33 funny quotes about age sure to amuse you

Today I’m exploring some funny quotes about age.

If you’re like me, age might bother you a little bit.

The years go by so quickly, don’t they? Life goes by in the blink of an eye, or so it seems.

We all want to make the most of our time, of course. However, life usually gets in the way, doesn’t it? As John Lennon once said, “Life’s what happens while you’re busy making other plans.”

When we’re young, we have time and energy but no money and few skills.

As we get older, we have the demands of work and family eating up the time we have. And while we have some money, it mostly goes into paying bills.

Then in old age, we have some money, if we’ve been lucky, and we have fewer demands on our time, but we have no energy, and our bodies start to let us down.

Life can be like a cruel joke at times. However done right, life can be fun too. Well, I think so anyway.

Live life while you can, and don’t put anything off until someday because someday never comes. There are seven days in every week, and someday isn’t one of them. If you want to do it, then do it now.

But not before you enjoy these 33 funny quotes about age. I am confident they will amuse you, and they’ll get you thinking about life too.

Make Money

Funny quotes about age (1-11)

Funny quotes about age (12-22)

Funny quotes about age (13-33)

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