If you’re looking for some cheesy dad jokes, then here are 27 little gems that might just tickle you.
So, take a few moments to enjoy them all.
Cheesy Dad Jokes:
I never liked insect puns. They bug me.
I love eye jokes. The cornea the better.
I used to be a floating voter. Now I’m sunk.
I don’t like Greek yoghurt. It’s a culture difference.
I was so bad at art in school, it’s a wonder I can draw breath.
I’m reading a book called The History of Glue. I can’t put it down.
I saw a parrot wearing a raincoat. I’m told it was polyunsaturated.
I asked a girl in the office for a date. She told me to buy my own fruit.
I’m looking for a new telekinesis class. My old one moved unexpectedly.
I’ve developed a Bible for the visually impaired. It’s called the Holy Braille.
I saw an insect that kept dropping things. Apparently, it was a fumble bee.
I’ve been hired by a guillotine factory in Paris. Be heading there on Monday.
I told my wife to embrace her mistakes. So, she smiled and hugged me.
I used to have a job managing Old Macdonald’s farms. I was the C I E I O.
I thought I saw a rabbit driving a Rolls Royce. It turns out it was a millionhare.
I saw a monkey floating away in a basket. Apparently, it was a hot air baboon.
I named my dog Five Miles. Now I can tell everyone I walk Five Miles every day.
I gave my wife a glue stick instead of her lipstick. She’s still not talking to me.
I was running towards the door as a polite sheep opened it. It said, “After ewe!”
I loved working as an almond harvester until I discovered my boss was a nut job.
I joined the Tourette’s Society a week ago. They’ve only just finished swearing me in.
I’ve just finished building a car from washing machine parts. I’ll be taking it for a spin tomorrow.
I feel cheated. I bought a can of fly spray and sprayed myself all over with it, but I still can’t fly.
I’ve started a job at Apple supporting law enforcement’s covert operations. My department’s called iSpy.
I was apprehensive about going to the dermatologist today. Thankfully, he didn’t make any rash decisions.
I don’t think it’s a big achievement, but my doctor’s report says I haven’t used my muscles for so long that I’m getting a trophy.
I lost my thesaurus yesterday. Not only was I sad, but I was also glum, gloomy, downcast, despondent, miserable, wretched, woebegone, crestfallen, and unhappy.
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