusing is immediately likeable. So, to be likeable, always have a few jokes in your back pocket.

If you want to make your friends smile, here are 19 funny jokes to tell your friends. Enjoy them all.

And please feel free to pass them on.

Make Money

Funny jokes to tell your friends (1-10)

Make Money

Funny jokes to tell your friends (11-19)

Make Money

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So, dear reader, did you enjoy these funny jokes to tell your friends? Were they as good as you’d hoped? Were they worth a few minutes of your time?

I hope so. If they did make you smile, then please share this post with your friends on social media.

When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

Put a smile on someone else’s face, and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, please share this post now.

Then perhaps you’d like some more laughs? If so, just click on the links below.

Articles you might enjoy:

This hilarious joke is guaranteed to make you laugh

We all must laugh at least once daily, wouldn’t you agree? Well, dear reader, if you’ve yet to laugh today, I think this hilarious joke will just be what you need.

This is a joke guaranteed to make you laugh, and it’s one you can tell in the office without worrying about offending people.

So go on, take a minute, and enjoy it.


Hilarious Joke:

Standing up to the Angels:

A man dies and suddenly finds himself standing in line at the Pearly Gates waiting for St Peter.

With a cloud-connected iPad in his hand, St Peter is checking the details of each individual standing in line to decide whether they’ve done enough to pass through the gates into Heaven.

When the man gets to the front of the queue, St Peter looks at him and says, “Name please?

I’m Jim Thompson”, says the man.

Hello Jim”, says St Peter, “Can you tell me what you did for a living please?

Jim hesitated momentarily before saying, “Unfortunately I was out of work and living on welfare.

Hmmmmm”, says St Peter rubbing his chin. “Have you done anything recently that has benefited your fellow human beings?

Jim thought for a minute, and then he said, “Well, when I saw a group of Hells Angels abusing a pretty girl in the street, I walked right up to the ringleader, and getting right into his personal space, nose to nose, looking him dead in the eye, I said to him, ‘You show that girl some respect, boy or you and I will have to sort it out man to man’.”

St Peter tapped something into his iPad and considered the response momentarily. Then he said to Jim, “I’m afraid there’s nothing in your records to confirm what you’ve said. When did it happen?

About five minutes ago”, said Jim.


Please share this joke:

If you enjoyed this hilarious joke, dear reader, then please share it on social media with your friends.

Share the fun, and everyone wins.

Put a smile on someone else’s face and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, share now.

And if you fancy some more laughs then click on the links below. You’ll find plenty to make you smile.

Articles you might enjoy:

© Mann Island Media Limited 2025. All rights reserved.

10 Best Jokes You’ll Read Today

Looking for some of the best jokes you can find, dear reader?

Then take a look at these 10 little gems that I’ve curated today, just for you.

I do hope you enjoy them all.

And, if you do, please feel free to share them


Best Jokes:

1. Honest assessment:

Despite appearing to be good citizens, Jack and Jim were brothers who’d lived their lives on the wrong side of the law, and both could be deeply unpleasant when they had to be.

However, they’d both amassed great wealth and they used their money to hide their criminal ways from the public eye. They even both attended St Patrick’s Church to make themselves look virtuous within the local community.

Eventually, the parish priest retired, and a new priest joined the church.

The new priest, Father O’Malley was a clever man, and he wasn’t fooled when it came to Jack and Jim. He could see the brothers for what they were. He was also a man who was both honest and forthright with his views.

Father O’Malley’s honesty with parishioners was appreciated within the community and very quickly attendance at the church started to grow.

Before long a fund-raising campaign had to be started for repairs to the church roof.

Around this time, Jack passed away suddenly.

In making the funeral arrangements, Jim approached Father O’Malley and said he’d like to pay for the church roof in memory of his brother.

I’ve just one condition,” said Jim. “When reading the eulogy, you must begin by saying that my brother was a saint. As long as you say that the money’s yours.

Well, the church roof was in desperate need of repair, so naturally, Father O’Malley agreed.

I will say he’s a saint,” said the normally candid Father O’Malley, and with that, he took Jim’s money.

A week later at the funeral, after some prayers and a hymn, Father O’Malley stood up to read the eulogy.

Dearly beloved we’re gathered here today to reflect on Jack’s life”, Father O’Malley began. “Jack was a saint,” he said and then paused momentarily.

