8 Top Business Tips for Success Today

Business tips for success:

I read an article recently about a guy with a college degree who was disillusioned because he couldn’t find a job. At least not one that met his expectations relative to the type of job and income he felt his degree merited.

Well, it’s a tough world out there, as I’m sure you know only too well, dear reader. Despite what some people may think, the world doesn’t owe us a living. The world owes us nothing, and it’s down to us to make a life for ourselves.

Work is just doing stuff for other people in return for money and there will always be people with stuff that needs doing. So rather than seeking a job, perhaps we’d all be better off if we focused on seeking customers for services we could provide.

That’s at the heart of what business is all about, providing people with solutions to their problems for profit, and there’s much to be said for becoming an entrepreneur.

So today let’s explore some business tips for success, for all those wannabe entrepreneurs.

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The advantages of self-employment:

There are many advantages to being self-employed.

For instance, not having to deal with office politics is a big advantage.

And of course, being the beneficiary of all of the proceeds of your hard work is another good reason.

Instead of making a lot of money for other people, you could be making it all for yourself. The harder you work, the more you make for yourself too.

Unless you’re a lawyer or an investment banker, the chances are the only way you’ll ever make serious money is through building your own business. Building a business that, perhaps, you’ll be able to sell for a lot of money one day.

However, remember this; you might think that if you’re self-employed then you’re your own boss. Well, that’s not true. The customer is the boss, always.

Serve customers badly and you won’t be serving them for very long, that’s for sure.

The first rule of business is that you must know your customer.

You must gain a deep understanding of the products, services, and marketing that will appeal to your target customer.

One size will not fit all and each market will require a different approach.

Now going into business is not for the faint-hearted. You must be prepared to work very hard, at least in the early days, when you’re trying to establish your business.

However, if you can provide your target customers with real solutions to real problems then you can make serious money.

If someone else is already offering a solution to the target problem, then your solution must be better or cheaper than theirs in some way, if it is to sell.

Creating great products and offering great customer service is the route to business success.

However, never forget your reputation and image. These things matter too.

Make sure you create an image that will appeal to as wide an audience as possible. Running your own business will be a challenge but it can also be extremely rewarding, both financially and in terms of a sense of achievement.

Remember also that running a small business is not a whole lot different to running a large business. The only real difference is one of scale. The key issues are always the same.

So here are some top business tips for success for would-be entrepreneurs:-

Make Money

Top business tips for success today:

1. Control your costs:

Of the many business tips for success I could suggest, none can be more important than keeping an eye on the money.

Money comes into your business and money goes out. It’s that simple.

However, if you fail to ensure that the former is always greater than the latter, at least for most of the time, then trouble will follow at some point, whatever the size of your business.

Big businesses might be able to weather the storm a bit longer but the consequences of expenditure consistently exceeding income will be the same. Keep losing money and eventually, your business will go bust.

Take every opportunity to maximize your revenue and always keep your costs as low as you can. And never, ever lose sight of cash flow.

Don’t spend money unless it is necessary.

Ask yourself, do I need to spend this money? What will I get in return? Can I achieve the same result at less or even no cost?

It might surprise you to learn how frequently it is possible to avoid the cost, whilst still doing all the things big businesses do.

The key message here is that you must keep an iron grip on costs and you must manage cash flow carefully.

2. Do your own market research:

Every product should solve a problem for your customer and you should have some idea of what that problem is and how your product will solve it relative to other products offered by your competition.

Just because you think you’ve got a great product, doesn’t mean customers will see it that way. Your opinion means nothing if there are not enough people willing to buy your product at the price you want to charge for it.

If your product won’t sell then potentially your business could be in trouble.

Perhaps you think you’ve spotted a gap in the market?

If it’s a genuine gap then you might be on to a winner. However, a gap in the market doesn’t always guarantee that there is a market within that gap. Maybe there’s a reason for the gap which you’ve yet to understand.

In business, the trick is to find out what people want and then offer it to them.

How do you find that out?

One very good way is simply to ask them yourself.

I’m not referring to your family and friends here. They’ll be far too polite to give you any meaningful feedback.

You must talk to real customers, if and when you have them, and potential customers.

You can conduct some of your own market research in your local shopping mall or wherever you think your target customers might congregate. And don’t be shy. Only by talking to people can you confirm whether your ideas have real potential.

So, identify some basic questions, stand there with a clipboard and just start asking people, as politely as possible.

Often people will be far more helpful than you might expect.

And don’t forget you can always use the Internet too.

Search engines like Google have keyword search tools that are free to use. These tools allow you to get a ‘rough and ready’ measure of what people are searching for and how frequently.

And don’t forget social media. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Quora, for instance, can be great channels for asking questions, so you can gauge what people think.

Market research doesn’t have to be expensive. As a small business entrepreneur, it is possible to do it yourself. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this activity, but you must do it.

Your results might not be quite as scientific as those produced by professional market research people, but they will provide you with a rough guide and that’ll probably be good enough in the first instance.

3. Advertising costs money: is there a better way?

Another of the most important business tips for success has to be visibility. I cannot stress highly enough that visibility matters, both for your business and your products. It’s crucial.

Your products might be the best in the world, but they won’t sell at all if potential customers have no idea they exist. Surely that much is obvious.

The question is, how does any business ensure that customers have visibility of its products? The obvious answer is advertising of course.

However, media advertising can be costly, and it’s a cost that new businesses often cannot afford.

One small advert in the back of a glossy magazine can cost you a lot of money and yet you have to ask yourself whether that would be money well spent.

How often do you notice the small advertisements on the back of a magazine? In my case, the answer is not very often.

With so many advertisements competing for my attention, I tend to filter them all out. I’m willing to bet that you do too dear reader.

So, if you’re not careful, money spent on advertising can be money wasted in my experience.

A better approach might be to use some creative thinking with a focus on public relations.

Smart entrepreneurs know that business is show business. It’s all about getting noticed.

For example, the entrepreneur Richard Branson is a brilliant exponent at getting media attention at little or no financial cost to his business.

It helps that he’s a likeable guy, of course, but he’s also clever and creative in his approach.

If you have an interesting back story, perhaps the local press, local radio or even television might be willing to run a story on you and your business and the products you have to offer.

Social media can be a powerful medium for gaining attention for your business too.

Social media is also a useful way of driving traffic to your company’s website, particularly Pinterest, which is an incredible tool, in my opinion.

Then there’s using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques on your website content to ensure you drive traffic to your site from the search engines.

Let’s face it, you do need to appear on the first page of a Google search if there’s to be any chance of anyone noticing you and your business through search queries. So, if you can optimize your website for SEO, then you can get enormous amounts of traffic from Google and other search engines, like Bing and Yahoo.

Make sure you offer visitors to your company website the opportunity for signing up for a regular email newsletter. And give them the incentive to sign up.

This could be a free report or perhaps a discount code for one of your products.

