27 Quotes by Bob Marley to remind you of his talent

Today I’ve curated some excellent quotes by Bob Marley.

The late Bob Marley was a Jamaican singer-songwriter who became an international musical and cultural icon. He is one of the greatest recording artists of all time.

His music blended mostly reggae, ska, and rocksteady rhythms into compositions with a very commercial sound and broad appeal.

However, beneath the commercial sound were lyrics with real bite. And that, in my opinion, is why his songs remain popular to this day.

To have risen from humble beginnings to have the international impact Bob Marley had, then you have to be someone very special, and he was, certainly in musical terms.

Here are 27 quotes by Bob Marley to remind you of what a talent the world has lost.

Quotes by Bob Marley (1-10)

Make Money

Quotes by Bob Marley (11-20)

Make Money

Quotes by Bob Marley (21-27)

Make Money

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