Looking for some quotes about life’s journey, dear reader? Well, I’ve pulled together 50 such quotes from my own written work.
These are my observations about life and reflect my personal experience.
Now your experiences will be different, and you may disagree with some of these quotes.
If that’s the case, then that’s fine. I don’t have a monopoly on understanding life’s mysteries.
However, I can tell you, the older you get the better you see through much of the nonsense we’re subjected to, particularly from sections of the media.
Anyway, I hope you’ll find at least some of these quotes interesting and perhaps you can work a couple of them into your day.
Enjoy them all and please feel free to pass them on.
Quotes about life’s journey (1-20):
- On Spaceship Earth, we’re all crew.
- People believe what they want to believe.
- There can be no progress without change.
- Life is life, and we cope with it as best we can.
- You can be the reason someone smiles today.
- Choices always have consequences. Choose wisely.
- Forget being the best and focus on doing your best.
- You can listen to the wise or let adversity teach you.
- Focus on where you’re going, not where you’ve been.
- Arguing with a fool is pointless. It’s a waste of your time.
- It’s not the truth; it’s what people believe that matters.
- Bad things happen because good people do nothing.
- No one’s superior and no one’s inferior. So, stay humble.
- Saying isn’t doing and it’s doing that will make a difference.
- The casual use of profane language never reflects well on anyone.
- Be the person you choose to be. You don’t need anyone’s permission.
- What your family could or couldn’t afford does not define who you are.
- Other people’s problems are opportunities for fleet-footed entrepreneurs.
- Never again will you be as young as you are today. So, enjoy life while you can.
- Political power is the result of like-minded people working together in numbers.
Quotes about life’s journey (21-35):
- Life will teach you more lessons than school ever did. Lessons you’ll never forget.
- Your life experience will be dictated by the choices you make. So, make good ones.
- Loneliness doesn’t come from being alone. It comes from the feeling that no one cares.
- Income does not determine your wealth if you keep spending more than you earn.
- If people are talking complete nonsense, don’t be afraid to challenge it and push back
- You won’t regret the things you didn’t buy but you may regret the things you didn’t do.
- A good heart beats an attractive face. Looks will fade but a good heart will always be a good heart.
- If you keep trying, you can learn how to. Keep walking east and eventually, you will see the sunrise.
- If they’re teaching what to think rather than how to think then it’s not education, it’s indoctrination.
- Never complain. No one cares. People have enough problems of their own without worrying about yours.
- If your life isn’t all you’d like it to be then it’s time to make some changes. It won’t change unless you do.
- We live in an age where pretence must take precedence over fact. Where lies must be accepted as the truth.
- Life is a series of moments, and every moment should be cherished as if it’s your last because one day it will be.
- For society to function well, we must all add value. We cannot expect others to make our contribution for us.
- Never be afraid to challenge anything you know to be wrong. Bad ideas take hold when good people fail to act.
Quotes about life’s journey (36-45):
- Life’s short and passes in the blink of an eye. So don’t waste any of it arguing with strangers on Twitter.
- Lives can be changed with enterprise, determination, and hard work. Being born poor doesn’t mean you have to die poor.
- Remember the media and celebrities work on the basis that we’re all easily conned. Just because it’s on television doesn’t mean it’s true.
- Regardless of anything they may suggest to the contrary, no politician will ever do anything that will improve your life significantly. That’s your responsibility.
- You’d better protect your interests because everyone with an agenda wants the world to run in a way that suits them, not you.
- In life, stuff happens. If education is to be useful, the focus should be on preparing young people for dealing with stuff when it happens.
- You can let life happen and accept whatever comes your way or you can go out there and get what you want but it won’t happen by accident.
- Mistakes are an essential part of our education. They provide us with lessons we’ll never forget, and that valuable commodity known as experience.
- If you think the priority for politicians is the best interests of the people, then think again. The priority for politicians is their best interests.
- Doing nothing is doing something and it has consequences. Think carefully before you do nothing, it might just lead to an outcome you don’t want.
Quotes about life’s journey (46-50):
- Evil prospers when good people do nothing. A quiet life comes at a price, and that price may be far greater than you realise. If it matters to you, defend it.
- You’ll never please everyone, so don’t waste your energy trying. Do the best you can with whatever you have. Some will appreciate your efforts, some won’t. That’s life.
- Politicians want power more than they want the truth. They’ll knowingly subvert the truth if they think it will lead them to power. So, judge politicians with a sceptical ear.
- Never forget that everyone you meet is a potential recruiting sergeant for someone else. And you never know when someone else might be looking for someone just like you.
- It’s perfectly reasonable for you to do what you believe is best for you, regardless of what anyone else might feel about it. It’s your life and you must look after your interests because no one else will.
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