Well, he was when compared with his brother,” Father O’Malley continued. “Beyond that, he was a deeply unpleasant man who cheated on his wife, abused his family and robbed and swindled many people out of their hard-earned money.”

2. On the beach:

Mary was a grandmother who’d taken her grandson Oliver to the beach.

She was sitting reading as Oliver was playing in the sand.

Suddenly, a huge wave crashed onto the shore and, as it receded, it carried Oliver out to sea.

Well, Mary was distraught, naturally.

She looked up to the heavens with her hands together, as if in prayer, and said, “Please God, save my only grandson. I beg you! My life would have no meaning without him. Please bring him back.”

Well, as she said that another wave crashed onto the shore and young Oliver was washed back up on the sand. He was fine and no harm had come to him.

However, Mary raised her eyes to the heavens once again and said, “He was wearing a hat!

3. No hiding place:

Two guys, Pete and Bill, find themselves standing in line at the Pearly Gates, waiting to see whether they’ll be admitted to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Well, the line is long, so naturally, they start talking to each other, as they wait their turn.

Pete asked Bill how he’d died.

I was frozen to death,” said Bill. “How about you?

I had a heart attack,” said Pete.

Wow! So, how did that happen?” asked Bill.

Well, to be honest, I suspected my wife was cheating on me,” Pete responded. “So, I made sure I got home early from work. I ran upstairs only to find my wife sleeping by herself. Then I ran back downstairs and looked in all the places around the house I thought her lover could be hiding. And as I was running back up the stairs again, I had a heart attack.

Wow, that really is ironic,” said Bill.

Why?” asked Pete.

Well, if only you’d looked in the freezer, said Bill, “then neither of us would be here now.


4. The worm experiment:

Miss Benes stood in front of her 4th Grade class and welcomed the children to their science lesson.

She then took four glasses and filled them respectively with brandy, wine, beer, and water.

She waited momentarily to give the children a chance to think about what she was doing. Then she distributed four worms, one into each of the glasses.

With that, she explained to the children that they would leave the glasses overnight and observe the results the following morning.

The following morning, she gathered the children together again to observe the state of the glasses.

When they looked, all the worms had died, except the one in the glass filled with water.

Right, children,” said Miss Benes. “What can we learn from the results of this experiment with the worms?

From the back of the class, little Johnny’s hand shot up, immediately.

Well, Miss,” said little Johnny, “It’s obvious from the experiment that if we only drink brandy, wine or beer, then we won’t get worms!

5. Visit to the doctor:

Jeff goes to see his doctor.

What seems to be the problem?” asks Dr Wilson.

Well, I’m not quite sure how best to describe it, doctor,” Jeff responds. “It might be easier if you hold your stethoscope to my thigh and just listen.

Dr Wilson is slightly puzzled by this suggestion, but he complies with Jeff’s request.

However, when he holds his stethoscope to Jeff’s thigh, he can hear a little voice saying, “Hey man, can I borrow $20? I just need $20 to get me to the end of the week.”

Dr Wilson steps back with a puzzled look on his face.

Right,” says Jeff, “now hold your stethoscope to my knee.”

Once again, the doctor does as he’s asked.

This time he can hear the same little voice saying, “Hey man, can I borrow $10? I just need $10 to get me to the end of the week.

Once again, Dr Wilson steps back with a puzzled look on his face.

Jeff looks at him and says, “That’s weird, isn’t it, doctor? Now take a listen to my shin.

Again, the doctor does as Jeff asks and he hears the same little voice saying, “Hey man, can I borrow $2? I just need $2 to get me to the end of the week.

Once again, Dr Wilson steps back with a puzzled look on his face. He thinks momentarily and then the answer dawns on him.

Ah, now I see,” says Dr Wilson.” Your problem is obvious. Your leg is broke in three places.

6. Polar bear pun:

A polar bear couple, Nanook and Mishka, are relaxing in the vast tundra in northern Canada.

They are starting to get a bit bored when Nanook has an idea.

When Mishka isn’t looking, Nanook flicks her ear and then starts running away yelling: “You’re too slow, Mishka, you can’t catch me!

Naturally, Mishka is annoyed, and she starts chasing Nanook.

Nanook keeps running away, whilst still taunting Mishka, “Oh, you’re so slow, you wouldn’t even be able to catch my grandma!

Mishka is getting even more annoyed, so she keeps chasing Nanook.