How about running a competition using your company’s fan page on Facebook or your company website?

The price of a smartphone or a Kindle or other desirable electronic device as a prize would be cheaper than the cost of a small advert in a glossy magazine, but it’s more likely to get noticed and it’ll probably generate a lot more excitement.

If you have a car or van, don’t forget that it can be emblazoned with your company logo, your website details and product information on the back, sides and front. Even on the roof.

It would be free advertising as you’re driving around.

Park your vehicle at a big event attended by thousands of people and you’re beginning to master the art of guerrilla marketing.

The bottom line is that creative thinking and public relations can produce powerful results in your quest for visibility at a fraction of the cost of advertising. The key message is, be creative.

4. Don’t make yourself indispensable:

The biggest mistake any entrepreneur or business manager can make is to think that every decision should be made by them.

If you’ve started a business from scratch, you tend to form an emotional bond with it. It becomes your baby and you become very protective of it.

That’s natural of course, but as the business grows you’ll have so many things to do that you couldn’t possibly do them all.

You could try, of course. However, if you try to do everything you’ll find yourself falling behind in key areas like product sourcing, sales, and keeping your accounts up to date.

Fall behind, and it becomes very hard to catch up. Potentially it is also very damaging for the business.

So you have to learn the art of delegation.

A good start would be to document every task and process within the business and then create an Operations Manual. This can include everything from the preferred method for answering the phone to completing invoices and dealing with complaints.

It can also include the degree of flexibility which you are delegating to staff, so they can get on with basic tasks allowing you to get on with those activities which are much more important for achieving business success.

No business should be dependent solely on one person.

If it is, and that person gets seriously ill or has an accident, then obviously the business would be in trouble very quickly and it would struggle.

Delegate basic activities to your staff and you can be sure that the business will continue to function even when you’re not around.

It will also give you a bit more thinking time for steering the company towards bigger and better things.

The key message here is that you must delegate. Never delude yourself into thinking that only you can do a particular task.

5. Charge sensible prices:

If you’re to earn a decent income then any list of business tips for success must stress the importance of knowing the value you can add and know your worth too.

It’s easy when you’re a small business to undervalue your products and your time. The result is that you undercharge for what you have to offer.

This is particularly true when professionals are selling their expertise and time based on a consultancy arrangement.

It’s common for first-timers to lack the confidence to charge what they might perceive to be a high rate for their services.

The problem is that selling things cheaply can be counter-productive because customers then think they’re getting an inferior product or service and can be put off.

It is a fact that price can often be used as a proxy measure for quality when your business is being judged.

You have to be very business-like when considering the pricing of your products and services.

So look at what your competitors are charging and then analyse where you think your products and services fit into the market.

If you struggle with that idea, then you can always seek guidance from someone else, like a fellow business owner or your accountant.

However, you must always remember that you must believe in your products and services. If you don’t, then why should anyone else?

You must project confidence.

If you don’t have the courage of your convictions, then the chances are that your business will never succeed.

Believe in yourself and charge what you’re worth. Sell yourself based on the value you bring and the value you can add.

6. Make the best use of technology:

Sometimes small business owners think that because they are small they can only act in a small way. However, that can be a mistake.

Don’t be afraid to invest in your business. For instance, investing in up-to-date technology like the right phone system and websites, doesn’t have to be expensive but they can be the difference between a customer contacting you or not.

These days no business, large or small, can operate without a website.

And that website needs to be as user-friendly as it possibly can be.

Make sure your website provides customers and potential customers with the opportunity to sign up for a regular email newsletter. And as suggested earlier, offer them an incentive so they do sign up.

Ensure also that your telephone system allows customers to reach you at their first attempt. Certainly, customers won’t make too many attempts to call you before they’ll simply go elsewhere.

If you don’t know how to do all this yourself, then go on a course or seek guidance from someone with the right expertise.

Good communications will pay handsome dividends over time.

7. Set goals:

Another in this list of business tips for success, that I want to stress here, is the importance of goal-setting.

You have to know what it is you’re trying to achieve if you’re to have any chance of successfully achieving it.

Never set your sights too low either. Set yourself a challenge and then put all your energy into achieving it.

Once you’ve set a goal then you need to establish a plan as to how it is going to be achieved.

For instance, if your goal is to achieve a certain level of turnover over the next year, you have to break that down into the small steps you will need to take for it to be achieved.

How many sales will you need to achieve each day, each week, and each month?

What implications will those sales targets have for production?

Do you have enough sales staff to generate that amount of business?

And so on.

Always create a plan and review it regularly, making adjustments as and when necessary.

8. If you got a great idea, then do something with it:

How many great ideas never see the light of day because the person with the idea fails to do anything about it?

And how many times does someone with an idea see someone else come along with the same idea and beat them to market?

Let me give you an example. Two years ago I thought up a great idea for a tee shirt slogan. However, I was busy and so in the end I didn’t do anything about it. Fast forward two years, and the other day I noticed one of the best-selling teeshirts on Amazon was one bearing the slogan that I’d thought up.

Someone else had the idea too, but they did something about it. And they’re now benefitting from the income generated. From my standpoint, a great opportunity was missed.

Procrastination stops many entrepreneurs from cashing in on a great idea. Don’t let this be you.

If you’re waiting for the perfect time to do anything, you will be waiting for the rest of your life. Now is always the perfect time to start.

Don’t wait until you think the economy will be better or your children have left home or some other arbitrary barrier.

The right time to start your business is right now.

So go for it. Yes, you’ll make mistakes. You won’t get everything right the first time. You won’t become an instant millionaire either.

However, by getting started you’ll be heading in the right direction and you’ll learn along the way.

Hard work combined with implementing good ideas will get you there eventually.

Concluding Remarks:

I hope these business tips for success prove useful to you, dear reader.

However please note, this blog post was not intended to be a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs.

You’ll find many excellent books on the subject and I recommend that you make a point of reading as many of them as you can because educating yourself is always a good idea.

It doesn’t have to be formal education. Self-education can be just as good in practice. And then, of course, you can start creating your list of business tips for success.

And the best form of education, in my experience, is to learn by doing. You will make mistakes but the lessons learned from those mistakes will be far more valuable to you than anything anyone can teach you in a classroom.

Being an entrepreneur can be a roller coaster ride but it can be a fantastic and enriching experience too. So if it appeals to you, go for it.

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Types of debt and why they matter

If you’re just starting your financial education, then a good starting point would be to understand the different types of debt and why they matter.

I categorize debt as either good debt or bad debt.

Understanding the difference between the two is essential if you don’t want to remain poor all your life.

Do you carry some debt, dear reader? If you do, you’re not alone.

Now you may think that debt is just part of life, and you may even believe that debt can’t be avoided.

Debt is certainly very hard to avoid; that much is true.

However, don’t forget that personal debt is a burden on us because it has to be serviced and eventually repaid.

Yes, it may be a burden you can’t avoid, but it’s no less stressful potentially for that technicality.

