Today, I have a collection of amusing quotes about earning a living and reflecting on the nature of work and money.
Most of us have no choice but to do whatever’s necessary to pay our bills and put bread on the table.
Yes, it can be rewarding but sometimes we must question whether the stress of work is worth it.
The easiest way to deal with stress is through humour, so here is my take on work and money in 21 quotes.
Earning a living can be a challenge, but it doesn’t do to take any of it too seriously.
I hope some of these quotes resonate with you, dear reader. Enjoy them all.
Quotes about earning a living (1-10)
Yes, I’m sick. Sick of work.
The best part of my job is a chair that swivels.
Money isn’t everything but try living without it.
I can’t afford to get sick. I’m far too busy at work.
Money talks, of course, but mine mostly just says goodbye.
Yes, I have a sense of purpose. My purpose is a life of leisure.
I work not because I want to but because I don’t have any choice.
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can provide a comfortable misery.
The part of my working day that I look forward to most is going home.
I’m not driven by a love of money; I’m driven by the fear of being poor.
Quotes about earning a living (11-21)
I’m a self-made man. I started out with nothing, and I’ve still got nothing.
They say having money brings its own problems but so does not having money.
I’ll have enough income when I’m earning at least a penny more than I can spend.
They say having money is stressful but I find not having money is even more stressful.
I thought I wanted a career but now I realise all I really wanted was enough money to do as I please.
This morning, my boss said, make sure you have a good day. So, I went home, and I had a wonderful day.
If I had to choose between a life with money or a life without, then it’s a no-brainer. Show me the money.
We were poor but we were happy. Well, that’s not quite true. We weren’t happy exactly, but we were poor.
I’m on neither your side nor their side. I’m on my side. Looking after my own interests because no one else will.
Given a choice between affluence and poverty, I’d choose affluence, if only to satisfy my desire to live comfortably.
Careers are a wonderful thing. So far, mine has taken my earning capacity from really struggling to pay my bills to just about managing to pay my bills.
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