This goes on for a while until Nanook arrives at the frozen lake. Looking back, he yells, “You’re slow and fat, Mishka. You wouldn’t even be able to get out on this lake!

At this point, Mishka really has had enough. Finally, she yells, “Careful Nanook, you’re on thin ice!

7. An early lesson:

Little Johnny comes crying to his mom.

What’s the matter, Johnny?” asks mom.

Mom, Lindy pulled my hair,” Johnny responds.

Oh, Johnny,” says his mom. “Don’t be angry. Your little sister doesn’t realise that pulling hair hurts.

A short while later, mom hears more crying, so she investigates.

She realises it’s her daughter crying, and she heads for her bedroom, only to meet little Johnny walking out of the door.

Little Johnny looks at his mom and then says, “Right, she knows now!


8. Confession:

A Jewish guy goes into a confessional box at St Brendan’s Church.

Father O’Driscoll,” he says, “I’m Yossi Cohen and I’m seventy-eight years old. Believe it or not, I’m currently enjoying lovemaking with both a twenty-eight-year-old girl and her nineteen-year-old sister. We engage in all manner of pleasure, and in my entire life I’ve never felt better.

Well, I know that people have their needs,” said Father O’Driscoll in response, “but surely, as a Jewish man, you’ve come to the wrong place? Why are you telling me?

I’m telling everybody!” Yossi Cohen responded with a beaming smile.

9. Getting even:

Jim was the CEO of a major corporation, so naturally, he was a man with a big ego.

Anyway, his busy lifestyle catches up with him and he finds himself spending some time in the hospital.

Well, he becomes very unpopular with the nurses, as he bosses them around as he does with his employees. Nothing’s good enough for him, and so none of the hospital staff wants to have anything to do with him.

Now, the head nurse is a wily old bird who’s dealt with plenty of difficult patients in her time.

Recognising he’s becoming a pain in the ass for her team, she decides to act.

She walks into his room and says to him, “Right sir, I have to take your temperature.

Well, Jim’s not happy, as it’s inconvenient, given he’s busy responding to business emails on his iPhone.

He spends several minutes complaining, but the head nurse is having none of it.

Sir, I’m sorry but it has to be done and it has to be done now,” says the head nurse.

Eventually, Jim gives in and opens his mouth in compliance.

No sir, I’m sorry,” says the head nurse, “but for this reading, I have to use an anal thermometer.

Once again, Jim started complaining, but eventually, he could see he wasn’t getting anywhere, so he rolled over and bared his ass.

He felt the nurse insert the thermometer, then he heard her announce, “I have to get something. Now you stay JUST LIKE THAT until I get back!

With that she left his room, leaving the door open on her way out.

Jim curses under his breath as he can hear people walking past his door and laughing. After about an hour, his doctor arrives.

What’s going on here?” asks the doctor.

Angrily, Jim responds, “What’s the matter, Doc? Haven’t you ever seen someone having their temperature taken before?

After a pause, the doctor replies, “Yes, of course, but not with a daffodil!

10. The circus opportunity:

A duck walks into a bar and orders a beer and a club sandwich.

The bartender looks at him and says, “Hold on a minute! You’re a duck.”

Well, your eyes are working then,” the duck responds with a smile.

And you can talk!” the bartender continues.

Your ears are working, too,” says the duck. “Now if you don’t mind, can I have my beer and sandwich please?

Certainly!” says the bartender. With that, he serves the duck a beer.

It’s just that we’ve never had a duck in this bar before,” the bartender continues. “What are you doing round this way?

You see that building being built across the street?” the duck responds, pointing towards the window.

The bartender nods in response.

Well, I’m working on that project,” explains the duck. “I’m a plasterer.”

Well, the bartender is struggling to comprehend what he’s just heard but he takes the hint when the duck pulls out a newspaper from his bag and proceeds to read it.

The duck sits quietly drinking his beer, eating his sandwich, and reading his newspaper. When he’s finished, he bids farewell to the bartender and leaves.

The same thing happens every day for the next two weeks. Then one day the circus comes to town.

The circus ringmaster walks into the bar for a drink and the bartender says to him “You’re with the circus, aren’t you? Well, I know this duck that could be just brilliant in your circus. He talks, drinks beer, eats sandwiches, reads the newspaper, and everything!

That sounds interesting,” says the ringmaster, handing over his business card. “Ask him to give me a call.”

The very next day, the duck walks into the bar and the bartender says, “Hey buddy, I reckon I can line you up with a top job, paying really good money.