For emphasis, let me repeat, in my opinion, there’s good debt and then there’s bad debt.

The obvious question is: when is a debt considered bad debt? To put it another way, when is debt a bad idea?

Let’s consider some examples of debt.

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1. Secured Debt:

Buying a house is an example of secured debt.

When buying a house, most people need a mortgage, which is of course debt.

However, as long as you don’t overstretch yourself, mortgage debt is usually manageable for most people. And a lender will rarely allow you to overextend yourself these days.

With a mortgage, the debt is secured against your property, so the risk for the lender is small.

If you fail to repay the mortgage loan, a lender simply repossesses the property and sells it to recover their money.

So because the associated risk to the lender is low, interest rates on secured debt are low too.

Coupled with long repayment periods, typically around 25 years, the monthly repayments on a mortgage are not significantly different from what you might pay if you rent a property.

So, borrowing to purchase a property is good debt because eventually you’ll repay the debt and own the property, assuming you repay in full.

It’s good debt because it results in the long-term acquisition of a valuable asset.

You need a roof over your head, of course, so buying with a mortgage makes good financial sense because at least you’ll own the property in the future.

And with luck, you’ll enjoy some capital appreciation on the value of the property too. That’s not guaranteed, of course, but historically, that’s been the trend for those holding property assets for an extended period, certainly in the United Kingdom.

In summary, secured debt bears the lowest interest rates and leads to the acquisition of a valuable asset. So in my opinion, that makes it a good form of debt.

2. Unsecured debt:

When is debt a bad idea? The simple answer is that when it’s an unsecured debt.

And what’s unsecured debt?

It’s a debt against which nothing valuable has been put up as security.

If the borrower fails to repay, the lender has nothing it can repossess to sell on to recover the balance outstanding. So for the lender, that represents increased risk.

And because unsecured debt has no form of security to compensate, the interest rate charged by the lender will be high, and sometimes very high.

The interest rate charged reflects the risk to the lender. The higher the risk, the higher the interest rate applied.

Lenders recognize that there’s a risk that a proportion of their clients will fail to repay unsecured loans, so those who do make the repayment in full have also paid a premium to protect the lender from any losses they might have incurred due to non-payment by others.

There will be occasions when unsecured debt is unavoidable.

For instance, young people just starting out might need some basic items of furniture for their homes. A bed would be a good example. You must have one, and if you can’t afford it, then you might need to use a hire purchase arrangement. Handled with care, then this shouldn’t be a huge problem. But care is essential.

3. When is debt a bad idea?

So when is unsecured debt a bad idea?

Put simply, when you start buying with unsecured credit that which you could live without. That gadget you couldn’t resist or those shoes that looked nice in the store. Non-essentials you could have lived without until you had saved the money to pay for them.

You know the experience, I’m sure. You see something you can’t resist, out pops your flexible friend, and an impulse purchase is made before you’ve thought about whether it was a good idea or not.

The reckless use of credit cards, store cards, and payday loans can be a disaster because this type of debt is not secured against anything, so naturally, the associated interest rates applied are very high.

Credit card or store card debt can bear interest rates of around 30% or more.

In the UK, payday lenders have been known to charge interest rates equivalent to 3000%, 4000%, or even 5000%.

I find it hard to believe people fall for these loans, but they do. I guess if people are desperate sometimes, perhaps they feel they have little choice.

4. The magic of compounding:

Why does this matter? The simple answer is the magic of compound interest.

The compounding effect of high rates of interest will quickly turn small sums borrowed into enormous sums owed.

For instance, if you borrow $1,000 at 3% interest, after five years you’ll owe $1,159, assuming nothing was repaid.

However, if you borrow $1,000 at 35% interest, then after five years you’ll owe $4,484, again that’s assuming nothing was repaid.

The difference is a massive $3,325. And more importantly, the value of your debt has also quadrupled.

So when interest rates are high, even if you make minimum payments, your debt can grow rapidly if you’re not careful.

And that’s when you can become enslaved by your debts.

And that’s why it matters. Ultimately, this burden can become very stressful.

5. Manage your money:

Far too many people borrow money in the form of unsecured debt to purchase discretionary items. That’s items they could live without if push came to shove.

Wasting money in this way is a bad move. Not just bad; it’s seriously stupid.

I recommend that you follow this simple rule:

Yes, of course, it’s nice to have the latest smartphone or the latest television or whatever but is it worth the pressure of unnecessary debt?

When high rates of interest start pushing up the sum outstanding significantly, you have to ask yourself, will the burden of this unnecessary debt still seem worth it? I doubt it.

Wouldn’t it be better to wait until you’ve saved up the money to make the purchase instead?

Wouldn’t it also be cheaper in the long term to save up and buy the product when you have the money? You’ll appreciate the item so much more too.

The message is simple:

6. Debt is a form of slavery:

Being indebted is just a form of slavery. It’s as simple as that. And, once again, that’s why it matters.

For as long as you owe money, you can never be truly free.

If you’re debt-free, then you’re stress-free too. Wouldn’t you prefer to be debt-free and stress-free?

Good debt will help you, but bad debt will make your life a misery.

7. Conclusion:

Put simply, there are two types of debt, good and bad.

Debt is either secured or unsecured.

Interest rates on the former will be relatively low, whereas interest rates on the latter can be very high.

Interest rates matter because of the compounding effect.

Unsecured debt can be the road to the poor house, particularly if you use it to buy the stuff you could live without with credit that bears interest rates that are very high.

The type of debt that’s bad will enslave you, and it’ll become increasingly stressful.

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How to Become Wealthy in 5 Years: A Roadmap for Growth

This article explores how to become wealthy in 5 years.

Wealth building often evokes images of overnight success and incredible riches. While such scenarios may exist in rare instances, they are far from the norm. True wealth, encompassing financial abundance and personal fulfilment, demands a more nuanced and strategic approach.

This article aims to debunk get-rich-quick myths and unveil a practical roadmap for building sustainable and meaningful wealth within a five-year timeframe.

The journey begins with clarifying a definition of wealth.

Everyone’s idea of what wealth means is different. For some, it might be about financial freedom, early retirement, and accumulating assets. For others, it might be achieving a degree of affluence to live comfortably.

Defining your “why” helps you navigate financial decisions and avoid chasing empty metrics.

Next, assess your current financial standing.

Track your income, expenses, and debts. Knowing where you stand is crucial for crafting a realistic plan.

