How to improve your life quality? That’s a question we often ask ourselves when life does not quite meet our expectations.
Embarrassed by circumstances
Have you ever been embarrassed by your limited circumstances?
Consider a situation. Perhaps all your friends were going on a night out, but you couldn’t join them because you simply didn’t have the money.
You wanted to join them, of course, but wealth and financial freedom were nothing but a distant dream for you at the time.
Maybe you’ve not had that particular experience but something similar, possibly? The actual situation for you may have been different, but your sense of embarrassment will not have been any less painful and hard to bear, I’m sure.
In one of his audio programs, the late Jim Rohn tells a story about an event that drove him to take a very close look at his life.
A Girl Scout called at Jim’s house one day to sell Girl Scout Cookies as part of an annual fundraiser. In exchange for the cookies, all she asked for was just two dollars.
This was many years ago, of course, but even then, this was not a huge sum of money.
However, Jim’s problem at the time was that he didn’t even have two dollars to spare, so he was reduced to lying to the poor girl. At this point, wealth was something Jim had yet to encounter.
Money does matter
Now some people will tell you that money doesn’t matter, but it does. In our world today, you can’t live without money any longer than you can live without oxygen or water.
Exactly how much money you need depends on your preferred lifestyle, of course. If you don’t want much out of life, then you’ll get by on very little money.
However, most of us do want more out of life; hence, having at least a degree of wealth does matter.
Wealth and financial freedom
Put simply, wealth means financial freedom.
Financial freedom, in turn, means you can do what you want whenever you want without feeling constrained by your circumstances.
A worthy aim, therefore, is to decide what you want out of life and then start working towards building your wealth.
It all starts with change
Have you ever thought to yourself, I don’t want to live like this anymore?
Perhaps you’ve said to yourself, I want more out of life.
You want more, but the problem is that you have no idea how to change your circumstances, right? If you need a little help, then don’t worry, dear reader; you’re not alone.
However, one thing you must accept is that unless you change, nothing will change.
You must increase your value
Perhaps you look at your salary each month and think, How can I start building wealth when this is all the company pays?
If that’s how you think, then you’ll need to change your philosophy or the way you look at things.
The salary you get may be all the company pays you, but it’s for the value of the contribution you make.
There will be other people who are paid a lot more than you. They’re paid more than you quite simply because they’re considered to be more valuable than you to the company.
I’m not suggesting that you’re not valuable. You are valuable as a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a friend, or even a colleague.
However, my point reflects your economic value to your employer.
It’s a fact that if you’re in a low-skilled job where there’s an oversupply of potential replacements for your services, then you won’t earn much. That’s simply the economics of supply and demand.
However, just because you’re not more valuable now doesn’t mean you can’t become more valuable.
You can increase your skills with a little effort on your part, and you can become more valuable. Become more valuable, and your income will rise.
So while your circumstances may be limited right now, they don’t have to remain that way.
You can work on yourself and improve yourself. It’s all about self-improvement and personal development.
Success can be yours
Success doesn’t just happen to people. No one just gets lucky.
If you asked the CEO of a multi-national corporation how he or she got to where he or she is today, the response is unlikely to be, “Well, I just showed up for work each day, and they just kept promoting me.”
No, people have worked very hard to get to a lofty position in life. You don’t get anywhere without hard work.
However, you attract success by the person you become, and you really can become more than you are now.
Jim Rohn suggested that profits are better than wages, and he had a point.
Every rags-to-riches story I’ve ever heard always involves someone’s own business. They started their own business, worked very hard, and one day they became very rich.
Build a business
Now you’re probably thinking, I don’t have the money to start my own business, and I can’t afford to give up my job on a whim.
That’s all true, I’m sure, but some people keep their job initially and start their own business as a part-time enterprise.
Jim Rohn himself built his success that way.
Jim began life in modest circumstances, but he went on to become a millionaire and one of the most influential thinkers of our time. And in case you’re wondering, no, he didn’t go to university.
It can be done; people do, and you can too.
Just make up your mind to start working on yourself.
Increase your value and look for opportunities to solve problems for people.
Solving problems is the basis for any business. Every product should solve a problem for consumers.
The psychology of wealth
There’s psychology linked to building wealth, and you would be wise to understand it.
In the embedded video included here, the late Jim Rohn explains the psychology of wealth and provides a lot of sensible advice.
Jim was a successful man by any measure, and it’s always worth listening to people who’ve achieved success. They know what they’re talking about because they’ve been there and done it.
He offers simple messages that are thought-provoking and powerful.
This video is well worth your time, and I recommend it to you. Watch it now while you have the chance.
Recommendations for your library
I think Jim Rohn was one of the best motivational speakers I’ve ever heard, and he’s been a big influence on me, that’s for sure.
He’s produced many books, videos, and audio programs over the years, and all of them would add real value to your library.
Two I can strongly recommend you add to your personal reference library are:
Book: Seven Strategies for Wealth & Happiness by Jim Rohn
Audio Program: The Art of Exceptional Living by Jim Rohn
I purchased both of these some time ago, and I still use them constantly as sources of inspiration and motivation.
The audio program is particularly useful, as I listen to it while driving. This means I can use my travel time profitably. Why listen to the radio when you could be listening and learning while you drive?
Purchasing these items represented money well spent for me, and I’ve found them enormously useful. I strongly recommend them to you.
Click on the links and check them out.
Even if you don’t buy them, they’re certainly worth considering. Go check out Jim Rohn’s books and audio programs now while they’re fresh in your mind.
Should you make a purchase, you will not regret buying them. I’m very confident in that.
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