How is life for you? Perhaps you’re lucky and you have a great job, a nice house, a fancy car, a loving family and a lifestyle which is the envy of your neighbours. If that’s you then well done but there’s nothing for you here. If you’ve achieved all that then you don’t need any success secrets from me.
If it is you then I must tell you, you’re in a minority. However, I’m guessing you’re not part of that minority. Am I right? Statistically, you’re much more likely to be a member of life’s majority. Those people with a desire for their lives to be better but who for whatever reason cannot translate that desire into something that’s better.
Statistically, you’re more likely to be part of that group of people constantly on the lookout for success secrets. People searching for the ‘secret sauce‘ if you like. You’re not alone of course but I hope this post will help you.
Why is it that some people are successful and others are not?
What secrets do the successful know that the unsuccessful do not know?
Can anyone be successful? The simple answer is yes.
However unsuccessful people tend to think it’s not possible, so they don’t try. They just accept what they’re given as if that’s all they can expect from life. It’s almost as if they say to themselves, this is all life has for me. It’s like they believe that there are no success secrets.
Well, I must tell you now, if it’s not obvious to you, life can be better. Life is what you make it. Within reason, you can be whatever you want to be. You can have more. Other people do, so why not you?
Right now, where you are is where you are. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you don’t have to remain where you are. You’re not a tree, you can move. You can change. You can decide that your life will be different. And you can work towards something that’s better.
Your life really can be better than it is and you can be better than you are. However for it to be better you have to believe it can be better and you have to believe that you can turn it around. In fact, you have to believe in success secrets.
One thing all successful people have in common is a belief that something different can happen and they can make it happen. They don’t allow anyone to tell them it can’t be done. They know what they want and they’re determined to get it.
Some might consider them delusional but successful people see it as self-belief. They won’t accept that they cannot do something because intuitively they know, if they try hard enough, then anything is possible. If they decide what they want and strive for what they want, they just know that somehow they can get it. The price is determination and hard work but they’re willing to pay that price.
Successful people know that when faced with an elephant you cannot swallow it whole. However, it can be eaten one bite at a time.
If you’re building a wall then you don’t start with the entire wall. You start with a single brick and you get that right. Then once that’s securely in place you move on to the next brick and then the next and the next and so on. Pretty soon if you stick at it long enough you’ll have the whole wall.
Successful people know that they can’t get to where they want to go in one single leap. They know you get there gradually, one step at a time. And if you want to be successful, it starts with taking the first step.
Readers familiar with Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) will know that if you want to be successful you look for successful people, identify what they do and then copy that model. The idea is that if it worked for them then there’s a good chance it will work for you too. Most successful people will have had role models they’ve copied at various times.
So if you want to be successful look around for successful people and listen to what they have to say. Most people would accept that Will Smith is successful. In the video included here, he shares his thoughts on the secrets of success.
His observations are interesting and well worth a few minutes of your time. I can recommend them to you.
Further Reading:
An article of this type can only ever be a taster on the subject but there are plenty of good books which will enlighten you further on the subject of success secrets. For instance, one I suggest you explore is:
The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires: How to Achieve Financial Independence Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible (The Laws of Success Series) by Brian Tracy
It all depends on how you define success, of course. If you see success as being all about achieving financial independence as fast and easy as possible, then this book could be for you.
Remember, it’s never easy. It requires hard work and determination. However, while it’s not easy, it can be easier and this book will tell you how. You can explore it by clicking on the link.
So go on, CLICK NOW and check it out whilst it’s fresh in your mind.
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