Now, consider the core principles for wealth building:


Part 1: Financial Wealth: How to Become Wealthy in 5 Years:

  1. Cultivate a saving mindset: This is the bedrock of financial health. Aim to save 15-20% of your income every month. Automate a portion into savings or retirement accounts to make it effortless. Prioritize needs over wants and cut back on non-essential expenses. Remember, small savings can snowball over time.
  2. Optimize your income: While saving is crucial, maximizing your income accelerates wealth building. Seek salary raises, promotions, or upskilling opportunities within your current field. Explore avenues for additional income, like freelancing, side hustles, or investing in rental properties. Diversifying your income streams mitigates risk and creates opportunities for exponential growth.
  3. Master debt management: High-interest debt can cripple your financial progress. Prioritize paying off high-interest debts like credit cards or payday loans. Consider strategies like debt consolidation or snowballing (focusing on smaller debts first for momentum).
  4. Embrace the power of investing: Put your savings to work! Invest in assets with the potential for long-term growth, like stocks, bonds, or real estate. Start with low-risk, diversified options like index funds and gradually venture into riskier ventures as your knowledge and comfort level grow. Seek professional guidance when necessary. And unless you’re already an expert, it will be necessary.
  5. Educate yourself: Knowledge is power, especially in finance. Read books, attend workshops, and consult financial advisors to broaden your understanding of managing money, investing, and tax optimization. Continuous learning fuels informed decisions and empowers you to take control of your financial future.
  6. Live purposefully: Wealth extends beyond material possessions. Invest in your health, relationships, and personal growth. Pursue hobbies you enjoy, connect with loved ones, and engage in activities that bring meaning to your life. Living a fulfilling life alongside financial security is true wealth realized.

Remember, the path to wealth is a marathon, not a sprint.

Consistency, discipline, and patience are key.

Celebrate milestones, but stay focused on long-term goals.

Be adaptable and resilient. Occasionally, unforeseen circumstances may arise, requiring adjustments to your plan.

Seek support from financial professionals and a community of like-minded individuals.

5 Year Plan:

Here are some actionable steps to take within the next five years:

Year 1:

  • Create a detailed budget and track your spending.
  • Pay off high-interest debt and establish an emergency fund.
  • Increase your income by at least 10%.
  • Open an investment account and start with low-risk options.

Year 2:

  • Max out contributions to retirement accounts.
  • Explore additional income streams through side hustles or investments.
  • Diversify your investment portfolio.
  • Seek financial advice and education.

Year 3:

  • Re-evaluate your budget and adjust as needed.
  • Review your investments and rebalance your portfolio.
  • Increase your risk tolerance for higher potential returns.
  • Implement tax-saving strategies.

Year 4:

  • Focus on growing your income streams significantly.
  • Consider larger investments like real estate or business ventures.
  • Build a passive income stream.
  • Help others achieve financial literacy and build wealth.

Year 5:

  • Assess your progress and adjust your plan if necessary.
  • Celebrate your achievements and set new goals.
  • Continue learning and adapting to changing economic landscapes.
  • Enjoy the fruits of your work and share your success with others.

Conclusion No 1:

Wealth building is not a guaranteed formula but a continuous growth and learning journey.

By embracing mindful spending, disciplined saving, proactive investments, and a commitment to personal fulfilment, you can set yourself on a path to achieve sustainable and meaningful wealth within five years and beyond.

Remember, the definition of wealth is personal. Tailor this roadmap to your unique goals, values, and circumstances. Stay committed, learn continuously, and adapt as you journey towards a financially secure and fulfilling future.

Part 2: Beyond the Numbers – Integrating Values and Impact

While the previous section outlined a practical framework for building wealth, true financial well-being extends beyond accumulating mere numbers. Integrating your values and considering the impact of your financial decisions are crucial for shaping a sustainable and fulfilling journey.

1. Alignment with Values:

  • Ethical Investing: Choose investments that align with your values, such as sustainable practices, fair labour standards, or responsible resource management. Consider impact investing or socially responsible funds to support positive societal change.
  • Philanthropy and Giving Back: Allocate a portion of your wealth to causes you care about, be it through donations, volunteering, or supporting community initiatives. Giving back not only creates a positive impact but also fosters a sense of purpose and strengthens your connection to your community.
  • Living Sustainably: Make conscious choices that minimize your environmental footprint and promote responsible consumption. Reduce your carbon footprint, support local businesses, and choose eco-friendly products. Living sustainably aligns your financial choices with environmental and ethical values.

2. Building Strong Relationships:

  • Financial Transparency with loved ones: Open communication about finances with your partner, family, or close friends can ease burdens, foster trust, and prevent future financial conflicts.
  • Sharing Your Expertise: Utilize your financial knowledge to empower others. Whether mentoring young adults, sharing tips with friends, or volunteering for financial literacy programs, helping others navigate their finances creates positive ripples within your community.
  • Investing in Relationships: True wealth also encompasses strong connections with loved ones. Prioritize quality time with family and friends, invest in experiences, and nurture these relationships. Strong social bonds contribute significantly to overall well-being and happiness.

3. Embracing Purpose beyond Wealth:

  • Define your life goals: While financial security is important, it’s not the sole purpose of life. Explore your passions, interests, and skills. Develop goals beyond financial accumulation that contribute to your personal growth and sense of fulfilment.
  • Contribute to society: Seek opportunities to use your talents and resources to make a positive impact. Take on leadership roles, mentor young people, or volunteer your time and skills to a cause you care about. Living a life of purpose brings immense satisfaction and enriches your community.
  • Find joy in the present: While striving for future goals is important, don’t neglect the present moment. Practice mindfulness, appreciate experiences, and find joy in everyday interactions. Appreciation for the present leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Remember, wealth is not a singular destination but a continuous journey of learning, growth, and impact. By integrating your values into your financial decisions, building strong relationships, and embracing a purpose beyond wealth, you can create a fulfilling and sustainable path towards financial prosperity and personal well-being.

Conclusion No 2:

Building wealth is important, and working towards financial freedom is a worthy aim. However, a more holistic perspective on wealth building will inspire you to create a journey that aligns with your vision for a meaningful life.

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Top wealth creation strategies for financial success

If you aim to learn about wealth creation strategies, you might find this blog post useful.

Essentially, it’s a video from Brian Tracy with some advice on what he sees as the top wealth-creation strategies for financial success. This video is useful, I think.

Brian Tracy is one of the best motivational speakers I know, and I can recommend his audio programs highly.

His messages are always so simple yet so very effective.

I recommend you give this video a few minutes of your time because Brian Tracy is always worth a listen. You won’t be disappointed.

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Wealth Creation:


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Steve Jobs’ Top 10 Rules For Success to inspire you

If you’re looking for the Top 10 Rules for Success, many people will give you a list.

However, no two lists will ever be the same. And few people have real experience of success anyway. Surely the only people worth listening to are those who’ve been there and done it? People who are genuinely successful by any measure.

And so to today’s underlying message.

My point is that if you want success, then you’d be wise to look for successful people and copy what they do.

If it worked for them, then the chances are it can work for you too.

The late Steve Jobs is not only an icon, but he was also a great role model to use as your template for achieving real success.

This is the man who made Apple what it is. So, he’s worth listening to.

In the embedded video, Steve Jobs offers his Top 10 Rules for Success. I recommend that you watch this video; it is inspirational and well worth a few minutes of your time.

