If you’re searching for some seriously funny jokes, dear reader, then I’ve got five here just for you which I’m sure will make you laugh.
They all made me laugh, so I hope you enjoy them too.
Seriously funny jokes:
1. Bell ringer wanted:
Quasimodo placed an advertisement in the local newspaper for an assistant bell ringer.
Unfortunately, there was just one applicant for the job. What was even more unfortunate was that the man applying for the job had no arms.
Quasimodo looked him up and down and then asked quizzically, “How will you be able to do what will be required of you?”
“Let me show you,” said the man, who then proceeded to run at the bell and strike it with his head.
“Well, that’s incredible!” exclaimed an astonished Quasimodo. “Could you show me that again?”
“Sure, I can,” said the man, and once again he ran at the bell but this time he missed and fell straight out of the bell tower to his death on the ground below.
A crowd gathered around the corpse lying on the ground. A police officer quickly appeared on the scene and asked, “Can anyone identify this poor man?”
Quasimodo responded, “I don’t know his name, but his face rings a bell.”
2. Mrs Kelly’s parrot:
Father Malone was new to his Brooklyn parish, and he was visiting one of his parishioners, a little old lady.
Sitting in her living room with a cup of tea, he looked around and noticed she had a pet parrot, which had ribbons tied to each leg.
Father Malone looked for a moment and then he politely enquired, “Mrs Kelly, why does your parrot have ribbons tied to its legs?”
Mrs Kelly smiled and said, “Well believe or not Father, if I pull the left ribbon he’ll sing ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’, and if I pull the right one he’ll sing, ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ for me.”
“Really? That’s impressive Mrs Kelly,” responded the priest. “And what happens if you pull both ribbons together?”
“I’ll fall off the bloody perch!” said the parrot.
3. Lesson learned:
Rick and Mike are two graduate students browsing the oldest part of their college library. They are looking through some musty old shelves in the Special Collection, in the hope they can find something meaningful that will add value to their dissertations.
As he’s browsing one shelf, Rick pulls out a particularly old-looking volume, and when he opens it, a genie pops out. “Thank you for freeing me from that book,” says the genie. “As a reward, I will grant you one wish. You can have either great wealth, great beauty, or great wisdom. What’s your preference?“
Rick’s a PhD student, so he thinks wisdom will be his best choice.
“I’ll have great wisdom, please,” says Rick.
“It’s yours!” says the genie. With that, he snaps his fingers, and there’s a Poof! sound and the genie disappears in a flash.
Rick is left stunned with a look of wonder in his eyes.
Now, Mike has been watching this unfold and can’t quite believe what he’s seen. Breaking the silence between the two of them, Mike says, “So, go on buddy, share some wisdom with me!”
Rick looks down at the book he’s holding, looks back up again, blinks and then says, sadly, “I should have taken great wealth.”
4. Know your own mind:
After his sermon on the challenges of dealing with a controlling personality, Father O’Malley said to the men in his congregation, “If you know that your wife is controlling you, step forward.”
Every man in the congregation stepped forward except Bert.
Father O’Malley smiled because at least he had one strong, confident man in his congregation.
“Now, Bert,” Father O’Malley continued, “tell us why you were unwilling to step forward.”
Bert quietly replied, “Because my wife said I would regret it if I did.”
5. The tap-dancing duck:
A circus owner walked into a bar in Wyoming where everyone inside was crowded around one table.
In the middle of this table was an upturned flower pot with a duck tap dancing on top of it.
Everyone was cheering at the duck’s antics and the circus owner, having a good nose for a crowd-pleaser, thought this was an attraction he should grab with both hands. So immediately he bought both the duck and the flower pot from the bar’s owner for $1,000.
He took the duck back to his circus and promoted his new attraction heavily. Well, it wasn’t long before people were coming from miles around eager to catch a glimpse of the tap-dancing duck.
Sadly there was a widespread disappointment because the duck simply refused to perform. It wouldn’t dance a single step.
Naturally, the circus owner was angry and he returned to the bar immediately with the duck to complain to the man who sold it to him, the bar’s owner.
“This duck’s a fraud,” complained the circus owner, “He won’t dance a single step for me!”
“That’s very odd,” said the bar owner. “Did you remember to light the candle under the flower pot?”
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