Here’s why the only disability in life is a bad attitude

the only disability in life is a bad attitudeHave you experienced a lot of adversity in your life dear reader?

Maybe you’re feeling a little bit sorry for yourself?

Life hasn’t been fair to you recently, possibly?

If life’s unfair, you might feel that you’re entitled to have a bad attitude. Everyone’s doing fine but you, so why shouldn’t you let the world know that you’re not happy, right? We all feel that way occasionally, don’t we? I do, that’s for sure.

However, if you’re trying to get people on your side with a negative attitude then you really should think again. No one will be joining you at the pity party. You won’t find anyone that is sympathetic to a bad attitude, trust me.

If there’s one genuine disability in life it’s a bad attitude.

It’s a fact that negativity never impresses anyone, ever. Other people have got enough problems of their own.

It doesn’t get people on your side, it will simply alienate them. You’ll be pushing them away rather than gathering their support and winning hearts and minds.

Life isn’t fair. If never has been and it never will be. That’s a fact, unfortunately.

You’ll find that life doesn’t care about what you want. It doesn’t care about what anyone wants.

It doesn’t care about any sense of entitlement you may have.

Nor does life care that you feel that you should have a bigger piece of the pie.

In my experience, life is what you make it. Nothing happens by accident unless you’re very, very lucky. And no one is that lucky consistently.

The life you enjoy or don’t enjoy will be defined by your attitude.

It’s not about what happens to you. Stuff happens to us all.

Yes, it’s true, some people bear a greater share of life’s challenges than others. However, ultimately, your life will be defined by how you respond to everything that happens to you.

Positive beats negative:

Attitude is everythingNo matter how tough life gets, a positive attitude will take you further than a negative one ever will.

A positive attitude is the most powerful response to life’s misfortunes.

It says you can knock me down as many times as you like but you won’t keep me down. I will get up and I will keep getting up until I get to where I’m going.

Now that sort of attitude really does impress people.

Life responds positively to those with a positive attitude. I can tell you that from personal experience.

You’ll find that a positive attitude will always get people on your side. Show them that you can rise above everything life throws at you and you’ll have their respect.

In the embedded video included below, Matthew Jeffers, a senior acting major at Towson University in Maryland, provides us all with an inspiring message with the letter he wrote to the Baltimore Ravens, his favourite NFL team.

The letter was entitled “A Reason to Win” and it’s all the more impressive when considered against Matthew’s own struggles with Skeletal Dysplasia.

The ultimate lesson is that life’s not going to cut you any slack just because you’re feeling sorry for yourself.

Attitude is everything:

Yes, it’s true. Attitude is everything. If you believe you can, you will; if you believe you can’t, you won’t. It’s that simple.

Many people experience tough lives and however hard your life is there’ll be plenty of people out there whose lives are far tougher than yours. Many people experience disabilities of varying degrees of severity but actually, as Matthew Jeffers observes, the only real disability in life is a bad attitude.

So if you’re feeling a bit dispirited right now, take a good hard look at yourself and think about the positives you have in your life, rather than constantly focusing on the negatives.

This video will inspire you, so take a look at it now. It’s well worth a few minutes of your time.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude:

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