Top 10 Rules for Success

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25 inspirational stories of people going from rags to riches

Inspirational stories can be so uplifting, don’t you think? Their message always says, if other people can be successful, then you can too.

Did you have a tough start in life?

Then perhaps you feel that your difficult past will prevent you from enjoying a successful future.

Well, let me tell you, a tough past doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a tough future.

A friend of mine had a very difficult start in life, and yet he’s now a millionaire. People do succeed, and so can you.

The past is the past, of course, and it can’t be changed. It serves only as a series of lessons to be learned. Remember, the past was simply part of your education. It was not a life sentence.

The future is different. The future has yet to be written, and the good news is, you’ve got the pen.

You can create any future you want, as long as you’re determined, focused, and prepared to put in plenty of hard work. You won’t get anywhere without those ingredients, I’m afraid.

Nevertheless, in the future there will be a constant stream of opportunities to be seized, just waiting for the fleet-footed and enterprising to grab and exploit them. One person’s problem is another person’s opportunity to provide a solution for a profit.

Success can be yours if you’re prepared to make the effort and take a few calculated risks.

Don’t just accept my word for it; look around for people who’ve done it.

There are plenty of inspirational stories if you’ll just look for them. Today I offer you a video with 25 inspirational stories. It’s well worth a few minutes of your time.

25 Inspirational Stories:

In the video included here, there are 25 excellent examples of people who had a tough start in life but went on to enjoy considerable financial success.

These are all inspirational stories of people going from rags to riches. And if they can do it, why not you?

And remember this: you’re never too old.

Colonel Sanders started KFC at the grand old age of 65.

And Ray Kroc began building the business empire we now know as McDonald’s at 52.

Believe you can and you will.

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How to Make Money Online for Beginners

If you’re wondering “How to Make Money Online for Beginners,” then read on.

Making money online has become easier than ever. There are many ways to earn extra cash from home, even if you’re a beginner.

These options don’t need special skills or big investments.

Freelancing is a great way to use your talents. You can write, design, or code for clients. Taking online surveys is simple and quick. Selling stuff you don’t need anymore can bring in some cash. Creating content like blogs or videos can lead to income over time.

The key is to pick something that fits your skills and interests. Start small and learn as you go. With practice and effort, your online income can grow.

Key Takeaways

  • Online money-making options include freelancing, surveys, selling items, and content creation
  • Choose a method that matches your skills and interests for the best results
  • Start with small, achievable goals and gradually build your online income over time

Understanding Online Monetization

Making money online involves different ways to earn income through internet-based activities. It can be done part-time or full-time, with various methods suited for beginners.

Basic Concepts of Online Income

Online income comes from digital transactions where people pay for goods, services, or content over the internet. It often starts with building an online presence through a website, social media, or digital platforms.

Key elements include:

  • Digital products (e.g. ebooks, courses)
  • Services (e.g. freelancing, consulting)
  • Advertising revenue
  • Affiliate marketing

Beginners can start by selling items they no longer need on online marketplaces. This helps learn the basics of online transactions and customer service.

Popular Online Business Models

Several business models have proven successful for earning money online. These range from simple to more complex strategies.

  1. E-commerce: Selling physical or digital products through online stores.
  2. Print-on-demand: Creating custom designs for products like t-shirts or mugs.
  3. Freelancing: Offering skills like writing, design, or programming.
  4. Content creation: Making money through blogs, YouTube videos, or podcasts.
  5. Online coaching: Providing expertise in a specific field.

Beginners often start with freelancing or content creation as these require little upfront investment. As skills grow, many move to more advanced models like e-commerce or creating digital products.

Setting Up Your Foundation

A strong foundation is key for making money online. Pick the right platform and build a solid online presence to set yourself up for success.

Choosing the Right Platform

Selecting the best platform is crucial. Many beginners start with popular sites like Fiverr for freelance work. These platforms connect you with clients looking for your skills.

Social media can also be a great starting point. Instagram and TikTok are perfect for visual content creators. LinkedIn works well for professional services.

For selling products, consider marketplaces like Etsy or Amazon. They provide built-in audiences and easy setup.

Your own website gives you full control. WordPress is user-friendly for beginners. Shopify works well for online stores.

Building Your Online Presence

A strong online presence helps you stand out. Start by creating professional profiles on chosen platforms. Use clear, high-quality photos and write an engaging bio.

Consistency is key. Post regularly to keep your audience engaged. Share valuable content related to your niche.

Interact with others in your field. Comment on posts, join online communities, and network virtually.

Consider starting a blog or YouTube channel. This shows your expertise and builds trust with potential clients or customers.

Use social media to promote your services or products. Share behind-the-scenes content to connect with your audience.

Content Creation and Monetization

Making money online often involves creating and sharing valuable content. This can take many forms, from written articles to videos and audio recordings. The key is to produce high-quality material that appeals to a specific audience.

Starting a Blog

Blogging is a popular way to make money online. To start, choose a niche that interests you and has potential for profit. Pick a catchy name for your blog and set it up using a platform like WordPress or Squarespace.

Write helpful, engaging posts regularly. Focus on topics your readers care about. Use keywords to help people find your content through search engines.

To make money from your blog, try these methods:

  • Place ads on your site
  • Write sponsored posts for brands
  • Offer digital products like ebooks or courses
  • Use affiliate links to earn commissions

Build an email list to stay connected with your readers. This can help you promote products and services later on.

Creating a YouTube Channel

YouTube offers a platform to share video content and earn money. Pick a topic you’re passionate about and start making videos. Use good lighting and audio to ensure quality.

Consistency is key. Post new videos on a regular schedule. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments and asking for feedback.

To monetize your channel:

  1. Join the YouTube Partner Program
  2. Use affiliate marketing in your video descriptions
  3. Get sponsorships from brands
  4. Sell merchandise to your fans

Remember to follow YouTube’s guidelines to keep your channel in good standing.

Podcasting Essentials

Podcasts are audio shows that listeners can download and enjoy anytime. To start, choose a topic you can talk about for many episodes. Get a good microphone and recording software to ensure clear sound.

Plan your episodes in advance. Write outlines to stay on track while recording. Edit your audio to remove mistakes and add intro music.

Monetize your podcast through:

  • Sponsorships from companies
  • Listener donations via platforms like Patreon
  • Selling your own products or services
  • Offering exclusive content for paying subscribers

Promote your podcast on social media and other platforms to grow your audience. The more listeners you have, the more money-making opportunities you’ll find.

E-commerce and Selling Online

Selling products online can be a great way to make money. There are several methods to get started, from setting up your own store to using existing platforms. Let’s explore some popular options.

Launching an Online Store

Starting an online store is easier than ever. Pick a platform like Shopify or WooCommerce to build your website. Choose products that match your interests and target audience.

Create eye-catching product pages with clear descriptions and high-quality photos. Set competitive prices and offer various payment options.

