Public Speaking: The Power of the Pause

Public SpeakingToday I offer you a tip for public speaking: the power of the pause. This is a great tip from Brian Tracy.

If your aim is to be successful then mastering the art of public speaking is an essential skill you must develop.

If you’re a successful, high-profile individual you can’t avoid speaking in public, at least occasionally. However much you might try to resist it I’m afraid it’s like trying to hold back the tide. It can’t be done.

However, I recognize that public speaking can be a bit daunting even for people who are otherwise quite confident.

So if you lack confidence in this area then don’t worry. You’re not alone I promise you. Most people feel just like you do when they find themselves standing in front of a crowd faced with the expectation that they’ll be able to say something meaningful and present it in an interesting and engaging way too.

The key to being interesting is developing your public speaking technique. The more you practice and build your technique the more confident you’ll feel when you step up to the lectern.

One way to improve your public speaking technique is to learn from some of the best speakers and copy what they do. And Brian Tracy is an excellent speaker worthy of study. Personally, I find him both interesting and inspiring.

So if Brian has something to say then listening to him is worthy of your time I believe.

In the short but excellent video embedded with this post, Brian Tracy offers some useful advice on the subject of public speaking. In particular, using the power of a pause to emphasize or reinforce a point being made.

An important element of public speaking is making sure that the underlying messages resonate with your audience. If they take away three or four powerful messages then you’ll have done your job and done it well.

If you want to improve your public speaking skills, I recommend you watch this video.

You’ll learn some helpful tips, as well as one of the little-known secrets used by top public speakers.

Once again I must say, Brian’s short video is well worth a few minutes of your time.

Public Speaking: The Power of the Pause

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