21 Quotes by Boris Johnson and I love the first one

Today I’ve curated some of the many quotes by Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson is undoubtedly one of the most colourful characters in recent British politics, so I thought it would be interesting to reflect on what he’s had to say.

He’s always been a controversial character, and he’s probably loved and loathed in equal measure. However, he’s not a man easily ignored. Certainly, he can be relied upon occasionally to offer us a memorable quote.

So here are 21 quotes by Boris Johnson and my particular favourite is definitely No 1. I’m sure when it comes to cake, we’re all pro-having it and pro-eating it.

Enjoy them all, and please feel free to share them with your friends.

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Quotes by Boris Johnson (1-7)

Quotes by Boris Johnson (1-14)

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Quotes by Boris Johnson (15-21)

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