Promote your store through social media and email marketing. Consider running ads to reach more potential customers.

Don’t forget about customer service. Respond quickly to inquiries and handle issues promptly to build trust and loyalty.

Utilizing Dropshipping

Dropshipping lets you sell products without holding inventory. When a customer places an order, the supplier ships it directly to them.

To start, choose a niche and find reliable suppliers. Popular products include clothing, accessories, and home decor.

Set up your online store and add products. Adjust prices to ensure a profit margin.

Focus on marketing to drive traffic to your site. Use social media, content marketing, and paid ads to reach potential customers.

Be transparent about shipping times and handle customer service professionally to maintain a good reputation.

Exploring Print on Demand

Print on demand is great for selling custom designs on products like t-shirts, mugs, and posters.

Create unique designs or hire a designer. Choose a print-on-demand service like Printful or Printify.

Set up your online store and connect it to the print-on-demand service. Upload your designs and set prices.

Market your products on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Show off your designs and engage with potential customers.

Consider offering limited-edition designs or collaborating with artists to keep your product line fresh and exciting.

Freelancing and Service-Based Earnings

Freelancing offers beginners a flexible way to earn money online using their skills. It allows people to work on projects they enjoy while building a client base.

Offering Freelance Services

Beginners can start by identifying their strengths. Writing, graphic design, and programming are popular freelance skills. Web development and virtual assistance also have high demand.

Freelancers should create a list of services they can offer. For example, a writer might offer blog posts, product descriptions, and social media content. Setting competitive rates is key. New freelancers often start lower to attract clients.

It’s important to deliver quality work on time. This helps build a good reputation. Happy clients often lead to repeat business and referrals.

Joining Freelance Marketplaces

Upwork, Fiverr, and TaskRabbit are popular platforms for finding freelance work. These sites connect freelancers with clients worldwide.

To get started:

  1. Create a detailed profile
  2. Showcase relevant skills
  3. Set up a professional photo
  4. Write a compelling bio

Beginners should apply to many jobs at first. This increases the chances of landing work. It’s okay to start with smaller projects to build experience.

Reading client reviews and job descriptions carefully helps avoid scams. Freelancers should only take on projects they can complete well.

Portfolio Building Tips

A strong portfolio shows potential clients what a freelancer can do. It should highlight their best work.

Tips for creating an effective portfolio:

  • Choose 5-10 top projects
  • Include a variety of work samples
  • Write brief descriptions for each project
  • Update regularly with new work

For beginners without client work, creating sample projects can help. A writer might draft blog posts on topics they enjoy. A designer could create mock logos for imaginary companies.

Freelance copywriters can earn between $19 and $45 per hour on platforms like Upwork. Rates may vary based on experience and project type.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online. It lets you earn commissions by promoting other people’s products. This method works well for beginners and experts alike.

Starting with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is easy to start. You don’t need your own products or services. Pick a niche you like and know about. This could be fitness, tech, or cooking. Research your chosen niche to find out what people want.

Next, create a website or blog. This is where you’ll share info and product links. Use a simple platform like WordPress to build your site. Make sure it looks good and works well on phones.

Learn about SEO to help people find your site. Write helpful content that answers questions in your niche. This builds trust with your readers.

Finding Affiliate Programs

Many companies offer affiliate programs. Amazon Associates is a good place to start. They have lots of products to promote. Look for programs in your niche too.

Affiliate networks like ShareASale and CJ Affiliate have many options. They connect you with brands looking for promoters. Sign up for free and browse their offers.

Check the commission rates before joining a program. Some pay per sale, others per lead or click. Pick programs with fair rates and good reputations. Read the terms carefully to know what’s expected.

Promotion Strategies

Create helpful content to promote affiliate products. Write reviews, how-to guides, and comparison posts. Be honest about the pros and cons of each item.

Use social media to share your content. Build a following on platforms where your audience hangs out. Pinterest works well for visual products. Twitter is good for quick tips and links.

Try email marketing to connect with your readers. Build a list of subscribers who trust your advice. Send them useful info and product recommendations.

Make your affiliate links clear. Tell readers when a link earns you money. This builds trust and follows rules. Use eye-catching buttons or banners for important links.

Track your results to see what works best. Try different strategies and improve over time. With patience and effort, affiliate marketing can become a steady income source.

Online Courses and Digital Products

Creating and selling digital products can be a great way to make money online. This method lets you share your knowledge and skills with others while earning income.

Creating and Selling Online Courses

Online courses are a popular way to teach others and make money. Pick a topic you know well and break it into lessons. Use video, text, and quizzes to help students learn.

Platforms like Teachable make it easy to set up and sell courses. You can also use sites like Udemy or Coursera to reach more students.

Think about what people want to learn. Popular topics include:

  • Cooking and baking
  • Fitness and health
  • Languages
  • Tech skills
  • Business and marketing

Make sure your course gives real value. Happy students may tell others, helping you sell more.

Designing Digital Products

Digital products are items people can download or use online. They’re easy to create and don’t need shipping.

Some digital product ideas:

  • E-books
  • Templates (for websites, resumes, etc.)
  • Printable planners or worksheets
  • Stock photos
  • Music or sound effects

Choose products that fit your skills and interests. Make them look good and work well. Quality matters!

Marketing Your Digital Products

Getting the word out is key to selling your products. Use social media to share tips and show your expertise. This can help people trust you and want to buy from you.

Start an email list to tell people about new products. Give away some free stuff to get people interested.

Ask happy customers for reviews. Good reviews can help others decide to buy. You can also team up with other creators to reach more people.

Remember, selling takes time. Keep improving your products and marketing. With effort, you can build a steady income from digital products.

Investing in Stocks and Cryptocurrencies

Investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies can be a way to grow wealth over time. These markets offer different opportunities and risks for beginners looking to make money online.

Stock Market Basics

The stock market allows people to buy shares of public companies. To start, open an account with a brokerage firm. Many offer free trades and educational resources.

Research companies before investing. Look at their financial reports, growth potential, and industry trends. Diversify by investing in different sectors to spread risk.

Consider low-cost index funds for beginners. These track broad market indexes and offer built-in diversification. Start with small amounts to learn the ropes.

Set a budget for investing. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. Be patient and think long-term. The stock market has historically grown over time despite short-term ups and downs.

Cryptocurrency Fundamentals

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use blockchain technology. Bitcoin and Ethereum are popular choices for beginners. To buy cryptocurrency, create an account on a reputable exchange.

Crypto is highly volatile. Prices can swing wildly in short periods. Only invest what you’re willing to lose. Research projects thoroughly before buying.

Store crypto securely in a digital wallet. Choose between hot wallets (connected to the internet) and cold wallets (offline storage). Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication.

Stay informed about regulations. Crypto laws vary by country and change often. Be aware of tax implications when buying, selling, or trading digital assets.

