Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone

step out of your comfort zoneIf your aim is growth and achievement then playing it safe is unlikely to be the right strategy for you. You must face your fears dear reader. You must have the courage to step out of your comfort zone because we grow by taking on challenges throughout our lives.

Overcoming challenges is always at the heart of any achievement worthy of note.

A life worth living is a life where you feel fully engaged.

And to feel truly energized and engaged with life, you must stretch yourself to the limit of your potential.

Needless to say, you can only find the limit of your potential if you step out of your comfort zone.

Sadly many people, if not most, never have the courage to step outside their comfort zone. They prefer to live where they feel safe.

Staying within your comfort zone is fine of course if that’s what you want, but you can’t really call it living, can you? It’s existing perhaps but not really living, I think.

You cannot grow from within the safety of your comfort zone. That’s simply a fact.

You’ll find that life begins to have a real buzz when you take the first step beyond your comfort zone. That’s what you might call living on the edge. Inevitably it’s scary of course but you really do begin to feel energised. It’s where you’ll feel a real sense of exhilaration.

Yes, of course, it involves risk, that’s true. However, risk and reward go hand in hand. No risk; no reward.

Stepping outside your comfort zone doesn’t guarantee success and of course, you might still fail. In fact, you’ll certainly experience some failures along the way, because everyone does.

Experiencing failures is an inevitable part of chasing success because success lies on the far side of failure. However to get to second base and beyond, you must be prepared to take your foot off first base.

Successful people don’t always make the right decisions. However, they’re willing to challenge themselves and they’re willing to persist long after everyone else has given up. They may fail but they learn from failure and they use what they’ve learned to work towards achieving their goals.

Dear reader, let me tell you something. You have enormous potential and you can achieve anything if you want it badly enough and you’re prepared to work hard for it.

Certainly, you’re capable of achieving great things.

However, you must set yourself challenging goals and you must be prepared to step out of your comfort zone. If you can face that discomfort and keep on going then you really can become the person you’re destined to be.

It’s easier to stay within your comfort zone of course and you’ll feel safe that way but nothing beats the feeling of winning and achieving those challenging goals you’ve set yourself. A life of safety first can be really dull.

If every obstacle must first be overcome before you start then you’ll never achieve anything.

Playing it safe is actually a bigger risk than stepping beyond your comfort zone.

By playing it safe you take the risk that you’ll never experience the satisfaction of real achievement. And it’s always better to try and fail than it is to spend your life wondering what might have been.

Stepping beyond your comfort zone means embracing uncertainty, of course. However, the quality of your life will depend on the amount of uncertainty you can bear.

So go on, live a little.

Step out of your comfort zone right now and take that tiger for a ride. You’ll be glad you did.

Building the courage to step out of your comfort zone:

To reinforce the message in this theme, you might find the embedded video from Brian Tracy inspiring.

In it, Brian offers some wise words on building the courage to break out of your comfort zone. It’s well worth your time and I recommend it to you.

Further listening:

If you found the video inspiring then you might be keen to hear more from Brian Tracy.

I think he’s a fantastic motivational speaker and I listen to his audio programmes all the time.

One I can highly recommend is:-

Eat that Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time.

I bought my own personal copy of this one about two years ago and I’ve found it extremely inspiring and useful. I still listen to it frequently when I’m driving and every time I listen I learn something new.

It is definitely worth adding to your own personal development library. Click on the link above to check it out.

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