13 interesting quotes by Mary Tyler Moore

Today I thought it would be interesting to explore some quotes by Mary Tyler Moore.

For anyone who doesn’t remember the late Mary Tyler Moore, she was a big star in American sitcoms in the 1960s and the 1970s.

She is probably best known for her roles on The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961–1966) and The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970–1977), which helped define a new vision of American womanhood and appealed to an audience facing the challenges of everyday existence, as it was for people back in those days.

However, Mary Tyler Moore was not just a successful sitcom actress.

She was a successful businesswoman, producer, and social advocate. She was also an advocate for animal rights, vegetarianism, and Diabetes prevention.

During her career, Mary Tyler Moore won 7 Primetime Emmy Awards and 3 Golden Globe Awards. She was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Ordinary People.

She achieved all of this whilst having to cope with the debilitating condition of Diabetes.

By any measure, she was a smart lady, whose ideas are worthy of our attention.

So here are 13 interesting quotes by Mary Tyler Moore to get you thinking today.

Quotes by Mary Tyler Moore (1-10):

  1. I’m not an actress who can create a character. I play me.
  2. I’ve had the fame and the joy of getting laughter. Those are gifts.
  3. You truly have to make the very best of what you’ve got. We all do.
  4. You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.
  5. I still feel as if I weren’t a good enough mother. I didn’t break any rules.
  6. Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you’re really strangers.
  7. Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.
  8. I live in a kind of controlled awareness. I wouldn’t call it fear, but it’s an awareness. I know I have a responsibility to behave in a certain way. I’m able to do that.
  9. Diabetes is an all-too-personal time bomb which can go off today, tomorrow, next year, or 10 years from now. A time bomb affecting millions like me and the children here today.
  10. I need insulin to stay alive. It’s just therapy to keep going. What I can do is make sure that I keep my blood sugar down to a reasonable level. I can exercise, and I can eat properly. And insulin plays a very big part in that.

Quotes by Mary Tyler Moore (11-13):

  1. My peripheral vision has been severely limited because of my diabetes, which means I can see just fine looking straight ahead. But if I am at a function with lots of people, I am constantly bumping into people – even kicking them!
  2. I know the food groups that I like to have and are good for me and those that I have to stay away from. And so, I don’t need to know exactly what I’m going to eat, but I take my insulin probably 20 minutes before I’m going to sit down.
  3. There are certain things about me that I will never tell anyone because I am a very private person. But basically, what you see is who I am. I’m independent, I do like to be liked, I do look for the good side of life and people. I’m positive, I’m disciplined, I like my life in order, and I’m neat as a pin.

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