2 poems for the homeless and less fortunate

POEMS FOR THE HOMELESSI was in central London some time ago, and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for those who are homeless on our streets.

We live in difficult times, and it’s always good to remember those less fortunate than ourselves.

On my journey home, I wrote the following two poems for the homeless:

I hope you like them both.

If you do, then please feel free to share them on social media. They’re free to circulate, as long as they’re not used for commercial purposes.

Poems for the homeless:

1. Hard Living:

poems for the homeless

2. Homelessness:

Poetry for the homeless

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POEMS FOR THE HOMELESSIf you liked these poems, then please feel free to share them with your friends on social media. And please feel free to use them. As long as it’s not being used for commercial gain, I have no problem with anyone using them.

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2 Poems for today to make you think

Poems for TodayI have never been clever with words, dear reader, but I’ve always been impressed with those who are. In particular, I like poetry and writers who are clever with verse. So naturally, I like having a go at writing poetry and seeing whether I can produce something half-decent.

Today I offer you two poems that I wrote yesterday. The first is my reaction to the present cult of what has become known as ‘cancel culture‘ and the second reflects an incident that actually happened to me whilst attempting to mow our lawn at home.

If you enjoy either of these poems, please feel free to share them. They are free for anyone to share, providing they are not used for commercial gain.

1. Cancel Culture:

Cancel Culture Poem


2. Battle with a Lawn Mower:

Battle with a Lawn Mower

Please share this post with your friends:

If you liked these poems then please feel free to share them with your friends on Pinterest or social media.

Remember, when you share, everyone wins.

So go on, please share this post now. If can you do that for me, I’ll be ever so grateful and you’ll be helping a keen blogger reach a wider audience.

Thank you for your support.

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