If you’re looking for some entertaining jokes then here are five that should make you smile.
They all tickled me and I’m confident that you too will enjoy them, dear reader. I hope so anyway.
So, take a moment to have a laugh and then please feel free to pass them on.
Entertaining jokes:
1. Challenging times:
A pirate walks into a bar in Bermuda.
He walks up to the counter and the bartender says, “Hello matey, I haven’t seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible.”
“What do you mean?” says the pirate. “I feel fine.”
“Well, you didn’t have that wooden leg last time I saw you,” says the bartender.
“Oh, that,” responds the pirate. “We were in a battle and I got hit with a cannonball but I’m fine now.”
“Really?” says the bartender. “What about the hook? What happened to your hand?”
“Well, we were in another battle and my hand got chopped off in a sword fight,” says the pirate. “However I got fitted with the hook and I’m fine now.”
“Seriously?” says the bartender. “But what about the eye patch?”
“Look, it’s nothing,” says the pirate. “One day we’re at sea and a flock of seagulls flew over. I looked up and one of them pooped in my eye.”
“You’ve got to be joking,” says the bartender. “You lost your eye just from seagull poop?”
“It was my first day with the hook,” says the pirate.
2. Priorities:
Two businessmen, Jim and George, are playing golf.
They’re on the seventh tee and Jim is just about to take a swing when a funeral procession appears on the road next to the perimeter fence.
Jim immediately aborts his swing, takes off his hat, holds it to his chest, closes his eyes and bows his head in solemn contemplation.
When the funeral cortége has passed, George says, “That’s the most touching moment I’ve ever seen Jim. Clearly, you’re a man who’s willing to show his feelings.”
Jim quickly recovers his composure, smiles and then says, “Well, I was married to her for 35 years.”
3. Guilty:
Little Jane arrived home from school and said to her mom, “Mom, today in school I was punished for something I didn’t do.”
“That’s not right,” said her mom. “I’m going to speak to your teacher about this. What was it you didn’t do?”
Looking a little embarrassed little Jane replied, “My homework.”
4. Magician’s son:
On the first day of the new academic year, the school secretary was filling out forms relating to each student’s personal details.
“What’s your father’s occupation?” she asked little Johnny.
“He’s a magician, mam,” Johnny replied.
“A magician! Wow, that’s interesting,” the secretary said in response. “What’s his favourite trick?”
“He saws people in half,” said Johnny.
“Really? That’s amazing!” said the secretary. “Right, last question. Any brothers or sisters?”
“Yes, mam,” Johnny responded. “I have two half-sisters.”
5. Tricky decision:
His Holiness the Pope, head of the Catholic Church, is visiting New York City.
Naturally, there’s a limousine waiting for him as he arrives at JFK.
After getting the Pope’s luggage loaded into the limo, the chauffeur realises that the pontiff is still standing on the sidewalk.
“Oh, I’m so sorry your holiness,” says the chauffeur, “I was so busy, I didn’t realise you were still standing there. Please take your seat in the car and we’ll leave momentarily.”
“My son, if truth be told, it’s always been my ambition to drive in New York City,” says the Pope. “They never let me drive in Rome. Would it be possible for me to drive today? Just into the city? You’d be making an old man very happy.”
“Your Holiness, I couldn’t do that. I’d lose my job!” the chauffeur responds.
“Who’s going to know?” the Pope asks with a smile. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Reluctant though he was, eventually the chauffeur allows himself to be persuaded.
So with a beaming smile, the Pope climbs into the driver’s seat and the chauffeur takes a seat in the back of the car.
For once he’s as free as a bird, so the pontiff decides to make the most of the experience. He presses the pedal hard to the metal, the limo takes off and they hit the freeway doing 120 mph.
“Your holiness,” pleads the chauffeur, “you’ll get a ticket if you don’t slow down.”
Well, his holiness wasn’t listening. They’re really moving at high speed when suddenly they hear the sound of a police car siren.
“Oh, holy mother of Jesus,” says the worried chauffeur. “I’m definitely going to lose my job now.”
Naturally, the Pope has no choice but to pull over.
His holiness rolls down his window as police officer Mackenzie approaches the limo.
Officer Mackenzie just takes one look at the man in the driver’s seat and he turns and goes straight back to his car and gets on to the police radio.
“I need to talk to the Chief of Police now,” police officer Mackenzie says to the dispatcher.
After a few minutes, The Chief of Police is on the radio and police officer Mackenzie tells him that he’s stopped a limo doing 120 mph on the freeway.
“So what’s the problem? Just bust his ass!” says the Chief.
“Sir, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” police officer Mackenzie responds. “There’s someone really important in the car.”
“So? That’s all the more reason to bust him,” exclaims the Police Chief.
“No sir, I mean someone who’s really, really important,” says police officer Mackenzie.
“So, who’s in the car?” asks the Chief. “Is it the Mayor?”
“No sir. Much bigger,” says police officer Mackenzie.
“You mean a Senator?” asks the Chief.
“No sir. Much bigger,” says police officer Mackenzie.
“You mean the President?” exclaims the Chief.
“No sir. Even bigger,” says police officer Mackenzie.
“Bigger than the President?” exclaims the Chief. “Well, who the hell is it?“
“Sir, I think it’s God,” police officer Mackenzie responds.
“GOD!” exclaims the Chief. “What makes you think it’s God?“
“Because his chauffeur’s the Pope!” says police officer Mackenzie.
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