How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes? Now there’s an interesting question. If you ask yourself five simple questions, you can identify your purpose, and with that knowledge, you can succeed.
If you speak with successful people, they’ll usually have a strong sense of their life purpose.
However, most people in life don’t know anything about their life purpose at all.
Far too many people in this world are unhappy with their lives because, for whatever reason, they feel they haven’t made the best use of their natural talent.
Too many people that I meet in their 40s and 50s seem to feel their lives have been mostly wasted so far.
Now, I’m not referring to complete losers here.
I’m talking about people who actually appear to have what we all crave, i.e. an affluent lifestyle and well-paid jobs.
However, just because they’ve made some money doesn’t mean they feel they’ve made the best of their lives.
Money’s important for living, of course, but having a sense of purpose and a feeling that we’re making a difference to other people is also very important if we want to be happy with our lives. And surely we all want to be happy?
Do you know your life purpose, dear reader? Would you say you’re happy with your life?
I strongly believe that we’ve all been put on this earth for a reason.
We all have our part to play, and we all have a unique contribution to make.
Certainly, we all have a unique set of talents.
So surely, if we know what we have to offer, we’re closer to knowing our life purpose?
If what we do is congruent with our life purpose, then we can make a real difference to the world around us and to other people too.
How to know your life purpose:
The question is, where to start?
Well, if you have absolutely no idea what your life purpose is, then a little self-analysis is a good place to start. However, what questions should you be asking yourself?
In the video below from TEDx Talks Adam Leipzig, he offers some inspired thinking on how to find your life purpose.
In the video, Adam suggests some simple questions to ask yourself that will quickly lead you to a sense of what your life purpose should be.
I found this video inspirational and really useful, and I recommend it to you.
Recommended Reading:
Finally, as Adam Leipzig suggests in the video, Amazon offers an enormous range of books on this subject.
Hopefully, the video will have helped you without the need for further reading.
However, maybe you feel the need to explore the topic further. Perhaps you would like to purchase some books on the subject to add to your personal reference library.
If so, then here are two books you might consider. Just click on the links to check them out.
The Life Purpose Workbook: A 5-Step Guide to Find Your Purpose and Create the Life You Want by Avis J. Williams
Life Purpose: How To Find Your Reason For Living by Claire H Perkins
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