Do you enjoy your work, dear reader? Do you have a job you love? Do you wake up each morning filled with enthusiasm for the day ahead?
Alternatively, maybe you just feel your job allows you to earn an income, but beyond that, you can’t wait until 5 pm when the working day is over. Perhaps you’re constantly asking the question, “How to find the right job for you?”
If that’s you then you’re not alone.
The Lottery Question:
The acid test when you’re not sure is to ask yourself what I call the lottery question.
What does that mean? If means you ask yourself this, “If I won millions on the lottery and money ceased to be an issue; would I continue to do the work I’m doing now or would I try something else?”
Yes of course if you won the lottery you’d have a little fun with the money first, but eventually, your life would need a sense of purpose and routine again.
So how would you fill your time then?
Never work a day in your life:
If you enjoy what you do, and you’re recognized as being very good at it, then you’ll do your job well and you’ll be successful at what you do. And if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Now, how good would that be?
So if you’re not happy with your job right now, the next question to ask yourself is, “What do I really want to be?”
To answer that question, you need to consider two things:-
These are quite different things but if you can find the sweet spot between them then you have the basis for finding a job you’ll love.
So the steps to job heaven are as follows:-
STEP 1: What are you good at?
Not merely competent but really good at?
Think about that question carefully and be honest with yourself.
What activities are intuitive to you? Things you can do easily and readily without having to give them too much thought?
Ask friends and colleagues for their views, and ask them to be really honest with you. Ask people you work with about the tasks for which they consider you to be the absolutely, first choice ‘go-to’ person.
Gather together this information and make a list.
STEP 2: What do you enjoy doing?
Then make a list of all the things you really enjoy doing.
Which activities really give you a buzz?
What activities get you so absorbed that you really lose track of time?
What activities would you do for free or as a hobby, if you couldn’t make a living at them?
Paul McCartney once said that if he couldn’t have made a living out of writing songs and playing music, he’d have done it as a hobby, simply because he loved it so much. In fact, it was his hobby before it was the way he earned a living.
What activities make you feel the same way? Make that list and don’t be reasonable.
All this requires time for reflection and careful thought, as well as feedback from other people. So do give it the time it deserves.
Don’t jump to conclusions. You do want to ensure you get it right, don’t you?
STEP 3: Which items are common to both lists?
When you have your two lists ready, the final step is to identify the common ground between them, the point at which the two lists intersect.
If you find an item that is contained on both lists then you have found the Holy Grail.
Finding something you’re genuinely good at and have a real talent for, and which is also something you really enjoy, will give you the greatest chance of success in life.
It is essential you find the common ground between your lists because:-
And if you get it right, sometimes people will sprinkle fairy dust on you too. And then a magical career beckons.
Finding your perfect job is never about luck.
Find the right work for you:
If you’re doing something you enjoy doing and you’re doing it well, you’ll stick with it long enough to get someone’s attention. And when you get their attention, you’ll dazzle them because you’re doing it well.
That’s not luck; it’s hard work, perseverance and timing.
Once you’ve identified what you want, the next question is, “How do you get it?” That’s another challenge, entirely.
Have you managed to find the perfect job for you?
If so, you’re lucky indeed. Enjoy every moment. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking;
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