Today I thought it might be amusing to explore some ‘That’s What She Said Jokes’.
This form of humour revolves around innuendo and double entendre.
Yes, it’s a bit silly and suggestive but it’s innocent and fun too, as it reflects the nature of human interaction and the way we find humour in the absurd. And, let’s face it, much of what passes for physical interaction between people can seem a little absurd when you think about it.
As with all humour, appropriateness and effectiveness depend largely on the audience and the context. So, I hope my audience today will appreciate this form of humour.
If for some reason this humour is not for you then I’ll try to offer you something more appropriate next time around.
In the meantime, for those who enjoy innuendo and double entendre, here are 35 That’s What She Said Jokes to brighten your day.
That’s What She Said Jokes (1-10):
- That’s big. That’s what she said.
- It looks horrible! That’s what she said.
- I think it’s stuck. That’s what she said.
- I’ve seen it all now. That’s what she said.
- You can’t be serious. That’s what she said.
- I can’t get a grip on it. That’s what she said.
- That’s too much for me. That’s what she said.
- Stop fiddling with them! That’s what she said.
- Wow, it’s quite a handful. That’s what she said.
- I don’t like the look of that. That’s what she said.
That’s What She Said Jokes (11-20):
- You’re going to love these! That’s what she said.
- Keep it to yourself, please. That’s what she said.
- Well, that was disappointing. That’s what she said.
- Not now, I’ve got a headache. That’s what she said.
- Surely, you’re having a laugh. That’s what she said.
- This is harder than I expected. That’s what she said.
- I’ve never seen one that small. That’s what she said.
- I’ve not seen one like that before. That’s what she said.
- I didn’t think it would get this big. That’s what she said.
- That’s not a game I’m willing to play. That’s what she said.
That’s What She Said Jokes (21-35):
- I can’t keep holding it up like this. That’s what she said.
- I’ve never done it this way before. That’s what she said.
- It was over quicker than I thought. That’s what she said.
- You’ll get better with more practice. That’s what she said.
- Let’s take it out and see how it looks. That’s what she said.
- I’m going to need two hands for this. That’s what she said.
- It’s not as big as I thought it would be. That’s what she said.
- You don’t get many of them to the pound. That’s what she said.
- I love you dear but not enough to try that. That’s what she said.
- If you think I’m doing that you can forget it. That’s what she said.
- Goodness, this one’s got its own personality. That’s what she said.
- You’re unlikely to find a pair bigger than these? That’s what she said.
- As experiences go, that wasn’t much to write home about. That’s what she said.
- There’s an easy way and a hard way. Let’s do it the easy way. That’s what she said.
- It’ll take more than a skinny latte and a blueberry muffin to impress me. That’s what she said.
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If any of these ‘That’s What She Said Jokes’ made you smile then please share this post with your friends on social media.
When you share, everyone wins. So, it’s always a good idea to pass on the smiles.
Put a smile on someone else’s face and you’ve done your good deed for the day. So go on, please share now.
Then perhaps you’d like more laughs? Just click on the links below.
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