Do you enjoy funny puns, dear reader? Those wordplay jokes and one-liners just make you smile, regardless of how corny they may be.
I love clever wordplay, so I’ve curated another batch in the hope that they’ll brighten your day. You might groan at one or two, but I’m confident that some of them will tickle you.
So enjoy them and please share them with your friends.
Funny Puns (1-12):
- He who laughs last didn’t get it.
- Eat doughnuts. The original hole food.
- Frog parking only. All others will be toad.
- Dental X-rays should be called tooth pics.
- Mountains aren’t funny. They’re hill areas.
- I have a chicken-proof lawn. It’s impeccable.
- Dogs can’t operate MRI scanners but CATscan.
- Due to quarantine, I’m only doing inside jokes.
- Procrastination is a dish best served eventually.
- I was mugged by six dwarves today. Not Happy!
- What happens if you’re scared half to death, twice?
- My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself.
Funny Puns (13-24):
- I’m so terrified of elevators I take steps to avoid them.
- We saw a baguette in the zoo. It was bread in captivity.
- If you suck at playing the trumpet, that’s probably why.
- If I stole someone’s coffee, would I be guilty of mugging?
- I’m searching for fish jokes. If you have any, let minnow.
- Plagiarism is getting in trouble for something you didn’t do.
- If you’re buying smart water for $5 a bottle, it isn’t working.
- I’ve quit my job on the coffee plantation. Bean there, done that.
- My wife said the tea I made was terrible. Her criticism was brewtal.
- I held the door open for a clown, which I thought was a nice jester.
- The problem with political jokes is that sometimes they get elected.
- It was a terrible summer for Humpty Dumpty but he had a great fall.
Funny Puns (25-37):
- If you’re cold, sit in the corner, it’s 90 degrees. Now that’s acute joke.
- The inventor of the knock-knock joke has been awarded a no-bell prize.
- In the frosty field, the cows are Friesian. Stop me if you’ve herd this one.
- I’m having my hair done today by a Jamaican hairdresser. I’m dreading it.
- If a wife denies her husband his morning coffee, is that grounds for divorce.
- When you’re swimming in the sea and an eel bites your knee, that’s a Moray.
- Never, ever do anything you wouldn’t want to have to explain to paramedics.
- My husband left me to become an astronaut. He said I didn’t give him enough space.
- Singing in the shower is fun until you get shampoo in your mouth. Then it’s a soap opera.
- At Medical School, I considered specialising in proctology until I realised it was a bum job.
- Restaurant diner’s in hospital, having been served horse meat. Doctor says he’s in a stable condition.
- The guy told me he was a wealthy businessman. Turns out he was just an electrician. I was shocked.
- ME: Why are all the cakes 50 cents, except that one which is a dollar? BAKER: That’s Madeira cake.
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