2 more original poems to get you thinking

Here are two more original poems you might appreciate, dear reader. Enjoy them both, and please feel free to share them.

More Original Poems:

How to deal with depression

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2 original poems crafted with wisdom

Here are two original poems you might appreciate, dear reader. Enjoy them both, and please feel free to share them.

Original Poems:

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A poem about the joys of marriage

MarriageOnce again, I’ve been trying to write poetry. On this occasion, I’ve been exploring the idea of marriage. A subject to which most of us are drawn at some point in our lives.

At this point, it might be worth quoting the great Scottish comedian, Billy Connolly, “Marriage is a wonderful invention. Then again, so is a bicycle repair kit.”

Anyway, I hope my latest poetic offering appeals to you. And if my words do resonate with you, then please feel free to share this poem with your friends or on Pinterest.

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Marriage Poem

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State of the Nation

State of the Nation I like poetry and I like trying to write poetry.

Yes, I’ve got a long way to go before I’ll get anywhere near some of the great poets, of course. However, we’ve all got to start somewhere.

Today, as I sat thinking about the state of my own nation, I wrote this poem. On reflection, it probably reflects the state of many nations.

Anyway, if my words resonate with you, then please feel free to share this poem.

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Graduation Poem: An alternative perspective

Graduation PoemIf you’ve landed on this page, dear reader, you might just be looking for a graduation poem.

I’ve written one for you, but perhaps not one you might expect.

Most graduation poems are a celebration of the moment, and there’s nothing wrong with that approach. It’s the culmination of years of hard work, after all.

However, in the modern age, it seems that many young people look back and wonder whether the burden of student debt was worth it, in terms of the potential return on the money and time invested.

You can decide on the merits or otherwise of that argument, of course, but I thought it might be interesting to offer an alternative perspective. One that might be considered more realistic, possibly?

If you like it, feel free to share it on social media.

Graduation Poem:

Graduation PoemI received a fine certificate

Wore gown and mortar board

Proud parents taking photographs

For memories, they will hoard

The Rector warmly greeted us

He spoke of futures bright

He said well all get well-paid jobs

Well, at least he said, some might

A degree once had real value

But it doesnt anymore

When everybodys got one

Employers know the score

Three years of diligent study

Now tinged with some regret

For two hours in the limelight

Was it worth incurring debt?

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2 Poems for today to make you think

Poems for TodayI have never been clever with words, dear reader, but I’ve always been impressed with those who are. In particular, I like poetry and writers who are clever with verse. So naturally, I like having a go at writing poetry and seeing whether I can produce something half-decent.

Today I offer you two poems that I wrote yesterday. The first is my reaction to the present cult of what has become known as ‘cancel culture‘ and the second reflects an incident that actually happened to me whilst attempting to mow our lawn at home.

If you enjoy either of these poems, please feel free to share them. They are free for anyone to share, providing they are not used for commercial gain.

1. Cancel Culture:

Cancel Culture Poem


2. Battle with a Lawn Mower:

Battle with a Lawn Mower

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If you liked these poems then please feel free to share them with your friends on Pinterest or social media.

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