15 Quotes by Penny Marshall to inspire you

Today I’ve curated some excellent quotes by Penny Marshall.

The late film director, producer, and actress Penny Marshall was a great talent, and I’m sure she’s missed by all who knew her well.

Penny Marshall rose to fame in the 1970s with her role in the hit US television sitcom Laverne & Shirley.

Playing the role of Laverne DeFazio, she was funny. She created a character that has proved to be one of the standout comedy characters from the golden age of situation comedy.

If you’re not familiar with the sitcom Laverne & Shirley, there are plenty of clips available on YouTube to give you an idea of how good it was back in the day.

You might also find this ABC News tribute to Penny Marshall well worth a couple of minutes of your time:

Make Money

In recent years, there has been an improvement in the availability of opportunities for women, particularly in show business. And of course, that’s how it should be.

However, we have to admire those strong and talented women from previous generations who managed to succeed in their chosen profession, despite a system that was rigged against them. In Penny Marshall, women had a great role model.

She managed to become a successful director of films, an area of entertainment that is still heavily dominated by men to this day.

She was a very smart lady. So here are 15 quotes by Penny Marshall that reflect her philosophy.

Make Money

Quotes by Penny Marshall

Make Money

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