Looking for some “what do you call jokes,” dear reader?
Those wordplay jokes that are always corny but still make you smile.
I love them, I must say. So, I’ve curated 40 of them just for you.
Why not grab a coffee and then take a few minutes to enjoy them all?
And please feel free to pass them on to your friends and loved ones.
What do you call jokes (1-10):
- What do you call a dinosaur that’s sleeping?
- A dino-snore!
- What do you call a bear with no teeth?
- A gummy bear!
- What do you call a cow with no legs?
- Ground beef!
- What do you call a fish with no eyes?
- Fsh!
- What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?
- An abdominal snowman!
- What do you call a pig that knows karate?
- Pork chop!
- What do you call a deer with no eyes?
- No-eye deer!
- What do you call a fake noodle?
- An impasta!
- What do you call a monkey in a minefield?
- A baboom!
- What do you call a guy who can’t flip pancakes?
- A flippin’ failure!
What do you call jokes (11-20):
- What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?
- A can’t opener!
- What do you call a bear with no socks on?
- Barefoot!
- What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind?
- A maybee!
- What do you call a snake that tells jokes?
- Hisssterical!
- What do you call a computer that sings?
- A Dell!
- What do you call a cow that’s just given birth?
- Decalfinated!
- What do you call a pile of cats?
- A meowtain!
- What do you call a group of musical whales?
- An orca-stra!
- What do you call a dog magician?
- A labracadabrador!
- What do you call a snowman who’s been sunbathing?
- A puddle!
What do you call jokes (21-30):
- What do you call a bear with no ear?
- B!
- What do you call a chicken staring at lettuce?
- A chicken sees-a-salad!
- What do you call a cat that can play the guitar?
- Kitty Perry!
- What do you call a pencil that can tell wordplay jokes?
- A pun-cil!
- What do you call a bear that’s caught in the rain?
- A drizzly bear!
- What do you call a cat that likes to eat lemons?
- A sourpuss!
- What do you call a donkey with a PhD?
- A smart ass!
- What do you call a tree with a lot of money?
- A cashew tree!
- What do you call a cheese that isn’t yours?
- Nacho cheese!
What do you call jokes (31-40):
- What do you call a snobbish criminal going downstairs?
- A condescending con descending!
- What do you call a bear that loves to dance?
- A groovy bear!
- What do you call a cat that loves bowling?
- An alley cat!
- What do you call a happy cowboy?
- A jolly rancher!
- What do you call a pile of cats falling over?
- A catastrophe!
- What do you call a sheep that doesn’t have any money?
- Poor ewe!
- What do you call a cat that plays the piano?
- A meow-sician!
- What do you call a tree with a podcast?
- An audio-branch!
- What do you call a bird that’s afraid to fly?
- Chicken!
- What do you call a group of cows playing in a band?
- A moo-sical ensemble!
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