If you’re in need of a laugh then take a look at these three side-splitting jokes about Heaven and Hell. They all made me laugh, so I hope they entertain you too, dear reader.
Enjoy them all.
Side-splitting Jokes:
1. Heavenly transportation:
New Yorkers Frank, George and Vinny are killed in a tragic car crash in Manhattan.
The three friends arrive at the entrance to the Pearly Gates and there is St Peter waiting for them.
After the initial pleasantries, St Peter says, “Gentlemen, Heaven is an enormous place, so you will need transport to get around. And I have to tell you now that the type of transport you will be allocated will depend on how faithful you were to your wives.”
He then turns to Frank and says, “Francis, how faithful were you to your dear wife?”
“I never strayed once”, says Frank. “From the day we met until my dying day, she was the only woman with whom I slept and I loved her very much.”
“Most impressive Francis”, says St Peter. “Such fidelity is worthy of a new $13 million Rolls-Royce Sweptail and here are the keys. You’ll find your car in the parking lot just inside the Pearly Gates.”
Turning to George, St Peter said, “And how faithful have you been George?”
George hesitated momentarily and then said, “I must be honest and tell you that I did have a brief affair with my secretary about 20 years ago. It was the only time I cheated and I did regret it. I love my wife and after that brief lapse I was faithful to her until my dying day.”
“Very well”, said St Peter. “You made one mistake but otherwise you were of good character. Your reward now is a Chevrolet Bolt. Here are your keys and you’ll find the car in the parking lot inside the Gates.”
St Peter then turned to Vinny and said, “So Vincent, were you as well-behaved as your friends?”
Vinny looked a little embarrassed as he responded. “St Peter, if I’m honest I was a womanizer and I’ve had more sexual encounters than I can remember. However, I did love my wife and I would never have left her.”
St Peter frowned as he responded, “Vincent your behaviour was less than exemplary but you did at least say you loved your wife and never left her, so that counts for something. Therefore I will give you a top-of-the-range mountain bike to enable you to get around. You’ll find it in the cycle rack inside the Gates.”
The three friends then spent the next few weeks travelling around in Heaven getting to know the place.
One day as Vinny was cycling along Heaven’s highway he saw a Rolls Royce Sweptail parked by the side of the road. As he got close, he could see Frank sitting in the driver’s seat sobbing.
“Hey buddy, what’s the matter?” said Vinny. “You’ve been driving a beautiful Rolls Royce. What could possibly be wrong?”
“I know”, said Frank, “but I’ve just seen my wife go past on a skateboard.”
2. The reward for a life of sin:
Three drinking buddies, Bill, Jim and Cyril died in a plane crash on the way to Las Vegas and they all found themselves in Hell.
No sooner had they walked through the Gates of Hell than they found themselves staring at a series of doors.
Bill opened the first door and out stepped a really ugly woman, her face covered in hideous warts.
The voice of the Devil then boomed out, “William, you have been a sinner and so you are condemned to spend eternity in bed with this poor woman.”
The woman then took Bill by the hand and led him through the door he’d opened to suffer his punishment.
Jim and Cyril naturally were feeling very apprehensive at this point.
However, Jim plucked up the courage to open the second door which revealed a woman who was even uglier than the first one. She was a grinning, toothless hag with a hunched back and a bad case of body odour.
Again the voice of the Devil then boomed out, “James, you too have sinned and so you are condemned to spend eternity in bed with this wretched woman.”
The woman then took Jim by the hand and led him through the door to suffer his punishment.
Naturally, at this point, Cyril was a nervous wreck as he was about to open the third door.
He feared the worst, although he knew he hadn’t been much of a sinner so he hoped it wouldn’t be another hag.
Cyril was pleasantly surprised when out stepped a beautiful blond in a very brief bikini.
“Wow!” thought Cyril.
Then the Devil’s voice boomed, “Maria, you have been a sinner so you are condemned to spend eternity with this hideous, wretched man.”
3. Hoping for a miracle:
Bernard was a deeply religious man and one day he found himself trapped on the roof of his house following a terrible flood after the worst storms in living memory.
After an hour or so a man came by in a boat and shouted to Bernard, “Get in!”
“No”, said Bernard, “I have faith in God. He will ensure my safety.”
Soon the water had completely submerged Bernard’s house and it was lapping around his waist.
Suddenly another man came by in a boat and shouted, “Get in!”
“No”, said Bernard, “I have faith in God. He will ensure my safety.”
Another hour went by and the water was now lapping around Bernard’s chest.
Yet another boat came along and a man shouted to Bernard, “Get in!”
“No”, said Bernard, “I have faith in God. He will ensure my safety.”
Well, the water kept on rising and it was now up around his neck when a helicopter appeared and down came a ladder. The crewman on the ladder shouted to Bernard, “Hey buddy, climb up!”
“No”, said Bernard, “I have faith in God. He will ensure my safety.”
Another hour went by and the next thing Bernard knew he was standing at the Pearly Gates in front of St Peter.
At this point, Bernard felt very disheartened as he said to St Peter, “I feel completely let down. I truly believed God would save me.”
“Be fair”, said St Peter, “We did send you three boats and a helicopter.”
Please share the fun:
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