Making money online has many options for beginners. There are ways to earn without investment and methods for regular income. Students can find opportunities too. Some strategies can even help you make $100 or more per day.

What are some beginner-friendly ways to earn money online from home?

Beginners can start with online surveys to earn small amounts. Another easy option is selling unused items on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.

Freelancing is great for those with skills in writing, design, or programming. Platforms like Fiverr connect freelancers with clients looking for various services.

Can you make money online without any initial investment?

Yes, it’s possible to earn money online without spending anything upfront. Freelancing platforms often let users join for free.

People can also start a blog using free platforms or offer services like virtual assistance without any initial costs.

What are some legitimate methods for making regular income online?

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to earn consistent income. Bloggers and content creators can promote products and earn commissions on sales.

Creating and selling digital products like ebooks or courses can provide ongoing revenue. Subscription-based services or membership sites can also offer steady monthly income.

Are there any secret platforms that are effective for online earning?

There aren’t any secret platforms. Most effective ways to earn online are well-known. The key is finding the right method that fits one’s skills and interests.

Popular platforms like Upwork, Etsy, and YouTube are widely used but still offer good earning potential for those who put in the effort.

How can students make income through online activities?

Students can tutor or teach English online. Many platforms cater specifically to student tutors.

They can also do freelance work like writing, graphic design, or social media management. This allows for flexible hours around their studies.

What are some strategies for earning $100 or more daily on the internet?

To earn $100+ daily, people need to focus on high-value skills or services. Web development, copywriting, or consulting can command higher rates.

Creating and selling online courses or digital products can also lead to significant daily earnings once established.

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The 4 steps to financial freedom

Many people are searching for the steps to financial freedom. Search the internet and there will be references to seven, eight, nine, and even ten steps but I think only four steps matter.

However before I discuss those steps, let us first think about the biggest cause of people remaining poor, namely the debt burden.

Statistics suggest that most people these days are heavily in debt. And debt is a burden that enslaves us. Knowing we have debts can be stressful.

What is the underlying cause of such debt? That’s simple. Mostly it’s the overuse of credit cards with little or no thought to how this will affect our financial well-being.

Unsecured debt built up through the excessive use of credit cards is expensive. Very, very expensive!

That means even a small sum outstanding on a credit card can quickly become a large debt due to the effect of compound interest if you only make the minimum payment each month.

Are you affected by debt, dear reader? Are your finances out of control? Would you like to achieve financial freedom?

Steps to Financial Freedom:

People often say, “If only I could increase my income, I could pay off my debts.”

Those same people, if they did increase their income, would probably just spend more. And financial freedom would remain a distant dream.

If financial freedom is your aim, then you must take control of your finances. The steps to financial freedom are as follows:-

1. Spend less than you earn:

It all starts with spending less than you earn. If you spend less than you earn, you can work on becoming debt-free and then start to build capital.

2. Pay yourself first:

You must always pay yourself first. What does that mean? It means that as soon as you get paid each month, you take a minimum of 10% of what you earn and put it away somewhere safe immediately.

Never, ever wait until the end of the month to see what you’ve got left.

If you do that, you’ll never save anything.

If you take 10% upfront, it will just be another debit on your income like taxes and pension contributions. You’ll quickly get used to having only the remaining 90% to live on.

And what do you do with the 10% or whatever you’ve put away?

3. Eliminate credit card debt:

Initially, if you have a credit card debt burden, then it makes sense to use that money to deal with paying off your debt first because the interest you’ll pay on the debt is always greater than any interest you’ll get on savings.

To pay off your credit card debt, you must find a way to eliminate the interest element each month so that any payments you then make go against the outstanding balance.

And how is that done?

Well, when you take out a new credit card account, it often comes with a period of zero interest, usually six months. These accounts also usually allow you to transfer in outstanding debt from another credit card account.

So by moving from one card provider to another and transferring the debt across to the new account, you then have a period of six months to make payments against the outstanding balance without accumulating interest on the old debt.

Never, ever use this card to increase your debt. Use it only to reduce your debt.

At the end of the period of zero interest on your new card, repeat the process if necessary. Once again, you move to another card account offering you a zero-interest period. By focusing only on the outstanding balance, it will be paid off sooner.

Eliminating the burden of debt is the first step on the road to financial freedom.

Freedom from debt will give you peace of mind. And that peace of mind is a good reason for spending less than you earn.

Once the debt is cleared, what next with the money you’ve paid yourself first?

4. Build capital:

Initially, put your money into a savings account. Then, as that builds into a larger sum, you can start thinking about other forms of investment like stocks, bonds, and property.

Once you develop the habit of putting some of your money away each month, it’s amazing how quickly it accumulates into a decent capital sum, and you’ll be on the road to achieving financial freedom.


Learn to live within your means.

If you live modestly and spend your money wisely, you can ensure that you have enough money when you need it.

You can also build that nest egg for your retirement and give a little back to those less fortunate than yourself. And you’ll feel so much better about yourself too.

Conversely, gathering too much clutter through excessive spending on things you don’t need can become stressful, as well as wasteful. The choice is yours.

Financial freedom is achievable, and it will give you peace of mind.

You will sleep better knowing you’re debt-free.

Do this, and one day your older self will be grateful you made the effort, I can assure you.

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How to build wealth from nothing: 5 Top Tips

There’s nothing you can do about being born poor. If that was the case, then it was just unfortunate. However, you don’t have to go through life remaining poor.

It is possible to build wealth over time, and plenty of people do, frequently from absolutely nothing.

Many people born poor become wealthy through their efforts, and you can too, dear reader.

Here are five tips to help you build wealth from nothing.

How to build wealth from nothing:

1. Pay yourself first:

You can make money relatively easily, but holding on to it can be very hard.

We’re all constantly bombarded with reasons why we should spend our money in return for some fleeting sense of gratification. Would that be an experience you recognize, dear reader?

It doesn’t have to be that way, of course, and rich people know that only too well.

So what do rich people do that’s different from everyone else?

Simple! They always pay themselves first.

And what do I mean by paying yourself first?

I mean, the moment you’re paid, you take a slice off the top of your income immediately and put it away somewhere safe. And by a slice, I mean to say 10%, or more if you can afford it.

And what do I mean by somewhere safe?

Well, initially, that would be depositing your money in an interest-bearing account.

However, once your money starts building into a larger sum then you can start thinking about other forms of investment that’ll potentially give you greater returns. Stocks and bonds, for instance.

Building a capital sum is important because, as your money grows, it starts to generate a second income stream for you. That may not seem important to you now, but it will be as you get older.

So paying yourself first is a discipline to which you must adhere until it becomes a habit you do without thinking.

You must always put some money away, and you must make that money work hard for you. You must grow and protect your investment portfolio with careful diversification, and over time, you’ll find yourself building a sizeable fortune.

So here’s today’s mantra for you: Pay Yourself First. Never forget that, please, dear reader.

