101 tattoo quotes that make a statement

TATTOO QUOTESTattoo quotes have become highly fashionable and having quotes inscribed on your ribs, your back or your arms can be a great way to promote your own personal philosophy or simply make a personal statement.

The important thing is to find the right quote for you. So before you ink, think.

Which quote reflects the true you?

Find something original if you can.

Don’t just go for the quote everyone else is using. Be an original, not a copy.

And if you need some suggestions then here are 101 tattoo quotes that you might consider. Enjoy them all.

101 Tattoo Quotes (1-25):

  1. I believe in me.
  2. My life my way.
  3. I can and I will. Watch me.
  4. Think less. Live more.
  5. You’re playing with fire.
  6. Kind words touch hearts.
  7. In my story, I’m the hero.
  8. We all need love, not judgement.
  9. Life’s short so enjoy the ride.
  10. I’m an original, not a copy.
  11. I may forgive but I don’t forget.
  12. Life is a journey to infinity by bus.
  13. No one owns me. I’m a free spirit.
  14. Smooth seas don’t make skilled sailors.
  15. It’s better to wait long than marry wrong.
  16. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone.
  17. I’m as good as anyone and better than most.
  18. I’m an emotional being, not a thing to be used.
  19. Things end and people change but life goes on.
  20. I am who I am and your approval is not required.
  21. Follow your heart but take your brains with you.
  22. I just want to spend the rest of my life laughing.
  23. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Live today.
  24. Are you big enough to take this tiger for a ride?
  25. Love given will be reflected. That goes for crap too.

101 Tattoo Quotes (26-50):

  1. The choices you make will dictate the life you lead.
  2. I’m stronger than I look and smarter than you think.
  3. I can’t change the past but I can influence the future.
  4. I’m old enough to know better but young enough not to care.
  5. There’s your way and there’s my way but there’s no right way.
  6. You won’t get to second base if you don’t take both feet off first.
  7. I’ll trust you until you give me a reason not to then I’ll never trust you again.
  8. Making the right choices today will improve your tomorrow.
  9. Doing better than me doesn’t mean you are better than me.
  10. I wasn’t born just to go to work and pay bills until I die.
  11. I may be a work in progress but I’m getting better every day.
  12. You never really know someone until you say no to them.
  13. It’s pointless arguing with people. They’ll believe what they want to believe.
  14. Givers have to set limits because takers don’t have any.
  15. I am valuable and irreplaceable.
  16. Enjoy today for life is short and one day it will be your last.
  17. Dare to do something that scares you.
  18. Look back only to see how far you’ve come.
  19. Like me, love me. Take me, leave me. Just don’t hurt me or use me.
  20. When trust is broken, sorry means nothing.
  21. Being alone is better than being with a liar or a cheat.
  22. Don’t judge me until you’ve walked a mile in my shoes.
  23. If your vibe isn’t positive I don’t need the drama.
  24. You’re never too important to be nice to people.
  25. Don’t trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar.

101 Tattoo Quotes (51-75):

  1. There’s no such thing as failure, only feedback.
  2. You’ll never have today again, so enjoy it.
  3. Nothing will work unless you do.
  4. If you have nothing in life but a good friend, you’re rich.
  5. Loneliness doesn’t come from being alone. It comes from feeling that no one cares.
  6. My past was a series of lessons, not a life sentence.
  7. Don’t try to change that which can’t be changed.
  8. Enjoy each moment because life is fleeting.
  9. People will take everything you give and a bit more too but rarely is it truly appreciated.
  10. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.
  11. Man who chases two rabbits catches neither.
  12. Happiness is enjoying the little things in life.
  13. Maybe I can; maybe I can’t. I won’t know unless I try.
  14. I’m too fabulous to fit in.
  15. I don’t want a perfect life I just want a happy life.
  16. If you respect me and I’ll respect you.
  17. While we try to teach our children about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
  18. Attitude is a behaviour we choose for ourselves.
  19. The most precious jewels I’ll ever have around my neck are the arms of my children.
  20. Embrace who your children are and not who you’d like them to be.
  21. The best thing about the worst of times is that you get to see everyone’s true colours.
  22. You never know when it will be the last time, so make every time a good time.
  23. Never allow someone else to hold the key to your happiness.
  24. The quality of your life will depend on the degree to which you can tolerate life outside your comfort zone.
  25. It’s not about being the best. It’s about doing your best.

101 Tattoo Quotes (76-101):

  1. Every ending is also a beginning. Embrace the next chapter in your story.
  2. Good things may go to those who wait but the best things go to those who hustle.
  3. I succeed or I learn a lesson but either way I win.
  4. Don’t lie to me. It’s not worth it and I don’t deserve it.
  5. A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything.
  6. I need encouragement more than I need critics.
  7. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
  8. Marry the right person and you’ll be happy. Marry the wrong one and you’ll be a philosopher.
  9. There’s no such thing as failure only feedback.
  10. Life may be hard but it’s harder if you’re stupid.
  11. You can’t change people they must change themselves.
  12. One good friend is worth a thousand fake ones.
  13. I can only be myself. Anything else would be a fake.
  14. I am unique just like everyone else.
  15. It doesn’t matter whether you believe I can, as long as I believe I can.
  16. If you can only be one thing, be kind.
  17. Life is what you make it, so make it great.
  18. A life worth living starts outside your comfort zone.
  19. Know your why and you’ll find a way.
  20. Every day is a new opportunity to start again.
  21. Nothing matters much and few things really matter at all.
  22. If you’re thinking anyway, you might as well think big.
  23. Life is an adventure or it is nothing at all.
  24. You become the people you surround yourself with.
  25. I live life through the windshield, not the rearview mirror.
  26. Words have power, use them wisely.

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