Well, I’m always looking for new opportunities,” says the duck. “What is this job?”

It’s with the circus,” says the bartender.

The circus?” the duck responds quizzically.

That’s right,” replies the bartender.

The circus?” the duck asks again. “That place with the big tent?

Yeah, that’s right,” says the bartender.

With animals who live in cages and performers who live in caravans?” the duck continued.

Yes, of course,” the bartender replies.

With a tent that’s made from canvas, with a big canvas roof and a hole in the middle?” the duck persists.

Yeah, that’s right!” says the bartender.

The duck shakes his head, looking slightly bewildered, and then asks, “What the hell would they want with a plasterer?


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So dear reader, were these the best jokes you’ve read today? Were they worth a few minutes of your time?

I hope so. If they did make you smile then please share this post with your friends on social media.

When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

Put a smile on someone else’s face and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, please share this post now.

Then perhaps you’d like some more laughs? Then just click on the links below.

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© Mann Island Media Limited 2025. All rights reserved.*

3 Really funny jokes to tell your friends today

If you want people to like you, then always have a funny joke to make them laugh. Here are some very funny jokes to tell your friends today.

They all made me laugh, and I hope they’ll make you and your friends laugh too.

Enjoy them all.


Funny jokes to tell your friends:

1. The infected thumb:

Bill’s away from home on a business trip and, as he’s on expenses, he decides he’ll have a nice three-course meal in a restaurant.

He takes his seat at the table, exchanges a little conversation with the waitress, places his order and then relaxes with a glass of red wine waiting for his food to arrive.

It’s not long before the waitress brings him a nice, warm bowl of clam chowder with crackers. However, he can’t help but notice that her thumb is sticking in the chowder. He’s not happy but he lets it go.

A little later, the waitress arrives with a plate filled with delicious Spaghetti Carbonara but once again, her thumb is immersed in the spaghetti. Again, Bill’s not happy but he lets it go.

Then as he’s looking forward to his dessert, the waitress returns with some hot apple pie, but once again her thumb is sticking in Bill’s food.

Mam”, says Bill angrily, “every time you bring my food your thumb’s sticking in it. Why is that?

Oh I am so sorry sir”, the waitress responds, “but my thumb has an infection and my doctor says I must keep it warm and moist at all times.

Disgusted by what he’s hearing, Bill snaps angrily, “Well, why don’t you just stick it up your ass?

Sheepishly the waitress replies, “Where do you think I’ve been putting it when I’m in the kitchen?


2. The fishing trip:

Four married men are going on a weekend fishing trip.

They’re exchanging banter in the car on the way to the lake when Jim says, “Guys, you’ve no idea what I had to do to persuade my wife to agree to me joining you on this trip. I’ve had to promise to redecorate the living room and our bedroom next weekend.

That’s nothing”, says Mike. “I had to promise my wife that I would build a new deck around the pool area next weekend.

You both had it easy”, says Ed. “I had to promise my wife that I’d buy her a new kitchen, as well as pay for her to go fashion shopping in Milan, Italy with her friends next summer.

They carry on down the highway laughing and joking, but then they realize their friend Vic has yet to say anything.

Hey Vic”, says Jim, “what did you have to do to get the green light to come with us on this fishing weekend?

Not much really”, says Vic, “I just set the alarm for 5.30 am. When it went off, I tapped my wife on the shoulder and said, ‘will you make love with me or should I go fishing?’ to which she responded, ‘take a warm sweater with you, dear.’”

3. The well and the goat:

Two friends, Bert and Mack were out walking one day when they came across an old abandoned well.

Naturally, they were curious as to how deep this well might be, so they dropped a stone down it and listened for the sound of the stone hitting the bottom. But they didn’t hear anything.

So they found a much larger rock and then dropped that down the well but still, they didn’t hear anything.

Clearly, this was a very deep well and they needed something much, much bigger if they were going to hear anything at all.

So Bert and Mack searched around for a while and eventually they found a section of railroad track leaning up against a wall.

This’ll be perfect”, said Bert.

So between them, they lifted this heavy piece of cast iron and with great effort managed to carry back to the well and drop it down the hole.

As they stood back to listen, a goat suddenly flashed past their eyes and went straight down the well too.

Bert and Mack were still recovering from the shock resulting from what they’d just seen when a farmer appeared.

