Neanderthal Man: A poem about a modern phenomenon

For those unfamiliar with the term, Neanderthal man was a subspecies of humans that lived in Europe and Asia from around 400,000 to 40,000 years ago. In this context, the word ‘man’ is being used as a synonym for human beings.

In theory, this subspecies is long gone. Nevertheless, when we see how some people behave during modern protests, you must wonder whether this is true.

Don’t get me wrong, protesting is a valid form of making your voice heard in any democracy. People are entitled to protest if they feel they have a genuine grievance, and their voices are not being heard.

Where I do have a problem, though, is when protest descends into violence, vandalism, and destruction of property. I think that’s unnecessary. Certainly, it’s unlikely to win over hearts and minds, in my opinion.

Anyway, I summarised my thoughts on this subject in the form of a poem, which I thought I’d share with you, dear reader.

It’s just how I see it. You may see it differently and that’s fine. We all have our opinions on these things.

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