2. Be an investor, not a speculator:

You must understand that there’s a big difference between investing and speculation. They’re not the same thing at all.

I don’t wish to imply that there’s something wrong with speculation, though. There isn’t.

In the world of finance, speculation brings liquidity to the market, and therefore it does have its place.

However, speculation tends to operate on the ‘greater fool’ principle.

By that, I mean someone is prepared to buy an asset for a given price in the hope that it can then be sold quickly to someone else, the greater fool, for a greater price.

This is what professional speculators do, and they can make money this way because they know what they’re doing and they have sophisticated systems to support them.

However, for ordinary people, speculation is like gambling in a casino. And you should never invest your money as though you’re gambling in a casino.

You might get lucky occasionally, of course, but over time your losses will outstrip any gains you might make, and almost certainly by a significant margin.

So my recommendation to you, dear reader, is that you should never speculate. Instead, you should focus on becoming an investor.

By investing, I mean buying stocks and shares in solid, well-managed, cash-generative businesses that can pay good dividends on a sustained basis.

Buy stocks worth holding for the long term. This will provide you with a steady income stream from the dividends, regardless of any short-to-medium-term volatility in the market. And spread your risk by building a diversified portfolio.

If you reinvest your dividends, then over time you will find that this approach should give you a good return on your money.

If you want to make money and build capital, then my advice to you, dear reader, is to be an investor, not a speculator.

3. Focus on value, not price:

The legendary investor Warren Buffett once said, “Price is what you pay; value is what you get.

With this observation, he’s making an important point. There’s a distinction between price and value.

A low price for an asset doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get good value.

And a high price doesn’t automatically mean you will not get value.

Price in itself is not a measure of value. You must consider other factors to judge value.

When you’re buying any financial asset, say stocks and shares, you should always focus on value, and you must establish metrics by which you can adequately judge the intrinsic value of that asset.

Judged in isolation, price is just a number, nothing more.

A lower price means absolutely nothing if you’re getting little or no value in return for your money.

Never, ever forget that it’s the intrinsic value that will determine whether something is worth buying or not.

Get genuine value at the right price, and then you can get a decent return over time from an investment.

4. Create a personal private income:

Much as we all aspire to do work we love, you must never forget, dear reader, that ultimately work is simply a means to an end.

Essentially, work is just doing stuff for other people in exchange for money. In turn, that money is then the fuel on which we run our lives.

Money provides us with the means to put bread on the table, a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and those of our loved ones, of course.

If you work hard enough, you can earn a lot of money.

Manage that money wisely, and you can build capital. Invest that capital intelligently, and you can create your private income streams.

When you have a decent private income in your own right then you can truly pick and choose the work you do.

Then you only have to do what you enjoy doing; that thing that gives you a genuine sense of purpose.

Creating a personal, private income is a worthy goal, and it’s well worth the effort.

That way, you’re in control of your own life, and no one else can dictate what you should and shouldn’t do.

You’ll be in control of the good ship ‘Me’ and only you will decide where it goes.

The message here is, to work hard now, so one day you don’t have to work hard.

5. Never forget what matters most:

It would be very easy to believe that a life filled with lots of money and materiality would make you blissfully happy. Well let me tell you, dear reader, that in isolation, it won’t.

I’m not suggesting that these things are not important but you must get your priorities right.

Yes, of course, go out there and make money. Manage it carefully. Buy nice things and enjoy some of that money too.

However, to be truly happy, you must never lose sight of the most important thing in your life and that is family and friends.

People are social animals; we’re not solitary animals like cats. We need other people and most of all, we need our loved ones. A life filled with loved ones and laughter will be a happy life.

So make time for your loved ones, especially your children. Enjoy their company and make the most of every minute with them.

Never focus on work to the exclusion of your family and friends. Without them, you have nothing. Money is important, of course but people are much more important.

Never lose sight of the people in your life.

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The secret to being a successful entrepreneur

The secret to being a successful entrepreneurHow often do you hear people say they’d love to start a business and become entrepreneurs?

People will tell you they’d love to be a business success, making a difference in people’s lives with great products and services.

Then they’ll add the caveat that, unfortunately, the time’s not right for them now. They’ll have a go one day, but their circumstances won’t allow it now.

However, very few who say they’ll have a go will ever actually have a go. They don’t have the desire and they probably don’t understand the secret to being a successful entrepreneur anyway.

The only way to get rich:

The measure of success for an entrepreneur is the money they make.

Let’s face it, starting any business is all about making money for the owners. Otherwise, why would anyone bother?

Starting your own business can be a fantastic thing to do, and, for most people, it’s the only way you’ll ever have the chance to make some serious money.

Certainly, you’re unlikely to get seriously rich working for someone else.

However, to succeed in business, you must first get started.

The critical ingredient to success in business is getting off your butt and doing something about it.

And the best time to do it is now. Last year or the year before might have been better, but otherwise, now is always the best possible time. It’s simple, really.

The secret to making money:

Getting off your butt is one thing, but how do you make money as an entrepreneur? Well, dear reader, pull up a chair and listen carefully, for the secret is very simple.

The secret to making money as an entrepreneur is to solve problems for people. To make their lives easier in some way.

Solve problems; make money:

Every product you sell must solve a problem for the customer.

So if you can identify problems for which people need solutions and if you can offer those solutions, otherwise known as products, at value-for-money prices, then you can make money and you can be successful.

Remember this too; you don’t necessarily have to be the first with a solution either. If you can improve on an existing solution in some way then you can still make some serious money. If you can ‘build a better mousetrap‘ then people will buy it.

For instance, Steve Jobs and Apple were not the first to offer cellular mobile phone handsets, and neither were Samsung. Yet these two companies both dominate the market for smartphones right now.

The secret to being a successful entrepreneurMake a difference:

Has your appetite for business been whetted, dear reader?

Do you have any ideas you think might make a difference?

You do?

Then you have to be prepared to take action. Having ideas means nothing unless you take action.

Ideas are ten-a-penny. Plenty of people have good ideas that never see the light of day.

Occasionally, people will have good ideas but leave them all too long, and then someone else comes along with the same idea and makes serious money from it. That’s happened to me. I came up with a great idea for a t-shirt slogan. I failed to act, and someone else came along with the same idea, and it’s currently a best seller on Amazon. My loss; their gain.

Having ideas is easy. Implementation is the hard part, and there are too few people with the drive and determination to turn a good idea into a business opportunity and then make money from it.

So you must take action if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.

Not tomorrow; not next week; not next year; but right now.

Become a ‘doer’:

In my experience, true entrepreneurs are doers; they’re not dreamers.

So go on, get started right now.

Solve people’s problems, and you’ll be on the road to riches. It can be done and people do. And so can you! Go for it.

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If you found this article useful then please share it on social media with your friends. When you share, everyone wins.

So go on, please share it now. If you can do that for me, I’ll be ever so grateful and you’ll be helping a keen blogger reach a wider audience.

Thank you.

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