Have you boys seen a goat?” asked the farmer.

Yes”, said Mack, “a goat has just jumped down this well.”

No, that couldn’t have been my goat”, said the farmer. “Mine was tethered to a heavy length of railroad track.


Please share this post:

So dear reader, were these funny jokes to tell your friends as amusing as you’d hoped? Were they worth a few minutes of your time?

I hope so. If they did make you smile then please share this post with your friends on social media.

When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

Put a smile on someone else’s face and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, please share this post now.

Then perhaps you’d like some more laughs? Then just click on the links below.

Thank you for your support.

Articles you might enjoy:

© Mann Island Media Limited 2025. All rights reserved.


Silly Christmas Cracker Jokes: 30 that are so bad they’re funny

Dear reader, do you enjoy Christmas cracker jokes?

Those corny jokes and puns you look for, having pulled your Christmas cracker?

Well, I cannot lie; I love them.

So, I have collected 30 of the best ones, which I hope you will find amusing.

Whether Christmas is an occasion you will be celebrating or not, I do hope one or two of these silly jokes will make you smile.

Enjoy them all.

And please feel free to share them.

Christmas cracker jokes (1-15):

  1. What is white and minty? A polo bear!
  2. When is a boat just like snow? When it’s adrift.
  3. What goes Ho, Ho, Ho, thump? Santa laughing his head off.
  4. How do snowmen get around? They ride an icicle!
  5. What do you call an obnoxious reindeer? Rude-olph!
  6. What did Santa say to his wife? It’s going to reindeer!
  7. Why did Santa go to the doctor? Because of his bad elf.
  8. What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? Tinsilitis!
  9. What do Santa’s little helpers learn at school? The elf-abet!
  10. What does Miley Cyrus prefer for Christmas dinner? Twerky!
  11. What do you call Santa’s little helpers? Subordinate Clauses!
  12. What is Santa’s favourite place to deliver presents? Idaho-ho-ho!
  13. What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective? Santa Clues!
  14. What did Adam say the day before Christmas? “It’s Christmas, Eve!”
  15. What did Santa do when he went speed dating? He pulled a cracker!

Christmas cracker jokes (16-30):

  1. Why did Santa’s little helper lack confidence? Because he had low elf esteem!
  2. What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus!
  3. What do you call Santa when he forgets to wear his underpants? Saint Knickerless!
  4. Why did the turkey cross the road? Because it was the chicken’s day off!
  5. What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney? Claus-trophobia!
  6. What did Santa say to the smoker? Please don’t smoke, it’s bad for my elf!
  7. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite!
  8. Why was the snowman rummaging in a bag of carrots? He was picking his nose.
  9. Why did no one bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on eBay? Because they were two deer!
  10. Why couldn’t the skeleton go to the Christmas Party? Because he had nobody to go with!
  11. What do you get when you cross a pine cone and a polar bear? A fur tree!
  12. What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby? Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer!
  13. How did Mary and Joseph know Jesus’ weight when he was born? They had a weigh-in a manger!
  14. What did Mrs Claus say to Santa Claus when she looked up at the sky on the night of Christmas Eve? Looks like rain, dear!
  15. Why did Santa say that sprouts shouldn’t be our vegetable of choice on Christmas Day? All he was sayin’ was give peas a chance!

Please share this post with your friends:

So, dear reader, was this post worth a little piece of your time? Did you enjoy reading it? Did any of the Christmas cracker jokes make you smile?

If you enjoyed this article, then please share it with your friends on social media.

People do enjoy groaning at Christmas cracker jokes, so go on, please share this post now.

If you could share this post, then I’d be forever grateful. You’ll be helping a keen blogger reach a wider audience.

Thank you.

And before I go, allow me to offer my best wishes to everyone who will be celebrating Christmas. I hope your Christmas is filled with the love of family and friends.

And to those for whom December 25th will be just another working day, I hope wherever you are, your life is peaceful, safe, and prosperous, and I hope 2025 proves to be all you’d like it to be.

Articles you might enjoy:

© Mann Island Media Limited 2024. All rights reserved.

21 silly jokes guaranteed to make you laugh

If jokes that are just slightly silly appeal to you, then here are 21 silly jokes guaranteed to make you laugh.

These are the sort of jokes you’d find in Christmas crackers. Corny, but you can’t help laughing at them. Well, groaning anyway.

Certainly, they all made me smile, and I hope you enjoy them too, dear reader.

Take a few moments to enjoy them, and then please feel free to pass them on.

Silly Jokes:

Please share this post:

So dear reader, was this post amusing and worth a few minutes of your time?

If any of these silly jokes made you smile then please share this post with your friends on social media.

When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

Put a smile on someone else’s face and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, please share this post now.

Then perhaps you’d like some more laughs? Then just click on the links below.

Thank you for your support.

Other articles you’ll enjoy:

© Mann Island Media Limited 2024. All rights reserved.

3 humorous stories that’ll brighten your day a little

HUMOROUS STORIESIf you’re looking for some funny jokes in the form of humorous stories then I’ve got three great ones for you today, dear reader.

I’m confident you’ll enjoy them all.

So grab a coffee, relax and take an unofficial break from the pressures of the day to enjoy them all.

And please feel free to pass them on.

Humorous Stories:

1. Fly Southwest:

Little Johnny was looking out of the plane’s window enjoying the experience of his first flight.

Deep in thought he suddenly turned to his mother and asked, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?

Well his mother was a little perturbed by this question and she struggled to think of an answer, so she said, “Johnny why don’t you ask the flight attendant?

Little Johnny was not a child lacking in confidence, so he walked down the aisle and politely said to the flight attendant, “Excuse me, mam, if big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?

The flight attendant had heard it all before of course but she smiled sweetly at Johnny and then asked, “Did your mom tell you to ask me that?

Little Johnny returned her smile and said, “Yes mam, she did.”

Well“, said the flight attendant, “you can tell your mom that there are no baby planes because Southwest always pulls out on time. You can ask your mom to explain that to you.

2. Voluntary donations:

Jim was driving home from the office one day when he found himself stuck in traffic because all the cars ahead of him had come to a complete standstill on the freeway. Nothing was moving at all.

Suddenly Jim noticed that there was a police officer walking down the line of traffic and approaching the car in front.

So Jim got out of his car and asked the police officer why there was a problem.

Sir I’m so sorry for the inconvenience but the city’s Mayor is sitting in the middle of the road ahead and he’s in a state of extreme agitation,” said the police officer.

He says he’s deep in debt and he’s threatening to douse his body with gasoline and then set fire to himself,” the police officer added.

So what are you doing?” asked Jim.

I’m going from car to car asking for donations,” the police officer responded.

And how much have you collected so far?” Jim inquired.

Well sir,” said the police officer, “we’ve only just started but drivers ahead have given us fifteen gallons so far and other drivers are still siphoning as we speak.

3. Bubba’s tragic demise:

Sadly, Bubba was killed in suspicious circumstances in a terrible fire, suffering severe burns that left him completely unrecognizable.

In order to identify the body formally, the Los Angeles County medical examiner called in Bubba’s two close friends Jim-Bob and Joe-Bob.

The medical examiner showed Jim-Bob the body and he responded with a sharp intake of breath and then said, “Oh jeez, he’s burnt to a crisp. Could you roll him over please sir?

So the medical examiner rolled the body and Jim-Bob responded immediately saying, “No sir, that ain’t Bubba.”

Are you sure?” said the medical examiner.

Yes sir, I’m sure,” Jim-Bob responded, “but you can ask Joe-Bob if you like.

So Joe-Bob was brought into the mortuary and shown the body.

“Jeez,” said Joe-Bob, “he’s burnt to a crisp. Could you roll him over please sir?

Though puzzled to receive this request once again, the medical examiner dutifully obliged and rolled the body.

Joe-Bob paused momentarily and then said, “No sir, that ain’t Bubba.”

The medical examiner was mystified by this turn of events. So he asked, “How can you possibly tell that it isn’t Bubba just by rolling him over?

Well sir,” said Joe-Bob, “Bubba had two assholes.”

What do you mean, he had two assholes?” exclaimed the medical examiner.

Yes sir, everyone knew that around here,” said Joe-Bob.

How do you know?” the medical examiner asked.

To which Joe-Bob responded, “Because every time the three of us walked down Main Street together, you’d hear people say, ‘Here comes Bubba with two assholes’.

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10 silly jokes that’ll definitely make you laugh

SILLY JOKESLooking for some silly jokes to make you laugh, dear reader? Then I’ve got 10 good ones for you today and they’re guaranteed to make you laugh.

There’s nothing smutty here, just genuinely good fun.

So sit back and take a few moments to enjoy a good laugh.

Silly jokes:

  • What do you call zombies in the belfry?
  • Dead ringers
  • What’s it called when you borrow money to buy a bison?
  • A buffaloan
  • What do you call a rotten hot dog?
  • A rankfurter
  • What do you call a hippy’s wife?
  • Mississippi
  • What do you call a ghost who only haunts the town hall?
  • The nightmayor
  • What do you call a dance for people who hate each other?
  • An avoidance
  • What do you call an American sketch drawing?
  • A Yankee doodle
  • What do you call a goat that’s a professional comedian?
  • Billy the Kid
  • What do you call an ancient Egyptian ruler with no teeth?
  • A gummy mummy
  • What do you call a blonde police officer?
  • A fair cop

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When you share, everyone wins. It’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.

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3 funny stories that’ll make you laugh

FUNNY STORIESSearching for some funny stories, dear reader? Well, if you enjoy jokes in the form of amusing stories then I have three little gems for you today.

So, grab a coffee and take a few moments to relax and enjoy them all.

And please feel free to share them.

Funny Stories:

1. The boasting Texan:

Gus was a proud Texan who’d never been outside the United States before. So he decided he’d take a vacation in Canada.

On arriving at Toronto Pearson international airport he took a cab to his downtown hotel.

During the ride into the city they passed Queen’s Park and Gus was a little curious to learn something about the place.

So he said to the cab driver, “Hey buddy, what’s that?

Well”, said the cab driver with a sense of pride, “that park is the site of the Ontario Legislative Building which houses the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. It’s like your State government. Believe it or not, those buildings are over 100 years old and they’re big don’t you think?

Gus was unimpressed. “That’s nothing”, he said. “Back in Texas, we have older buildings that are twice as big.

Then they drove passed the skyscraper known as First Canadian Place.

And what’s that?” asked Gus.

Oh, that’s Canada’s tallest skyscraper”, said the cab driver. “Believe it or not that’s 978 feet high and it took four years to build.

Only 978 feet, that’s not very tall,” Gus responded. “Back home we have much taller buildings and they were all built in half the time. In the United States that building wouldn’t even make the list of Top 10 tallest buildings.

Naturally, at this point, the cab driver was starting to feel a little irritated by Gus’s boasting.

Soon they were driving past the CN Tower.

Gus stared at it momentarily and then asked the cab driver, “And what’s that buddy?

The cab driver looked at the structure and then smiled, “Oh, that’s just a Canadian pepper grinder.

2. The wrong priorities:

Jeff was a very successful, young lawyer who was involved in a terrible car crash on the freeway.

The whole of the driver’s side of Jeff’s Maserati had been ripped clean off, along with his left arm.

He was staggering out of the wreckage when a motorcycle police officer arrived at the scene.

Jeff was clearly in a state of shock, mumbling, “Oh my God! My car! Look at my car!

Seeing how badly Jeff was injured, the police officer said, “Sir, please try to stay calm. We need to be more concerned about your personal injuries, rather than any damage to your car.

Jeff slowly looked down to where his left arm has once been and then suddenly he screamed, “Oh my God! My Rolex has gone! Where’s my Rolex?

3. The Psychiatric Hospital:

Jim and Rita were long-term patients in a psychiatric hospital.

One day they were walking past the hospital’s therapeutic swimming pool when, suddenly, Jim threw himself into the deep end.

Knowing Jim couldn’t swim at all, Rita dived straight in after him and dragged him to the safety of the poolside.

As luck would have it the head psychiatrist saw exactly what happened and recognized just how brave Rita had been in the circumstances.

In recognition of her bravery, it was decided that she was ready to be discharged from the hospital, as her actions suggested that she was now mentally sound.

So the head psychiatrist called her into his office to tell Rita about the review panel’s decision.

Rita”, said the head psychiatrist, “I have some good news for you. Unfortunately, I also have some bad news for you too.”

What’s the good news?” asked Rita.

Well, in recognition of your bravery in saving the life of another patient”, said the head psychiatrist, “We think you’ve shown you’ve regained a sound mind, so it’s been decided that you’re ready to be discharged.

That’s good”, said Rita. “But what’s the bad news?

Well, Jim subsequently hanged himself with the belt of his robe in the washroom. Unfortunately, he’s dead”, the head psychiatrist responded.

No, doctor,” said Rita, “he didn’t hang himself. I put him there to dry.”

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